time of arrival

[taɪm ʌv əˈraɪvəl][taim ɔv əˈraivəl]


  • A3-dimension location algorithm has been researched and a new algorithm based on TOA ( time of arrival ) is proposed .

    对三维定位算法进行了研究,提出了一种基于 到达 时间的三维定位算法。

  • This paper presents an algorithm based on TOA ( Time of Arrival ) and azimuth measurement . The location principle and feasibility of the technique are analysed in detail .

    本文提出了一种基于TOA( 到达 时间)和方位角测量的算法,详细分析了该技术的定位原理和可行性。

  • With Priority Pass you don 't have to book the Kaohsiung International Airport lounge in advance or even pay at the time of arrival .

    您无须预定 高雄机场贵宾室,甚至到达 无须付款。

  • Clock timing affects crosstalk because it slightly changes the relative time of arrival of aggressive voltage spikes .

    时钟选择影响干扰,因为它仅仅改变电压毛刺 到达的相对 时间

  • This stands for Estimated Time of Arrival . It is used by hospitals airports police and the military .

    预计 到达 时间。多用于医院、机场、警察和军队。

  • Expected time of arrival at worksite per item .

    每个物件 到达工地的预期 时间

  • The provision shall be construed as imposing the duty or liability or providing for the service of notice Where a contract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages the time of arrival of the acceptance shall be governed by Paragraph 2 of Article 16 hereof .

    该条文须解释为对以下的人委以责任或法律责任,或解释为订定须向以下的人送达通知书采用数据电文形式订立合同的,承诺 到达 时间适用本法第十六条第二款的规定。

  • The time of arrival be6:30p . m.

    抵达 时间是下午6点30分。

  • Finally after the scheduled time of arrival at destination seven hours-nine yellow airport .

    终于在预定 到达 时间后的七个小时 抵达目的地-九黄机场。

  • One of the principle benefits of membership means that you don 't have to book any of the Caracas International Airport lounges in advance or even pay at the time of arrival .

    会员可享受到的其中一项主要权益就是,您无须预定任何委内瑞拉机场贵宾室,甚至 到达 无须付款。

  • He had cabled Rudoph his flight number and time of arrival .

    他已把他的班机号和 到达 时间打电报通知鲁道夫。

  • By the time of arrival of the first shipment of 1 units the producer has already produced 4 units .

    到第一批1000个单位的装运物货物 到货 ,生产商己生产了4000个单位的产品。

  • His time of arrival coincided with yours .

    到达 时间与你相同。

  • OK ok then tell me your flight number time of arrival and your name our driver will be waiting at Arrival Exit with your name on our sign .

    行行行,告诉我你的航班号, 到达 时间和名字,我们的司机会拿着有你名字的标牌在到达出口等候。

  • Always call and let someone know your circumstances and your estimated time of arrival .

    经常打电话和让他人知道你的情况,估算出你 到达 时间

  • The time of arrival will be5 p.m.

    抵达 时间将在下午5点。

  • The train 's approximate time of arrival is 10 : 30 .

    列车 到达 时间大约是10:30。

  • Students who receive visitors must sign the visitor 's name and exact time of arrival and departure in the registration book .

    探访完毕,被访者应在登记本上签字并注明 探访者离开 时间

  • It adds positive error to time of arrival ( TOA ) measures the linear filter can not effectively deal with the NLOS error because the linear filter mainly bases on the Gaussian noise .

    传统的线性滤波器主要是针对高斯分布的误差,并不能有效 处理 NLOS误差。

  • Name and nationality of the vessel scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage ;

    航空器的国籍、机型、号码、 识别 标志、预定起飞 时间

  • Please specify your time of arrival .

    请具体说明你 到达 时间

  • It has to issued prediction which include the time of arrival place and prepare the invoice if have agents in processing .

    有代理的需提出发出货预报,包括 时间,地点等,并缮制自己的有关费用。

  • Notice dangerous traffic situations developing and change your time of arrival at the situation .

    注意危险路段的交通状况,改变您 到达该区域的 时间

  • Our expected time of arrival in London is 19:45 local time .

    我们预计 到达伦敦的 时间是当地时间19:45。

  • A detector at B will then record the time of arrival of the reflected wave .

    于是在B点的检波器将记出反射波 到达 时刻

  • This publication is equivalent to the entry of a new book in the library catalog at the time of arrival .

    这个发布相当于在新书 到达 将新书输入到图书馆的目录中。

  • The total dose increases continuously from the time of arrival of the fallout toward the limiting ( infinite time ) value .

    很难 抵达的山间僻静处总剂量从沉降物 抵达 开始就不断上升直到极限值(无限时间)。

  • We agree as the time of arrival is crucial for this order .

    既然 到达 时间对这批 货物至关重要,我们同意在 香港转船。

  • Official status estimated time of arrival / departure are analyzed to determine some obvious delays .

    分析官方情况、预计 抵港/离港 时间来判断一些明显的航班延误。