time cell

[taɪm sɛl][taim sel]


  • Unfortunately telomeres get shorter every time a cell reproduces which ultimately causes the cells to become exhausted and to stop functioning properly .

    不幸的是, 细胞每分裂一 ,端粒就会缩短一些,最终耗竭而导致细胞完全失去功能。

  • Every time a cell divides the protective envelope that surrounds the nucleus is broken down and rebuilt into two new ones .

    每次 一个 细胞分裂时,包被在细胞核外起保护作用的核膜都会崩解,重新建出两个新的来。

  • At last the effects of foaming temperature 、 saturatio pressure and foaming time on cell structure and the cell opening mechanism were briefly discussed .

    最后研究了发泡温度、饱和压力和发泡 时间对泡 结构的影响,并探讨了开孔机理。

  • Like a careful driver who puts the brakes on before proceeding the activation of p53 at the time the cell receives a growth factor signal serves as a brake preventing instant division .

    就像司机在开始前进前会踩住刹车一样, 细胞接收到生长因子信号 p53被激活后就起着“刹车”样的作用,防止 细胞立即分裂。

  • Results Four botanical extracts as well as 17 β E 2 increased uterine weights of mice significantly ( P < 0 05 or P < 0 01 ) and shortened the doubling time of cell growth .

    结果4种植物提取物均可使小鼠子宫重量增加(P<005或P<001), 细胞群体倍增 时间缩短。

  • Objective Combine the variety of bile duct pressure discuss degree of acute pancreatitis with obstructive time and acinar cell apoptosis .

    目的结合胆管压力的变化来探讨胰腺炎轻重程度与胆胰管梗阻 时间及腺泡 细胞凋亡的关系。

  • I am in touch with the consul all the time by cell phone and nothing happened to them they 're OK he said .

    “我和领事 一直通过 手机保持联系,他们什么事也没发生,他们没事。”他说。

  • The dopaminergic neuron was observed in different time cell adherence nervous process eruption and extension into reticulation can be observed by microscope . 8 .

    原代培养的不同 天数观察细胞,可见到 细胞贴壁,长出神经突起并延长交织呈网状。

  • By analyzing sub-band decomposition of linear frequency modulation ( LFM ) signals a subband signal processing based time frequency cell delete ( SSP-TFCD ) algorithm for LFM interference suppression is proposed .

    通过对线性调频(LFM)信号子带分解的分析,提出了一种基于子带信号处理的 单元剔除(SSP-TFCD)LFM干扰抑制算法。

  • The telomere is like a cellular clock because every time a cell divides the telomere shortens .

    端粒就像是细胞的时钟,因为在 每次 细胞分裂 它都首先要缩短。

  • Mutations can be induced by radiation chemical treatment foreign pathogens ( e.g. viruses ) or due to errors that occur during replication of the genome each time a cell divides .

    突变可以是由辐射、化学作用、外部病原体(如:病毒)或 细胞分裂 基因组复制错误造成。

  • Under reverse microscopy cells after transfection became round diopter degraded sheded easily at the same time cell proliferation was down-regulated .

    倒置显微镜下观察见转染后见部分细胞边缘圆,折光 降低, 细胞增殖减慢且易脱落;

  • Short Service Time Cell Selection and Admission Control Condition B proposed in this thesis is one of the suggestions of RRM solution .

    在单业务的假设下,本文对服务 小区选择和接纳控制进行初步研究,提出最短服务 时间 小区选择和实时业务接纳条件,具有一定的创新性和实用性。

  • The experimental results show little pH and temperature changes in the process of continuous reactor operation with immobilized cells cell activity has remained at a higher level with the extension of time cell activity decline is not big .

    实验结果表明,反应器中的固定化 细胞在连续运行过程中其最适pH和温度变化不大,活性一直维持在较高水平,随着 时间的延长活性下降不大。

  • Without these design environments ASICs can also be designed in a relatively short time using cell construction design technique .

    没有这些设计环境,使用 单元结构设计方法同样可以 较快地设计专用集成电路。

  • He spent all of his time in his cell .

    他所有的 时间都呆在他的小 房间里。

  • Once activated TIGAR slows all processes in the cell allowing time to repair cell damage .

    一旦被激活,TIGAR就减缓细胞的所有过程,让 细胞时间修复损伤。

  • The time cell between each two records should be no less than 3 minutes .

    两次记录之间的 时间 间隔不短于3min。

  • Time of cell attached : 10 h ;

    细胞贴壁 时间:10h;

  • Owing to the finiteness of human hepatic tissue the restriction of HBV adhesion DNA transcription and replication host at the same time prior cell models are all have their inevitable defects we need to establish a better cell model .

    由于人的肝组织来源有限,而且HBV病毒粘附以及DNA转录和复制对宿主有严格的限制,先前研究过的 细胞模型 各存在其不可避免的缺陷。

  • The chromosome is duplicated every time the cell has to divide .

    细胞分裂 ,染色体需要复制。

  • Digests the human chondrocyte using two step enzyme digestion method to have the high efficiency at the same time cell harvest to be also big the original generation of human chondrocyte survival rate which obtains is high . 2 .

    实验结果显示:1.运用改良二步酶消化法消化人关节软骨具有高效率的 同时 细胞收获量也较大,获得的原代人关节软骨细胞成活率高。

  • At the same time the cell device in some cells is damaged seriously .

    部分细胞中的 细胞器受损严重。

  • 【 Conclusions 】 hypoxia can induce alveolar epithelial cell apoptosis as hypoxia time increase cell apoptosis increase hypoxia inducible factor-1 α plays an important role in hypoxia induced cell apoptosis HIF-1 α siRNA can decrease cell apoptosis .

    【结论】缺氧引起肺泡上皮细胞的凋亡,随缺氧 时间增加 凋亡增加,HIF-1α在缺氧诱导细胞凋亡中起着重要的作用,HIF-1αsiRNA可以减少肺泡上皮细胞凋亡的发生。

  • This time the cell is generally agreed that the division limit of100 and began to death .

    这时候 细胞也就到了普遍认为的分裂100次的极限并开始死亡。

  • DNA can mutate and change imperceptibly every time a cell divides and makes a copy of itself .

    每当一个 细胞进行分裂,并复制自己时,DNA就可能出现变异,发生微妙的改变。

  • Using the luminescent properties of Ag / CuS nanocomposites the time course cell uptake is also carried out .

    利用Ag/CuS纳米复合物的荧光性质,我们研究了其在前列腺肿瘤 细胞内的 程吸收。