time rate system

[taɪm ret ˈsɪstəm][taim reit ˈsistəm]

[经] 计时工资制

  • At the same time by researching the latest phishing sites improve detection rate of the anti-phishing system .

    同时能够 及时发现最新的钓鱼网站,提高了反钓鱼 系统的检出

  • Results : There was a significant difference between both groups in improvement of blood gas controlled clinical symtoms decreased used time of respirator raised therapeutical effective rate decreased incidence of complications in nerve system and ischemic cardiac muscle damage .

    结果:治疗组在改善血气、控制临床症状、减少呼吸机使用 时间、提高治疗有 效率、减少神经 系统及缺血性心肌损害并发症的发生等方面,与对照组差异明显。

  • A portable wireless real time kinematic heart rate measurement system was developed which realized real-time kinematic heart rate measurement by the continuous extraction of time span of two sequential R-wave of ECG .

    研制了一种便携式运动 心率 实时无线检测 系统,通过不断提取心脏跳动时两个相邻心电R波的时间间期来实现高 强度运动训练中运动员心率的瞬时无线检测。

  • At this time the government must purchase domestic currency by foreign currency reserve to support fixed exchange rate system .

    此时,为了维护固定 汇率 ,政府必须用外汇储备购买本币,以冲销货币供给中超过与经济 增长相适应的那部分本币。

  • Compared with the traditional monitor systems Remote video monitor system has advantages of low cost long kinescope time perfect image quality and rapid query rate . It is the development direction of video monitor system .

    与传统监控系统比较,远程视频监控具有录像 时间长、图像质量好、查询 速度快等优点,代表了整个监控 行业的发展方向。

  • The reaction rate time curve shows that no stage of constant reaction rate exists in this polymerization system ;

    反应速率 时间曲线上未出现恒 平台,聚合 过程不存在恒 期;

  • Then it carries on the expansion of the Markov chain analysis theory thus make it able to analyze the system the time delay the jitter as well as packet loss rate under the prerequisite of the analysis system of throughput .

    然后对Markov链分析理论进行了扩展,使其能在分析 系统吞吐量的前提下,也能分析系统的 延时(delay),延时抖动(iitter)以及丢包率(packetloss rate)。

  • As for our country the openness of capital account started at the same time of economic transformation and now is in a dilemma caused by the current inelastic exchange rate system .

    我国是在转型的 同时逐步开放资本项目的,目前我国的资本项目开放遇到了 汇率 制度等的困扰,需要考虑好今后资本项目开放的道路选择。

  • The experimental results show that the viscosity of HPAM / AlCit cross-linking system decreases with reaction time in lower shear rate and the system represents shear-thickening property after period of reaction time in higher shear rate .

    结果表明,在低剪切 速率时,HPAM-AlCit交联体系的粘度随反应 时间增加呈下降趋势;在剪切速率较高时交联 体系具有剪切稠化现象;

  • Space time coding can provide high data rate and performance gain for wireless communication system .

    编码能够为无线通信 系统提供高数据 速率及性能。

  • The Influence of Rest Time and Shear Rate on the Thixotropy of Weak Flocculation System for Ferric Aluminum Magnesium Hydroxide / Montmorillonite Suspension

    剪切 速率和静置 时间对Fe-Al-Mg-MMH/钠质蒙脱土复合触变性 体系触变性的影响

  • But that law written at a time of the Bretton Woods global fixed exchange rate system would be extremely hard to apply today given the huge uncertainties around estimates of fair value for currencies .

    但这一规则起草于布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)下的全球固定 汇率 制度 时期,在围绕货币公允价值估值存在巨大不确定性的今天,将极难实施。

  • At the same time considering the utilization rate of DR environment design active-active system infrastructure of DR for Online Banking .

    同时,考虑到灾备环境的利用 ,将网上银行灾备设计成双活的 体系架构。

  • This paper presents the granulometry water requirement setting time strength development and rate of hydration of cement produced by roller press finish grinding system .

