time out of mind

[taɪm aʊt ʌv maɪnd][taim aut ɔv maind]


  • And at just the same time the lion wakes out of his dream and the first thing flashing into his mind is : I must be able to catch up with the slowest antelope otherwise I will starve to death .

    与此同时,狮子 他的睡梦中醒来,第一件事闪过他的 大脑:“我一定要追上跑得最慢的羚羊快,要不然我就得饿死”。

  • The people of Yenan have lived in cave houses since time out of mind .

    延安人不 知道何时 开始已住在窑洞里

  • At the same time the paper pointed out the teaching characteristics of applying mind map to solve chemical ill-instructed problem .

    同时得出 思维导图应用于化学劣构问题的教学特征。

  • He had not thought of that girl a single time since the day when she had conducted him to the Rue Plumet he had not seen her again and she had gone completely out of his mind .

    自从那天,这姑娘把他引到卜吕梅街以后,他一 也没有想到过她,也从来没有再见过她,他已经完全 了。

  • That practice has been going on time out of mind .

    这种做法自古以来 一直 沿用

  • By the time she fled past the closed door of the shop of the Lin family she was completely out of her mind .
