thermal power

[ˈθɚməl ˈpaʊɚ][ˈθə:məl ˈpauə]


  • The application of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) in water supply system of thermal power plant is introduced .

    介绍了可编程控制器(PLC)在 发电厂自动供水系统中的应用情况。

  • The influence assessment for thermal power plant construction projects is helpful to control the project risks .


  • Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Equipment Control Systems Research and Engineering Application


  • An auxiliary steam-water system is an important integral part of the thermodynamic system in a thermal power plant .

    辅助汽水系统是 火电机组热力系统的重要组成部分,分析其对发电煤耗率的影响具有重要的现实意义。

  • On-line Analysis and Fault Diagnosis In Running Economical Efficiency of Thermal Power Generator Units


  • University graduate majoring in Mechanical Material Welding Thermal Power Chemical Machinery and other Engineering .

    大学本科毕业,专业是机械,材料,焊接, 热能,化工机械和其他工程专业。

  • The Study on Control Approach of Direct Air Cooling System in Thermal Power Units


  • Analysis on Solar Thermal Power Generation Systems of Chimney Type and Tower Type

    对烟囱式和塔式太阳能 热力 发电系统的分析

  • The seal oil cooling system of a turbogenerator constitutes a complicated system in the simulation study of thermal power plants .

    火力 发电厂电站仿真研究中,汽轮发电机密封油冷却系统是一个复杂系统。

  • Supervisory control system of backup diesel generator in thermal power plant


  • Calculation of coal consumption of electricity supply for mult-unit thermal power plant and development of management system .

    多机组 火力 发电厂供电煤耗计算与管理系统的开发。

  • Ultra supercritical boiler is a direction for thermal power Weld technology are required especially because of increasing in steam pressure and temperature .

    超超临界锅炉是今后我国 火电 建设的发展趋势,蒸汽压力和温度的提高对受压元件金属材料的焊接工艺提出了特殊的要求。

  • Cooling tower is very important to the safety traffic of thermal power plant .

    冷却塔对于确保 火电厂的安全运行具有十分重要的作用。

  • The Application of Distributed Control System in Large Thermal Power Plant Unit

    分散控制系统在大型 火电厂机组中的应用

  • The general methods of remanent | life assessment and failure analysis of the equipments of thermal power plant are introduced .

    介绍 火电厂设备剩余寿命评估和失效分析的一般方法。

  • Solar thermal power generation is one of the most efficiency ways of using solar energy .

    太阳能 发电是有效利用太阳能的一种方式。

  • Therefore China 's Eleventh Five-Year period to carry out a large-scale thermal power units of calcium carbide desulphurization .

    因此,中国在“十一五”时期开展了大规模的 火电机组炭化钙脱硫改造。

  • A new cleaning methods and automatic cleaning system for the direct air-cooling unit in thermal power plants was described .

    介绍了 火电厂直接空冷机组新清洗方式及其自动清洗系统。

  • The detailed configuration of primary frequency modulation for large thermal power plants as well as note-worthy points was presented .

    介绍了一次调频在 电力系统中的作用及华北电网对一次调频技术指标要求。

  • The development situation of the software for water balance test in thermal power plant is introduced .

    介绍了 火力 发电厂水平衡测试软件的研制情况。

  • The thermal power plant gives the city a full supply of electricity .

    这家 热力 发电厂向该市提供充足的电力。

  • Analysis of FGD Electric System Design in Thermal Power Plant

    火力 发电厂烟气脱硫系统电气设计分析

  • In the all-solar thermal power generation the thermochemical energy storage is a key step .

    热化学储能问题是纯太阳能 发电过程中最关键的一个环节。

  • Strategic research on basic theory and key technology of solar thermal power generation system

    太阳能 发电系统基础理论与关键技术战略研究

  • Hot oil system power plant steam system thermal power plant natural gas supply system water cycle system refrigeration system and other industries .

    热油系统、电站、蒸汽系统、 热电厂、天然气供应系统、水循环系统、冷冻系统等行业。

  • The choice of desulfurization technology is the key to the desulfurization project construction of thermal power plant .

    脱硫工艺的选择是 火电厂脱硫工程建设的关键。

  • Inhomogeneous thermal power density and temperature distribution of inside-pumped solid-state tube lasers have been derived in this paper .

    本文导出了内 泵浦方式下管状固体激光器的非均匀发 热量和温度分布。

  • In this paper the investment risk management of thermal power construction project under the new investment system is studied systematically .

    本文对新投资体制下 火电建设项目投资风险管理进行了系统研究。

  • The relationship among the thermal power plant standard reference environment and safety reference environment is addressed .

    阐述了 火电厂系统、标准参考环境和安全基准环境三者之间的关系。

  • Research on application of building energy saving techniques and new material to thermal power plants

    建筑节能技术与新材料在 火力 发电厂中的运用研究