time of payment

[taɪm ʌv ˈpemənt][taim ɔv ˈpeimənt]

[经] 偿还时间,付款时间

  • The time of payment shall is prolong to say four to five month .

    付款 期限应延长一些,比如说推迟4&5个月。

  • His scientific work had given him contacts in steel so Abramov became a metals trader securing supplies at a time of widespread payment problems .

    因为一直从事金属方面的研究, 阿布拉莫夫成为了一名金属交易员。

  • Transfer cost and time and mode of payment ;

    转让价格及 价款 支付 时间和方式;

  • Firstly introduce west nations'law cognizance process to administrative inaction and it come into being at time of active payment of monopoly capitalism .

    首先,介绍了西方国家对行政不作为的法律认知过程,其产生于垄断资本主义 时代的积极 给付行政 时期

  • Second compared with D / A and O / A it has such merits as acceptance of draft in a safe way guarantee of payment on time convenience of urging payment and reduction of interests .

    与D/A、O/A比较,收汇安全及时,保证 按期支付,便于催收 货款、减少利息 支出

  • There were significant differences in FBS score among different operations durations of operation time and ways of payment ( P < 0.05 P < 0.01 ) .

    不同手术类型、手术 时间 付费方式家庭FBS得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05,P<0.01);

  • The time of such payment .

    发放 工资薪水 日子

  • The appraisal time of dud cheques is when making payment rather than drawing a bill and it is determined by its own characteristics of cheques so we must pay special attentions to it in the practice .

    空头支票的认定 时间 付款时而不是出票时,这是支票本身的特点决定的,在实践中尤其要引起注意。

  • Payments effected after the daily cut-off time of your selected payment service will be recorded as received on the following working day .

    在所选用的 付款服务机构的每天截数 时间后缴交的 款额,会列为下一个工作天的缴款。

  • The method for calculating the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution ′ s remuneration and the time and method of payment .

    一○证券投资信?事业及基金保管机构所受报酬之计算方法、 给付方式及 时间

  • Current financial accounting system bases on accrual basis and therefore the recognition of revenues and expenses is based on actual influence period instead of the time of cash collection and payment .

    现行财务会计系统主要是基于权责发生制亦即应计制下的历史成本会计,对收入和费用确认 时间的基础是实际影响期间而非现金 收付发生 时间

  • In making a firm offer mention should be made of the time of shipment and the mode of payment desired ;

    在确盘时,必须说明装运 及所要求的 付款方式。

  • The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of credit .

    双方同意的等待 付款 期限是债权期限。

  • The time of payment for investment in kind is not in violation of law enforcement under the premise of respect between the shareholders agreement . It will pay their way to take form principle .

    实物出资的 缴纳 时间在不违反法律强制规定的前提下应尊重股东之间的约定,缴纳方式采取形式主义原则。

  • At the present time most of banks ' Electronic Payment Systems are constructed with technics of SSL + HASH . The most problem is that they are all uncompatible to the others .

    目前,国内各银行的电子 支付系统基本上都是用SSL+HASH方式实现的,其最大的问题是各个银行的 电子 支付系统彼此互不兼容。

  • Because of the large distance and the longer time span of the trade make the payment terms of International trade much complex than domestic trade .

    在国际贸易中买卖双方距离遥远,业务成交与实际交货 时间相隔较长, 付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。

  • We get extra time off in lieu of payment for working overtime .

    我们加班没有加班 ,可以以 休假代替。

  • Discussing the logical scope of quoting at the bidding regulating the prices of evaluating biddings which have different time and different request of advance payment by way of economy analysis and comparing .

    探讨投标报价的合理范围,运用经济分析比较方法,调整不同 工期和不同 预付 条件的评标价格;

  • Fair transaction can be virtually realized when the equal condition is defined by the price made under the condition of the one time method of payment .

    一次性 付款方式条件下的价格界定同等条件,才能真正体现公平交易;

  • Could you tell me the time of the advanced payment ? Then I should arrange my work .

    能否告诉我 预付 时间。我好作安排计划。

  • Obligation of the customer for payment by telegraphic transfer is deemed to be fulfilled at the time of payment is written off from the client 's current account .

    付款从业主当前帐户勾销之 ,即认为业主完成电汇付款的义务。

  • It also relaxed requirements for time of payment by developers for land use and time of completion of real estate projects easing pressure on developers'finances .

    此外,新政策还规定开发商可 延期 支付土地 ,还放宽了房地产建设项目的竣工期限,从而缓解开发商资金压力。

  • I think this clause suits us well but the time of payment should be prolonged to say three or four months .

    我觉得这一条适合我们,但 付款 期限应延长一点。比如说,推迟三四个月。

  • A Study on the Exchange Rate Risk Measurement and Avoidance of Enterprises in the International Trade under the Uncertainty of the Time and Limit for the Settlement of Payment

    不确定条件下的企业国际贸易汇率风险度量与 规避研究

  • Market Inquiry has great difference it is influenced by purchase quantity purchase time type of payment enterprise credibility etc ;

    市场询价差异很大,受采购量、采购 时间付款 方式、企业信誉等影响;

  • Could you prolong the time of payment ?

    请问 付款 日期能延长吗?

  • The time of such payment . total amount of wages and salaries ( to be paid to the employees of a company )

    发薪日 发放工资或薪水的 日子(公司员工的)薪水总额。

  • Clicking the mouse the amount of payment is shown synchronously when the sort of goods the first payment rate of interest and the time of payment change which realize scientific management and improve the efficiency .

    随着鼠标的轻轻点击,分期销售货物品种、首付金额、利率和 支付 期限发生着如意变化,每期支付金额便也同步显示出来,实现了科学管理,提高了工作效率。

  • On the same time we compared the balance of payment structure of China Japan and Singapore . And we find that the net creditor have never brought invest income surplus .

    通过比较中、日、新加坡三国国际 收支结构发现,我国净债权国地位并未带来投资收益盈余,其根本原因在于我国形成的是官方债权国。