time cost

[taɪm kɔst][taim kɔst]


  • Furthermore cost-sensitive decision trees with relative waiting time cost is proposed by combining the sequential test strategy with batch test strategy .

    然后结合序列测试策略和批量测试策略建立相对等待 时间 代价敏感决策树。

  • On the basis of different type of postponement strategy the product cost models with the factor of time cost and without are proposed .

    然后建立了不同延迟策略下,在考虑资金 时间 价值因素和不考虑资金 时间 价值因素时的产品成本模型。

  • The increasing time cost of international transport determines not only trade but also location decisions of multinational firms and flows of foreign direct investment .

    国际运输不断增加的 时间 成本不仅决定跨国公司的贸易而且还决定他们的选址决策以及外国直接投资的流动。

  • They forgot to figure in occasional expenses in a budget Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task .

    他们忘了将临时开销计入预算中。并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务 时间 开销的有力途径。

  • By providing a targeted gene screening strategy correct identification of genotype-specific ECG patterns could support the clinical diagnosis reduce monetary / time cost and ultimately increase the positive rate in mutation search .

    因此,利用心电图做基因分型预测,不仅增强了临床诊断的可靠性,而且为实验室提供了定向测序的目标,以求提速 节支和增加基因检测的阳性率。

  • The experimental results show this new mechanism can reduce updating-message redundancy and time cost of consistency maintenance .

    实验表明,该机制可以降低更新消息的冗余传播和一致性维护的 时间 开销

  • The performance of SISI is consistent with the analysis result of model : The accuracy and time cost of retrieval mainly rely on users ' count and count of result records mainly rely on Web documents ' count .

    SISI的实际检索性能与分析检索模型所得结论一致:检索准确率和检索 时间主要依赖于用户数,检索返回的记录数主要依赖于文档数。

  • The best explanation of why time cost hasn 't been included she says is that ' we still don 't have the data we need to provide really accurate estimates .

    她说,对没有计入 时间 成本的最好解释是,我们仍缺少提供真正准确的估计所需的数据。

  • Recently many approximate algorithms can mine frequent itemsets over data stream . However these algorithms still can not efficiently reduce space and time cost .

    许多近似算法能够有效地对数据流进行频繁项挖掘,但不能有效地控制内存资源 消耗和挖掘运行 时间

  • He is known for his hesitancy in such matters and his hesitation at that time cost him the championship .

    对于这类事情他经常踌躇不前,这是尽人皆知的。那 时候他的犹豫不决 使痛失冠军。

  • Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task .

    并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务 时间 开销的有力途径。

  • To solve the problem of rule learning time cost for traditional transformation based part of speech tagging method of Latin Mongolian a dynamic partition algorithm was presented .

    针对传统基于转换的 词性标注方法中规则学习 速度过慢的问题提出了一种对训练语料库进行动态划分的算法。

  • Analogy system for controlling quality time cost of construction projects

    工程项目质量 工期 费用控制模拟系统

  • Experimental result shows that this method can effectively reduce the time cost and improve the correctness of registration compared to the method based on mutual information .

    实验结果表明,与基于互信息的图像配准方法相比,该方法能有效地减少 耗费 时间,提高配准精度。

  • The experimental results show that the UKF algorithm outperforms the other two in accuracy while its time cost is very much close to the KF algorithm .

    实验结果证明,使用UKF算法的跟踪精度优于其他两种算法, 时间 耗费仅次于KF算法。

  • Mining Web Logs to Reduce the Time Cost of Information Foraging

    挖掘Web日志降低信息搜寻的 时间 费用

  • Aerodynamic optimization design of airfoils and wings using control theory approach can avoid the great computation time cost in the traditional approach when lots of design variables are required to solve the gradients .

    采用控制理论进行优化设计可以避免传统方法在多设计变量时求解梯度所 花费的巨额 时间

  • Since STC has favorable performance in considering time cost and the inverted index method is superior in terms of spatial complexity STC was used to improve RS algorithm .

    STC算法在 时间 成本上具有优秀性能,重复序列的倒排索引方法在空间复杂度方面更胜一筹。

  • The current AGC mode and the latest control level of generator set are analyzed and the unit economic load dispatch AGC method is introduced which adopts real time Supervisory Information System ( SIS ) to realize real time cost calculation and net bidding .

    通过分析当前AGC方式及发电机组最新的控制水平,介绍了采用实时的厂级监控信息SIS系统,实现 实时 成本核算和竞价上网,完成机组经济负荷调度AGC的方法。

  • According some molds repair need location by location hole because time cost long that adjust location hole location in CNC machine and location accuracy is low .

    对于一些要以定位孔定位,进行修理的模具,由于调整定位孔在加工中心上的位置所 时间长,并且定位精度低。

  • You can scan your portlet service methods for any code that is executed in the same manner on every request and move it to the init method to reduce the run time cost for the service methods .

    可以对Portlet服务方法进行扫描,以发现所有对每个请求执行相同操作的代码,将其移动到初始方法中,以降低该服务方法的运行 开销

  • The numerical tests of three dimensional braided composite structures are presented to show that more accurate results of effective modulus are obtained and little computer time cost comparing to other numerical methods and also to prove that the approach developed in this paper is reliable and efficiency .

    通过对三维编织结构有效模量数值计算,结果表明本文的方法可得到较为准确的有效模量,并较其它解法大大降低了计算 ,因而是一种可靠、高效的方法。

  • CFLs at the time cost roughly $ 11 each 20 times the cost of incandescent bulbs .

    CFL 当时 价格约为每只11美元,是白炽灯泡的20倍。

  • If the data exchanged between tiers is relatively stable this duplication can be considered a one time cost .

    如果层与层之间的数据交换很稳定,那么这种冗余就是 一次性 消耗

  • Research on Hand Gestures Tracking Based on Particle Filtering Aiming at Optimizing Time Cost


  • This article introduced one kind of revolving location method using this method to repair mold location accuracy is high time cost short .

    本文介绍一种旋转定位法,用这种方法定位修理模具,定位精度高, 调整 时间

  • Adopting automated unit test framework can greatly decrease the time cost in unit test and improve the quality of software production so that it help to cut time of the whole develop lifecycle and reduce cost .

    采用自动化单元测试可以大大降低软件开发人员在单元测试所 花费 时间,提高软件产品的质量,从而缩短整个软件开发的周期,降低成本。