abbr.War Reserve 军需储备品

  • Wr are a state-operated corporation handling light industrial products .


  • Comparative Research on WR and Aerotip ~ ( TM ) Burners


  • The larger the value of WR is the stronger the water wetness will be .


  • Upper step wedge and lower pass-line adjustment unit serve to compensate wear of WR diameter and BUR diameter .

    上阶梯垫装置和下轧制线调整装置是补偿工作 和支撑辊直径磨损减小的装置。

  • To the question we consider introducing usual WR algorithm to decouple and parallize the system .

    对于此问题,我们考虑引入普通的波形 松弛算法来对系统进行解耦并实现并行。

  • Objective To compare the microbubes gel technology ( MGT ) in diagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid with WR .

    目的比较微柱凝胶技术(MGT)与肥达反应法( WR)在诊断伤寒及副伤寒中的意义。

  • Actively pushing on the reform of water affairs management system deeply develop WR policy study

    积极推进水务管理体制改革深入开展 水利政策法规研究

  • The quantity of goods stated in the Bill of Lading and or WR ( Where permitted ) shall be conclusive evidence of the quantity of goods delivered . Transport Storage Communication Cluster

    提单上的数量和/或 仓库 收据(如准许)证明该数量的货物已交付。交通,货仓与通讯聚合组

  • Based on the present talent situation of Guangxi water conservancy system and the demand of Guangxi water conservancy development Guangxi WR Department actively develop education and training for staff of water conservancy system .

    广西 水利厅依据广西水利系统人才的现状和水利事业发展的要求,积极开展水利职工的教育培训工作。

  • The outlet of medium and small-sized WR construction enterprises

    对中小型 水利施工企业出路的思考

  • An experimental study and theoretical analysis has been conducted of horizontal dense dilute pulverized coal burners installed in a tangentially fired boiler .

    文中对 布置的水平浓淡煤粉燃烧器进行了试验研究和理论分析,并与 WR燃烧器进行了对比性研究。

  • The water sluice reasonable control and management of irrigation area using plays an very important role in using WR reasonably raising water using rate and economic benefit .

    灌区水闸合理有效的控制和管理,对合理使用 资源,提高水的利用率,提高经济效益起着十分重要的作用。

  • Probing into the reform countermeasure of Guangxi WR project management system and the actuality

    广西 水利工程管理体制现状及改革对策探讨

  • Experiments on the WR show that using the normal file systems on DOC is not crash-proof .

    实验表明,在 DOC上使用普通的文件系统,系统几乎不具备防掉电性。

  • Development and application of the new survey technique in WR engineering

    工程测量新技术在 水利工程中的开发与应用

  • Sincerely hope that the WR can help your career take off a hand !

    真诚希望“ WR”能为您的事业腾飞助上一臂之力!

  • The open WR system analysis theory should be combined with water resources science system science and the others . A new and practical WR system analysis technique 's basic principle and application are introduced here that is a half structure decision system fuzzy optimization theory .

    开放的 资源系统分析理论应是水资源学与系统科学等多种学科的结合,介绍一种新兴而实用的水资源系统分析技术&半结构性决策系统模糊优选理论的基本原理及其应用。

  • WR project macroscopic plan and information management system of Guilin city

    桂林市 水利工程宏观规划与信息管理系统

  • Finally the wettability index WR for each core sample was determined from the area under this curve .

    根据该曲线的下 面积,求出每一岩样的润湿指数( WR)。

  • The five orders of society and economy development which WR must satisfy


  • The WR and WC of alfalfa differed at the different climatic region and year .

    不同气候区域和年份紫花苜蓿的 水量 水量不同;

  • Some ideas to strengthen audit supervision for the WR project items of utilizing foreign investment

    加强对利用外资 水利项目审计监督的一些想法

  • Analyzing and evaluating the WR project management system developing potential resources and capacity of Guangxi in market the author thought that the main factors which puzzled and restrained the WR project management system developing were investment model management system and water supply price .

    通过对广西水利工程管理系统在市场、资源和能力3个方面发展潜力的分析评估,认为长期困扰和制约 水利工程管理系统发展的瓶颈因素是投资模式、管理体制和供水价格等政策体系。

  • The continuous wall technology of pile made with cement jetting-milling was proved economic and effect for WR project seepage prevention embankment strengthening and foundation seepage prevention .

    在分析南京长江隧道地下连续墙工程施工的基础上,重点对长江 漫滩地区的地下连续墙综合施工技术进行分析和探讨,以供同类工程参考。

  • To avoid the Guiwu road being divagated the right bank joint dam of the Jingnan WR pivotal project took some measures to shorten the joint dams length and decrease excavation .

    广西 京南 水利枢纽右岸接头坝为避免梧昭公路改道,采取缩短接头坝长度、减少开挖措施,使基建面置于风化强烈、工程地质条件差的岩体上。

  • One of those companies is WR Grace a chemical company that needs cerium and lanthanum to manufacture fluid-cracking catalysts which help to break down heavy crude oil into gasoline .

    格雷斯公司( WRGrace)就是其中之一。这家化学品企业需要铈和镧来制造流化裂化催化剂(fluid-crackingcatalysts),帮助将重质原油裂化生产出汽油。

  • This genetic signature of tumorigenic breast-cancer cells was even more strongly associated with clinical outcomes when combined with the WR signature in breast cancer .

    遗传性乳腺癌细胞的遗传特性 会同临床结果有较好的相应,在乳腺癌患者中结合伤口反应指数时。

  • The task of 21st century WR work is WR supply safeguard for passable continued developing .

    为可持续发展提供水资源保障是21世纪 水利工作的任务。

  • Development of 4-hi Cold Rolling Mill with WR shifting function Ceramic rollers are used in various types of roller kilns as an essential component for supporting and transporting semi-finished products fired at high temperature .

    工作 轴向窜动式四辊冷轧机的开发陶瓷辊棒是现代陶瓷工业辊道窑必不可缺的关键部件,它在高温烧成中起承载传动产品作用。

  • The research results are as follows : 1 . Practical methods for pre-processing in WR have been presented .

    论文主要获得了如下几个方面的研究成果:1.提出了实用的 笔迹图像预处理方法。