




  • Inserts symbols and characters into documents . Text wrapping breaks will become line breaks .

    使您能向文档中插入符号和字符。文字 环绕分隔符将转换为换行符。

  • Tables with text wrapping and framed objects will become left aligned .

    如果表格带有文字 环绕 效果和位于图文框中的对象,则会变为左对齐。

  • If you like you can wrap the gifts but wrapping is not always necessary .

    如果你喜欢,你可以把礼物 起来,但不一定必要。

  • That you wait for I call the person come too'clock for you wrapping you very comfortable .

    那你等着啊,我叫人给你来点钟, 你很舒服。

  • I spent hours yesterday evening wrapping presents .

    我昨天花了好几个小时 包装礼物。

  • Get back to home I have checked the wound and made wrapping up for the rabbit at once the mood of the rabbit is stabilized I have made a comfortable nest for rabbits .

    回到家中,我赶紧为兔子检查了伤口并做了 包扎,兔子的情绪稳定下来,我给兔子做了一个舒适的窝。

  • Great . I hate wrapping myself .

    太好了。我讨厌自己 包装

  • Do I bother wrapping this one ?


  • Pictures and objects with top and bottom wrapping may shift upward in the document .

    上下 环绕的图片和对象可能会在文档中向上转

  • Roo has a special project called wrapping that can convert normal JARs into OSGi JARs .

    Roo有一个称为 wrapping的特殊项目,可将常态JAR转化为OSGiJAR。

  • Migrations combine power and simplicity to coordinate both schema changes and data changes using a wrapping approach .

    迁移用 包装的方式组合了协调模式变化和数据变化的威力和简单性。

  • Then it generates an HTML file by an wrapping HTML header and footer around the list file .

    然后它通过 包装这个文件列表的HTML头部和页脚从而产生了一个HTML文件。

  • Pictures and objects with text wrapping will become left or right aligned .

    带文字 环绕 效果的图片和对象将转换为左对齐或右对齐。

  • This is a prerequisite to wrapping it .

    这是对其进行 包装的先决条件。

  • With brown white black wrapping paper and ribbon packaging bundling gifts is not allowed .

    以褐色、白色、黑色的 包装 和彩带包装、捆扎礼品,也是不允许的。

  • The fancy gift wrapping goes flying and so does the bow with which it 's adorned .


  • He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents .

    他花了一个晚上的时间 圣诞礼物。

  • Red is the best color for wrapping the gift because it symbolizes joy and prosperity .

    红色是 礼品的最佳颜色,因为它象征了喜悦和繁荣。

  • Foods such as chocolate and cereal bars have long been packaged using flow wrapping technology .

    如巧克力和谷类食品的酒吧早已包装用流 细胞 包装技术。

  • He gave me a small white box that had snowflake wrapping on it .

    他给了我一个 包装 上有雪花图案的小白盒。

  • I 'll take it . But the price is a bit high . How about free wrapping ?

    我买了。但价格有点高,免费 包装怎么样?

  • We pulled the wrapping paper apart to see what was in the parcel .

    我们把 包裹 外面的纸撕开,看看里面是什么东西。

  • He raced into the living room with his package excitedly pulling at the wrappings .

    他拿着包裹冲进客厅,兴奋地撕开 包装

  • Then she stood up wrapping her coat around her angrily

    然后她站了起来, 怒气冲冲地穿上大衣。

  • Use plastic bags Plastic bags are essential for wrapping containers and products that can spill and stain your clothes .

    用塑料袋包 可能会溢出东西、 弄污衣服的容器和物品很重要。

  • We pulled ribbon and wrapping paper and bells off the department 's decorations that we had all contributed to .

    我们从大家一起合力装饰的部门圣诞树上扯下缎带、 包装 和圣诞钟。

  • I 've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper .

    我已从公共 基金里拿了一些钱买 包装纸。