time immemorial

[taɪm ˌɪməˈmɔriəl][taim ˌɪməˈmɔ:ri:əl]


  • There have been ponies on Dartmoor from time immemorial .

    远古 以来,达特穆尔高原 一直有小型马。

  • Yet numerous harsh lessons from time immemorial only prove the absurdity of this notion .

    自古 以来无数的惨痛教训,都 足以证明这种念头是荒唐的。

  • From time immemorial gentleness and sincerity were considered as the esthetics style of The Book of Songs .

    自古 以来,“温柔敦厚”一直被看作是《诗经》的美学风格。

  • Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival .

    那些 古老 悠久的花已经成为所有仪式和节日中最主要的部分。

  • They have been in possession of the island for time immemorial .

    他们 自古 以来 拥有该岛。

  • The word Mother has stirred the imagination of people since time immemorial resulting into a great outpouring of emotion finding its way through poetry and literature .

    当然了, 自古 以来“妈妈”这个词就激发了我们无数的想象,注入到我们的情感之中,也成就了诗歌和文学。

  • From time immemorial how much famous general die in the hand of politician .

    自古 以来多少名将死于政客之手。

  • Members of my family have lived in this house since time immemorial .

    我的家人 很久 以前 住在这幢房子里了。

  • This style is the reflection of the conservative cultural attitude between men and women which has existed for time immemorial .

    这种风格是保守的男人和女人之间,文化心态的反映已经存在的 远古 时代

  • Italian and Spanish timetables have taken this into account since time immemorial .

    很久 以前,意大利和西班牙的作息表就考虑到了这一点。

  • The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial .

    巴顿家族 自古 以来就住在这个村里。

  • In time immemorial to the land and desolation of the universe there was an extraordinary voice soul-stirring .


  • It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial

    实际上, 自古以来它几乎没有任何改变。

  • Such ceremonies have been handed down to us from time immemorial .

    这种仪式 不知何时 一直传下来。

  • Thus a bilateral relationship has strengthened between the two countries since time immemorial .

    因此,两国 自古 以来的双边关系不断加强。

  • From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here .

    自古 以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。

  • This rare Nuomici the world since time immemorial in the Xilin Zhuang village in the most prosperous .

    这种 古往今来举世罕见的糯米糍,在西林县壮族村寨里最为兴盛。

  • These are not the ways humans have been feeding themselves from time immemorial .

    这些都不是从 远古 时代 开始人类供养自己的方式。

  • False bottoms and bear market rallies have trapped investors since time immemorial .

    投资者落入谷底假象和熊市止跌回升的陷阱 久已有之。

  • And that has continued from time immemorial .

    自古 以来,这 一直延续下去。

  • Communicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial .

    自古以来, 某些传染性疾病就是人类的灾祸。

  • Harmoniousness is the goal of human being from time immemorial .

    和谐是人 自古 以来所追求的理想目标。

  • Since the time immemorial people of all nationalities have established closely-knitted political economic and cultural links and joined hands in developing the vast land of our country .

    遥远 古代起,我国各族人民就建立了紧密的政治经济文化联系,共同开发了祖国的 河山

  • There had been contraception for years and years before that for time immemorial .

    避孕药出现前一直有避孕方法, 一直都有。

  • From time immemorial there has been the belief that there are good and bad places to be .

    人生 有顺境,也有 逆境,这种观念 自古有之。

  • It is an opportunity for one and all to learn and exhibit their knowledge of the language and see for themselves the various forms that the language has taken from time immemorial .

    这是一个独一无二的机会,所有学习和展示自己的语言知识,看到自己认为语言从 远古 以来采取了各种形式。

  • It 's been like that since time immemorial .


  • People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial .
