time book

[taɪm bʊk][taim buk]


  • She has spent a great deal of time reading the book .

    她读这本 花了许多 时间

  • Sometimes civilization was a big flat on the mound ant John P Robinson and Jeffrey gold in the life time than book wrote .

    有时文明就像是“一个被踩瘪的大蚁冢”,约翰·P·鲁宾逊和杰弗里·戈德比在《生活 时间 中写道。

  • It 's not that I don 't believe in contemporary literature but I don 't want to waste valuable time reading any book that has not had the baptism of time .

    不是说我不相信现代文学。我只是不愿意在阅读未经过时间洗礼的 书籍方面浪费 时间

  • On the 3-D Structure of External Shape of the Medieval Time Codex Book


  • The new CEO is known to give colleagues copies of Competing Against Time a book about using supply chains as a strategic weapon in business .

    这位新CEO曾经送给同事们多本《与 时间竞争 讲述的是如何将供应链作为一项战略武器来使用。

  • However please reserve the special meal next time you book a ticket and confirm it24 hours before flight .

    但请您在 下次 订票 预定,并于乘机前24小时再次确认您的餐食。

  • The same time book as the broadcasting film and TV is a culture phenomenon emerged in the recent years therefore borrowing hot point comes into library .

    影视 同期 是近年来产生的一种文化现象,由此也产生了图书馆的影视同期 借阅热点。

  • ( Being ) used for a long time the book looks old .

    由于用了很长 时间,这本 看上去很旧。

  • Every time a book about public speaking arrives on my desk I skim it for tips .

    每收到一 有关公开演讲的书,我都会浏览一遍,寻找窍门。

  • What time did you book with that guy this afternoon ?

    你和那鬼佬 的是下午几 点钟

  • The theory of binaries in terms of differential equations is treated for the first time in this book .

    二进制的理论,就微分方程而言,第一 在这 书里被对待。

  • The paper proves those Books of Rites for example CHOU Li 's credibility at the same time these conclusions help to discuss the time that Book of Rites was written .

    本文的结论增强了《周礼》等礼书的可信性,同时对于探讨礼 的撰作 时间也大有助益。

  • By coincidence his teaching contract finished at about the same time his first book was published .

    很巧,他的任教合同到期与他第一 的出版几乎是在同一 时间

  • Since the book will take some time before it can be published it should be based on the latest Java technology that is available at the time the book comes out .

    由于书籍出版前需要一段时间,因此它应该基于 书籍推出 可用的最新Java技术。

  • Since the time when the book The Travels of Marco Polo was published Europeans have showed strong interest in China .


  • In each time a book is carried in or out a bar code scanner scans the book for record and statistics .

    在携带出入 时候用条形码扫描器逐一扫描每本图书档案的方式记录及统计信息。

  • He wrote : The message we took away was to hell with clients who took the time to book in advance if we can make more money through a single group total island booking .

    他写道:对于预订被取消的信息,我们的理解是花了 时间提前 预订的旅客滚蛋吧,如果我们可以接单独的团赚更多钱,整个岛包下来都没问题。

  • Fairley was a professor at WIGS at the time the book was published .

    当该 出版的 时候,Fairley是WIGS的教授。

  • But this time the book 's gonna get us all fired .

    但是 这次教条会让我们被解雇的。

  • By the time his book appeared in 2009 his warning had become reality .

    他的 在2009年出版的 时候,这种警告已经成真。

  • By what kind of standard to determine the authenticity of a book involves the question how to regard the cultural development . When we judge the value of a book we should place it in the time the book is produced .

    以何种标准来判定一部书的真伪,便涉及到如何看待文化发展的问题,我们应该将 伪书置于它所产生的那个 时代来评判它的价值。

  • Used for a long time the book looks very old .

    用了 很久,已经显得很旧了。

  • From three check against the elucidation : 1 was made by the brief introduction of the 《 Zhou Yi 》 people understands the substance of the yin and yang gossip is a divination at that time book ;

    从三个方面对照说明:1、经《周易》的简介使人们明了阴阳八卦的实质是 当时的占卜筮

  • Second to describe for the first time in a book recent results of Smirnov in conformal invariance .

    来描述,这在一 的第一 时间,最近的结果斯米尔诺夫在形不变性。

  • It 's a waste of time reading that book . it 's rubbish .

    看那 真是浪费 时间。那简直是垃圾。