


  • Wraparound fire Discussion on Integrated Urban-rural Planning in Core Zone of Tianjin Binhai New Area

    包围 建筑物核心区的火天津滨海新区核心区的城乡统筹规划

  • Radiation characteristics of wraparound microstrip antenna on cylindrical bodies

    环绕 微带共形天线辐射特性的研究

  • Otherwise the large-framed wraparound sunglasses are better because they can protect your eyes from sunlight coming from all angles .

    否则的话,你可能觉得 宽边眼睛更适合你,因为它可以遮挡从不同角度射来的阳光。

  • Because of the influence for wraparound ordinary absorb boundary condition can however not achieve ideal effect .

    但是 存在一定的问题,由于 折叠效应的影响,普通的吸收边界条件不能达到良好的效果。

  • Research on Conformal Wraparound Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna

    共形 环状毫米波微带天线研究

  • Experimental results show that this method can effectively improve fusion result and achieve high overall accuracy of classification . Secondly further study is processed to allay the influence of wraparound effect brought in by finite ridgelet transform .

    仿真实验表明,该方案能有效地改善融合效果,并进一步提升分类精度。其次,针对有限脊波变换存在的 环绕效应所引入的 噪声,研究了 减小其影响的 方案

  • This paper describes the characteristics of rotating and yawing damping moment of wraparound fins in sub-supersonic flow and theoretically proves the necessity of positive-opposite rotation of wraparound with thickness at zero angle of attack in sub-supersonic flow .

    本文给出了亚、超音速弧翼的 滚转及偏航阻尼力矩特性,并从理论上证明了零攻角时有厚度弧翼在亚、超音速绕流时正、反向滚转的必然性。

  • A specialist at Sydney Eye Hospital said that wraparound glasses were the best for eye protection and children should be encouraged to wear them from the age of three or four .

    悉尼眼科医院的一位专科医师说, 宽边墨镜保护眼睛的效果最好,儿童从三四岁起就应该开始佩戴。

  • In order to overcome the windowing effects and wraparound errors statistically optimal planar near_field acoustical holography ( SOPNAH ) is used .

    为了克服窗效应和 卷绕误差,引入了统计最优平面近场声全息技术。

  • Answer : wraparound rise to basically have two sides : it is thought understanding respect 2 it is respect of skill of knowledge of fire prevention put out a fire .

    答: 概括起来主要有两个方面:一是思想熟悉方面,二是防火、灭火知识技能方面。

  • Since this algorithm avoid using finite randon transform to discretize ridgelet this digital ridgelet transform can thoroughly eliminate wraparound effect thus achieving better fusion results but it also brings in data redundancy .

    由于没有采用有限Randon变换实现脊波的数字化,它能彻底消除 环绕效应,融合的效果也能得到进一步改善,但是引入了数据冗余。

  • The mode line drives an interrupt input pin and the software can use the interrupt as a toggling function or to access a wraparound multiple-choice menu .

    模型线驱动中断输入 引脚,软件作为所存功能或访问 包裹的多选择菜单来使用中断。

  • Objective To evaluate the characteristics and clinic effects of transparent full-arch wraparound retainer .

    目的:综合评价热 压膜透明联冠保持器的临床应用特点及疗效。

  • A wraparound spider has a broad abdomen which is so flattened that the spider can wrap itself around a twig .


  • Finally this paper is epilogue do a total wraparound highlight the value of paper writing .

    最后是结语,对本文做一个总的 概括,突出本文撰写的价值。

  • This exceptionally comfortable motorcycle helmet has a wraparound visor and shock-absorbent rubber padding .

    这个数目舒适的摩托车头盔有一个 概括的面颊和底胶的填充物。

  • The concentration of this one essential feature is wraparound be charter provision all influence of people 's Republic of China belong to people .

    这一本质特征的集中 概括,就是宪法规定的“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民”。

  • The key Techniques Analyes of Wraparound Labelling Machine for Large Diameter Cylindrical Containers

    大瓶径环 贴标机技术关键的分析

  • In the case of angle of attacks the high pressure region before the leeward side jet enlarged the region of jet wraparound effect moving forward and the jet interaction control was more effective .

    有攻角时,背风侧喷流前的高压区更大,喷流 包裹作用的影响区域前移,喷流的控制效果 更好,这 趋势 攻角的增大更加明显。

  • Be suitable for the buried underground and pipeline systems with PE and metal wraparound sleeves of all size .

    适用于所有尺寸的聚乙烯和金属 护套 电缆 架空、直埋和管道系统。

  • With the penthouses on the top five floors of the north tower came wraparound views & the Catskills far off to the northwest the Statue of Liberty just beyond the southern tip of Manhattan and Central Park right next door .

    时代华纳中心北翼最上面五层的公寓里,可以一览无余地欣赏四周的美景&西北部遥远的 卡茨基尔山、曼哈顿岛南端对面的自由女神像,以及近在咫尺的中央公园。

  • Numerical Simulation of Flow Field for Wraparound Fins Projectile at Zero Angle of Attack
