terminate the action

[ˈtɚməˌnet ði ˈækʃən][ˈtə:mineit ðə ˈækʃən]

[法] 终止诉讼

  • Where the people 's court finds the case being handled according to the procedure prescribed in this chapter is a dispute over civil rights and interests it shall make a ruling to terminate the special procedure and inform the interested parties to start a separate action .

    人民法院在依照本章程序审理案件的过程中,发现本案属于民事权益争议的,应当裁定 终结特别程序,并告知利害关系人可以另行 起诉

  • Even if the false statement case is received it is most likely to terminate the action ;

    即使虚假陈述案件已受理,还可能被 终结 诉讼

  • This power to issue orders that summarily terminate risks to the public health safety or economic welfare has historical antecedents in the common law power to abate public nuisances but in the modern regulatory state the delegation of powers to take summary action has become widespread .

    发布命令即刻 中止对公共健康、安全或经济福利构成危险 权力在减少公害的普通法权力方面是有历史先例的,但在近代行政管理领域,诉诸简易 诉讼的授权已普遍流行。