term of settlement

[tɚm ʌv ˈsɛtlmənt][tə:m ɔv ˈsetlmənt]

[经] 付款条件,结算条件

  • For the improved method considers the different characteristics of settlement curve between primary and secondary consolidation phases it is more suitable for long term forecasting of soft ground settlement .

    改进方法考虑了主、次固结阶段沉降曲线的不同特征,更适合软土地基的 长期 沉降预测。

  • China is in the term of high-speed highway construction . Because of uneven settlement of the abutment back and other structures the highway bridge junction damage occurs resulting in the growing phenomenon of bridgehead bump .

    我国目前处于公路建设的快速发展 时期,由于台背和其他结构的不均匀 沉降,使公路桥头连接处发生损坏,造成桥头跳车的现象日益严重。

  • We have receive your sample with a price list and term of settlement all of which we find satisfactory .

    贵公司寄来的样品、定价表以及 结算 条件已收妥。我们感到非常满意。