terminal delivery

[ˈtɚmənəl dɪˈlɪvəri][ˈtə:minəl diˈlivəri]


  • Effect of Terminal on Mobile Operators and Services Delivery

    终端对业务和 运营商的影响

  • For open storage yard port and rail terminal etc * Normal delivery of large gantry crane bridge and a similar structure .

    用于露天贮料场、港口和铁路 等处。普通 运载桥与大型门式起重机的结构相似。

  • Analysts predict the operation costs for delivery companies in the city will increase sharply as electric bicycles are a major transportation source at the terminal of delivery .

    有分析认为,由于电动自行车是目前快递公司在 终端 配送中使用的主要交通工具,限制电动车行驶将大幅提高深圳快递企业运营成本。

  • Logistics companies realize the communication with manufacturer and consumer through the intelligent terminal and sensor equipment at any time the intelligent management of delivery men and warehouses database management operation .

    物流公司通过智能 终端和传感器等设备实现了厂家和消费者的信息交流,并实现了对 送货员和仓库的智能管理、数据库的管理维护等操作。

  • As an advertising carrier G3 media advertising terminals provide advertising online release and terminal remote management and have advantages such as real-time release fine precise delivery and so on reducing promotional costs and improving advertising effectiveness .

    G3传媒以广告终端作为广告承载体,向广告运营商提供广告在线发布和 终端远程管理,具有广告实时发布、精细化、精准 投放等优势,进一步降低宣传成本,提高广告投放效果。

  • Simulation of covariance analysis describing equation technique for terminal weapon delivery

    协方差分析描述函数法在 终端 航空武器 投放动态仿真研究中的应用