world line

[wɜrld laɪn][wɜː(r)ld lain]


  • Spring in the world line the road accidentally discovered a roadside spread of the leaves to brown .

    在路上,无意间发现路边 铺展了一地褐色的叶子。

  • Basel Capital Accord has been published since 1988 and used for supervising the banks of GlO . The process gradually was accepted by banks all over the world as a guile line .

    1988年颁布的巴塞尔协议是针对十国集团银行实行资本充足率监管的公约,随着时间的推移这项举措被 全球银行业所普遍接受,成为 全球银行业共同 遵守的准则。

  • The successive bankruptcies of Japanese life insurance companies shock the world insurance line and made us to pay attention to and research on the spread loss .

    日本寿险公司接连倒闭事件给 世界保险 带来不小震动,也引起了业界对利差损问题的重视和研究。

  • However there is no line in the real world . The line what we see is given through the interpretation and definition by our mind . From the very moment of its being line is abstract .

    然而,现实 世界中并没有线,我们看到的 线是我们的头脑给出的解释和定义,线从产生之初,就是抽象性的。

  • We are convinced that such a world is in line with interestsaspirations of the people of various country .

    深信,这样的 世界 符合各国人民的利益和愿望的。

  • They are at their best making their world more in line with their internal vision of perfection .

    他们用自己内在的完美想象,尽力使自己的 世界更加有 秩序

  • When it comes to the liner companies all over the world Sino-us line has become one of the main shipping services for its container volume accounts for 45 % of the whole Pacific line .

    全球主要班轮公司来说,中美 航线已成为其 全球航线中最不容忽视的一条航线,因为该航线的集装箱运量已占整个太平洋航线运量的45%。

  • World line represents the model of the universe arrow .

    世界 线”代表了宇宙箭头的模型。

  • The highlight : According to human nature sentimental than rational and it has always been the world 's first line of human contact . So the emotional design of the study has been hidden a very important topic .

    本文重点指出:根据人的本性,感性是多于理性的,它始终是人类接触 世界的第 一线,所以有关感性的研究是设计中隐藏的一个很重要的议题。

  • Crystal Cruises was named world 's best large-ship cruise line and Singapore Airlines took the title of world 's best international airline .

    水晶邮轮被评为 世界最佳大型 邮轮,而新加坡航空公司则被评为世界最佳航空公司。

  • Why do people in this time period worry so much about time traveler 's destroying their world line when they have no problem doing it themselves every day ?

    为什么人们对时间旅行者对于自己 世界的破坏充满忧虑而不顾虑自己的所作所为?

  • Fully aware of the more severe challenges ahead the workers firmly believe they will build the Qinghai-Tibet railway into a world class rail line on the plateaus .

    虽然建设者们将面临更严峻的考验,但他们坚信一定会将青藏铁路建设为 世界一流的高原 铁路

  • In recent years The Hydraulic-Servo mould is applied in the world realized product line 's automation for continuous metal cast .

    近年来, 国内外采用液压式非正弦振动结晶器,实现了 连铸生产的自动化;

  • The number of people in China living below the World Bank 's dollar-a-day poverty line is 300m – three times larger than currently estimated .

    中国生活在 世界银行设定的日均1美元贫困 线以下的人数应为3亿,是目前估算人数的3倍。

  • People in China were among the first in the world to line up at book stores to purchase a copy of the biography written by Walter Isaacson .

    中国人是 世界 最早一批在书店门口 排队购买这本由沃尔特?艾萨克森(WalterIsaacson)撰写的传记的人。

  • Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a world famous high-altitude railway line with features such as oxygen deficiency frozen earth and fragile ecological environment .

    青藏 铁路具有高原缺氧、冻土、生态环境脆弱等特点。

  • China has become the second largest glass fiber producing country in the world in line with which the development of products and applications should be more stressed .

    我国已成为 世界第二大玻璃纤维生产国。这种情况下更要注重产品应用开发。

  • I have no glory in the world that bright line of sight .

    我的 世界没有任何光彩,一点明亮的 视线

  • Agreement on WTO between China and American quickens the pace of Chinese entering WTO and economy of China will fuse into the world bringing further into line with international economy .

    随着中美就加入WTO谈判达成协议,我国入世的步伐正在加快。入世后中国经济将更加紧密地融入 世界经济中,进一步与国际 接轨

  • December 31 2002 the Shanghai maglev demonstration and operation line celebrated its opening ceremony and the world first maglev commercial line was born in China . The next maglev development step in China is under active discussion .

    上海磁浮示范运营线已于2002年12月31日举行了通车典礼, 世界第一条商业运营 线正式在我国诞生,国内外均十分关注我国下一阶段将如何发展。

  • The Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world ; line with its cinemas cafe and luxury specialty shops .

    香榭丽舍大街是 世界最著名街道之一,街道 两旁电影院、咖啡馆、高档专卖店林立。

  • Ding 's originality and contributions include his new descriptions of God and Jesus his new explanations of relationships between God and man as well as man and the world all in line with the traditional Chinese culture and real life in China .

    他对上帝和基督的根本特性做了新的界定,对神与人的关系以及人与 世界的关系等问题做了 符合中国传统文化和现实生活的诠释。

  • All that is needed is for real demand in the rest of the world to rise roughly in line with aggregate gross domestic product .

    唯一所需的,就是 世界其它地区的实际需求,以与总体国内生产总值(gdp)大致 相仿的水平上升。

  • Its world line is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of light .

    它的 世界 线倾斜的角度与光速相对应。

  • That is to say your life would not have that kind of scripted perfection : You get the girl everything is going to be perfect and the whole world falls in line dancing behind you .

    也就是说,你的生命,不会像电影剧本中写的那样完美:,得到了女孩的 芳心,所有事情都近乎完美,整个 世界都为你而舞。

  • Therefore to the big bang model different medium in the light path represents a particle in space and time this is the life among physicists call world line things .

    因此,异向介质大爆炸模型中光的路径代表了一个粒子处于空间和时间之中的寿命,这就是物理学家称之为“ 世界 线”的东西。

  • Like every other investment group we put together our own PowerPoint that attempts to explain what is happening to the world but the bottom line is we have no idea .

    与其它所有投资集团一样,我们也通过PowerPoint解释当前 世界 正在发生的事情,但我们也不知道 到底怎么了。

  • World coordinates of geometric center line of pruned plane was acquired by combination of Ultrasonic sensor and CCD camera .

    超声波传感器和摄像机组合可获得修剪平面几何中心 线 绝对坐标。