    本文对辊压磨终 粉磨水泥的颗粒特性、需水性、凝结 时间、强度发展及水化, 速率进行了 研究

  • Real time Monitoring Channel ′ s Error rate in Shortwave for Frequency Hopping System

    短波跳频 系统信道差错 实时监测

  • Focal plane array technology can generate many high gain wave to cover the field at the same time so it can improve the temperature sensitivity of radiometer system and data rate of imaging system .

    而焦面阵技术可以在同一 时间产生多个高增益波束覆盖视场,提高了辐射计的温度灵敏度和 成像的数据 速率

  • The fuze is provided with some Anti-jamming function by means of instantaneous time average zero-over rate representing Doppler signal 's frequency of continuous wave radio Doppler system fuze .

    短时平均过零 表征连续波多普勒 体制无线电近炸引信多普勒信号频率,使引信具有一定的抗干扰能力。

  • PEPC electro-optic switch characteristic parameter measuring system has been designed and set up with steady performance of rise time 5 ns system extinction rate up to 1500 . The measure system can precision synchronizes with the switch experimental system .

    设计建立了电光开关特性参数测量系统,测量 系统性能稳定,上升 时间为5ns,系统消光 达到1500,实现了与电光开关实验系统的精密同步;

  • At the same time according to the low recognition rate in speech recognition system the author used the method of fundamental frequency analysis to build male / female recognition model respectively .

    同时针对语音识别 系统中识别 不高的问题,采用基音频率分析的方法分别建造男女声识别模型。

  • At the same time we successfully estimated the annual erosion rate by applying the theory of gray system model GM ( 2 1 ) .

    用灰色 系统的GM(2,1)模型,本文较为成功 预测了年际间的侵蚀

  • The reusing of IP core in the SoC system reduces the design time cycle and improves the design success rate . First introduce the system frame of mixed SoC including analog circuits and digital parts .

    SoC系统中IP核的复用,既缩短了设计 时间周期,又提高了设计成功 。首先介绍了混合SoC的 系统级架构,包括了模拟部分和数字部分。

  • The effects of reaction temperatures potassium carbonate dosage reaction time and particle size of microcline on the thermal dissociation rate of the system of K feldspar and potassium carbonate are investigated . The orthogonal experiment shows the optimum reaction temperature 860 ℃;

    实验探讨了钾长石+碳酸钾 体系热分解反应热力学 过程,以钾长石分解 为目标函数,正交实验表明:最佳焙烧温度为860℃;

  • The experimental research was conducted for the effect of retention time pressure and organic loading rate of oxidation column and salinity on system operation .

    主要考察了 氧水力停留 时间、氧化塔压力、氧化塔容积负荷、农药废水含盐质量分数对 系统运行 效果的影响。

  • The basic models of optimal system is deduced in this paper which consists of production time waiting time total cost profits profit rate in system . In addition an example of application is given .

    本文导出了系统优化的基本模型,它包括系统各级的生产时间、等待 时间、生产速度、生产成本以及 系统的循环 时间、总成本、产品利润和利润 等,并给出了一个应用实例。

  • To take advantage of the non-renewable feedback emergy from outside the system should use conservation and protection methods . At the same time non-renewable resource use rate of the system should be reduced .

    因此必须重视不同类型资源的利用 比率,对于来自系统之外的不可更新反馈能值的利用要采取节约和保护的方法, 同时要降低对 系统 不可更新资源的利用 比率

  • At the same time the system has been thoroughly tested test results show an error rate of wealth management system efficiency of fast fully able to apply practical .

    同时对该系统进行了全面的测试,测试结果显示财富管理 系统出错 ,效率快,完全能够应用于实际。

  • Estimate of Quenching Time and Quenching Rate for Semilinear Parabolic System

    半线性抛物 方程组的猝灭 时间与猝灭 速率估计

  • In this paper a fast recurrent algorithm is proposed to estimate time congestion probability and cell loss rate of this system .

    本文给出了一种计算该排队 系统 时间拥塞率和信元丢失 的快速算法,并且该算法具有递推特性。

  • The device should provide with following functions : dripping water sensor dripping water time record dripping rate of water data transport to PC system accept PC instruction control and water sample collection system etc.

    仪器应具有洞顶滴水传感、滴水 时间记录、水滴滴 记录、传输记录数据到 PC机、接受PC机的指令控制、水样收集等功能。