time card

[taɪm kɑrd][taim kɑ:d]


  • This paper presents a new method to design a PC bus provided with a GPS synchronous time card for use with an integrated automation system in a substation .

    本文提出一种用于变电站综合自动化系统的PC总线GPS同步 时钟 的新设计方法。

  • Have you punched your time card ? I almost forgot .


  • Do you need to punch time card ?

    不用,我们填 工时

  • We offer real time credit card processing services that are easily and quickly integrated into any existing online business .

    我们提供即时的 在线信用 支付处理服务 端口可以很快将它整合进您的现有网站。

  • Time card record payrolls & pay slip of last three months .

    最近三个月的 考勤记录、工资表、工资单。

  • Failure to punch your time card two or more times within a pay period

    在支薪期间二次或更多次未 按时 打卡

  • His time card confirms it .

    他的 时间 也证实了。

  • When you get to work you put your card in the punch clock and it will print your starting time on the card .

    你来上班的时候,把你的 卡片放进考勤钟,它就会打出你的上班 时间

  • American Express ( AXP ) donates $ 1 to no kid hungry up to $ 1 million each time a registered card is used for dining out .

    而在美国运通(AmericanExpress),只要用户使用已注册的 信用 外出就餐,公司便会向拒绝儿童饥饿组织(NoKid Hungry)捐款1美元&最高捐款100万美元。

  • But the time card wasn 't punched .

    考勤 并没有相关记录。

  • In fact every time you use your card you will accumulate points for getting a prize .

    其实,您 每次 消费,便可累积分数获得奖励。

  • Name tag and time card of employees .

    员工名牌、 员工

  • Next time remember the card and we won 't run into this again .

    下次要记得带 ,再这样就不方便了。

  • Consumers are not charged when they use a debit card in a store or online but retailers pay a small transaction fee each time the card is swiped .

    消费者在商店或网上使用借记卡时并不被收取费用,但 每次 刷卡时,零售商将会支付一小笔交易费。

  • Enter time card information before previewing the Time Card report .

    请在预览工时卡报表之前输入 工时 卡片信息。

  • At the same time PCI card is selected and used as interface for communicate between PC and CAN bus and their communication mode is introduced .

    同时,为了实现上位机与CAN智能节点的通讯,选择了PCI 作为上位机与CAN总线作为接口,并给出了其二者进行通讯的实现方法。

  • The first part focuses on the content of the basic features of credit card fraud and legal nature the same time credit card fraud Malicious Overdraft general analysis of the characteristics and classification according to different characteristics so different from different categories of legal analysis .

    文章第一部分内容集中研究信用卡诈骗罪的基本特征和法律性质, 同时对恶意透支型信用 诈骗罪的特点进行概括性分析,并依据不同的特点做出分类,从而从不同类别进行不同的法理分析。

  • This time credit card users made lower estimates of about $ 135 .

    这次,信用 使用者做出了约135美元的较低估计。

  • In some cases the memory in the card is updated every time the card is used ( eg an account balance is updated ) .

    在一些情况中,卡的存储器 的使用而更新,如帐户余额的更新。

  • You get a time card . it 's clocked in and out for you every day .

    你会有一 记录你每天的出入 时间

  • The next time you do a card trick & remember this .

    当你下一 扑克 时候,要记住这些。

  • I punch my time card .

    我打( 时间

  • At the same time the card must pay attention to distinguish between etiology and pathogenesis know pathogenesis of the relationship between mutual influence and the key to the qing dynasty for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of right .

    同时 还要注意认识辨别病因与病机之间,各种病机之间的相互联系、相互影响,审清关键所在,以利于正确的辨证论治。

  • Effect of carrying out real time display card in respiratory medical department

    呼吸内科仪器 计时公示 的实施效果

  • That is why most people can easily remember phone numbers but have a more difficult time memorizing credit card numbers launch sequences and other number sequences higher than seven .

    这就是为什么大多数人可以很容易地记住电话号码,但却很 记住大于7位数字的信用 号码、发射次序和其他数字序列的原因。

  • While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken we cannot rule out the possibility .

    尽管 现在没有证据表明信用 资料被盗,不过我们不能排除这种可能性。

  • He hasn 't even punched his time card yet .

    他还没打他的 记时 卡片呢。

  • The credit card points exchange system to achieve a traditional commercial bank credit card application business processes information and networking saving the time of credit card customers to exchange business .

    信用卡积分兑换系统实现了将商业银行传统的信用卡申请业务流程信息化和网络化,节省了信用 客户兑换业务的 时间

  • Ensuring that all productive times are correctly recorded by always clocking work order and daily time card together and writing the work order number and the work item .

    通过在工作单和每日 时间 上打卡,确保正确记录所有生产时间,并记录工作单号和工作项目。

  • A new method to design a PC bus provided with a GPS synchromous time card

    PC总线GPS同步 时钟 的新设计方法