time limit control

[taɪm ˈlɪmɪt kənˈtrol][taim ˈlimit kənˈtrəul]

[电] 限时控制

  • And the investment of project is related to the quality of construction and the time limit for a project . And the effects of investment control are related to the benefit of projects so as to affect the achievements of the goal for enterprises ' future development .

    项目投资与建设 的质量、 工期紧密相关,投资 控制的效果直接关系到企业未来目标的实现,与项目运行效益密切挂钩。

  • Research on Time Limit Plan and Control of Communication Engineering Project Based on Petri Net

    基于Petri网的通信工程项目 工期计划与 控制研究

  • Dissertation on the investment time limit for a project and quality control of construction projects

    建设项目的投资 工期和质量 控制

  • Through the weak current installation construction of an intelligent-building community in Dongshan District of Huainan City the improved design quality control process control and time limit control together with the ways of treating field problems in this engineering are initially discussed .

    通过淮南洞山某智能楼宇小区的弱电安装工程施工,对弱电施工中的深化设计、质量控制、过程控制、 工期 控制以及现场实际问题的处理方法等进行初步的探讨。

  • Objective to compare the dynamic changes of the content and constituents of volatice oil from Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz in different gathering times determine the best gathering time limit and provide a basis for quality control of Atractylodes macrocephalakoidz .

    摘要目的比较同一产地不同采收时期白术挥发油及含量的动态变化,确定 白术的最佳采收 时期,为中药材白术的质量 控制提供科学依据。

  • If obstacles have not yet been removed within the time limit the flood control headquarters shall organize a forcible removal at the expense of the person who placed the obstacles .

    逾期不清除的,由 防汛指挥机构组织强行清除,所需费用由设障者承担。

  • By using the touch screen modify PLC some parameters you can adjust and control the time and intermittent lubrication oil temperature on the lower limit value.4.Remote Control System Configuration .

    在工作现场通过触摸屏修改PLC的一些工艺参数,就可调整与控制润滑与间歇 时间、油温上 下限数值。4.远程组态 控制系统的设计。

  • The study of the time limit for project items and cost dynamic control method

    建设项目 工期与成本动态 控制方法的研究

  • Investment quality and the time limit for a project are the three control objectives for construction projects and the core is investment .

    投资、质量、 工期是建设工程项目的三大 控制目标,核心是投资问题。

  • The cost of application tradition and the time limit management cannot mirror exactly the performance level of cost and progress not to mention the integration control of information .

    应用传统的成本和 工期管理已经不能够准确反映出成本与进度的绩效水平,更不能进行信息的集成 控制

  • But due to time limit and fund factor of foundation pit project and because test condition is hard to control and due to test needs much fund and takes effect slowly field in-situ test that is important to information design and construction is difficult to do .

    但目前由子基坑工程 工期、资金等诸多因素的 限制,对信息化设计与施工有重要作用的现场原型试验因试验条件不易 控制、投资大且见效慢而难以实施。

  • It is an essential function and demand to examine temperature gas and carbon monoxide safety parameters and so on in real time and give an alarm when safety parameters are out of limit in undermine transformer substation supervision and control system .

    对矿井下的温度、瓦斯、一氧化碳等安全参数进行 实时检测和参数 超限语音报警是井下采区变电所 监控系统所必须具备的一项基本功能和要求。

  • Based on the multithreading character of COM and time limit and design demand of station control system which we researched realizing the component program design and describing specifically design on component program ;

    提出了基于COM的多线程特性和我们研制的站 系统的 时间 约束和设计需求,并实现了构件程序设计。

  • Project planning need to through by the time limit target decomposing the project studying out the network planning and on this basis establish the resources optimization and cost control .

    项目计划的制定需要通过以 工期目标为标准,对项目进行分解,拟定网络计划,并以此为基础建立资源的优化和成本的 控制

  • Customs supervision and control will be terminated automatically when the time limit of customs supervision and control over equipment granted with duty reception or exemption is reached on condition that there is no performance violating the customs regulations .

    减免税设备监管 期限 到期后,在海关 监管 内未发生违反海关监管规定行为的,自动解除海关监管。

  • Based on the hypothesis of Xbar-R control chart the type II error (β risk ) of Xbar-R control chart was studied when the Sample 's mean at time t lied in different positions between upper control limit and lower control limit of Xbar-R chart .

    从Xbar-R控制图的假设 检验问题出发,研究了t 时刻样本均值(Xbar)和极差(R)处于控制 内不同位置时,Xbar-R控制图假设检验的第二类错误(β风险)问题。

  • In the Opening and Closing Ceremony there are such features of the performance as large-scale more properties complex action strict time limit . So it appealed the higher performance about the design and application of the stage equipment control system .

    开闭幕式的表演具有规模大、道具多、动作复杂、 时限性强等特点,因而对舞台设备 控制系统的设计和应用提出了更高的要求。

  • On subcontracting management stage mainly to the quality of the project time limit for a project and cost control .

    在分包管理阶段,主要是对项目的质量、 工期和成本进行 控制

  • Progress control is primarily embodied as time limit control because only effective control over time limit makes effective progress control .

    工期作为进度的一个指标,进度控制首先表现为 工期 控制,有效的工期控制才能达到有效的进度控制。

  • Progress and Time Limit Control of Blasting Demolition Project

    爆破拆除工程 工期与进度 管理探讨