time of prescription

[taɪm ʌv prɪˈskrɪpʃən][taim ɔv prisˈkripʃən]

[法] 时效期间,时效期限

  • Objective : To study the relationship between deposition and time of the osthol and eugenol in rat skin and investigate the topical pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese medicine complex prescription .

    目的:考察跌打止痛巴布膏中蛇床子素和丁香酚在皮肤的残留量与 时间的关系,研究 中药 复方经皮给药系统的局部药动学。

  • He recovered in time to motion over one of his elves who told the girl 's mother about the local Lions Club which helps provide needy children with prescription glasses .

    及时回过神,招呼他的一个小精灵过来,小精灵告诉那个小姑娘的妈妈,当地的慈善机构狮子会可以帮助向贫困儿童提供 处方眼镜。

  • By analyzing and assessing the traditional concept of limitation of time used by our country the author insists using the name of prescription extinctive and abandoning the name of limitation of time .

    通过对我国传统所采用的诉讼 时效概念的分析、评价,认为应当采用消灭时效的术语,摒弃不科学的诉讼 时效的称谓;

  • Taking disintegrating time of soft shell Capsule as a index the prescription of capsule materials is optimized using U-design .

    以软胶囊崩解 时间为指标,采用正交实验设计,优选囊材 配方

  • The decoction of promoting bile secretion and expelling stone is constructed by the combination of clinical experience in treating cholecystolithiasis for a long time and the selection of the ancient prescription .

    利胆排石汤是中药汤剂,组成原则是根据中医辨证施治理论并结合 长期治疗胆囊结石的临床经验及在筛选古今 的基础上研究 配伍而成。

  • METHODS The pliability adhesiveness and dissolved time of the membrane were adopted as the index to select the prescription .

    方法以膜剂外观、黏附性和溶解 时间为指标,进行 处方筛选。

  • At the same time many medices in the history of chinese indigenous medicine in clinical practice have accumulated much valuable experience in the treatment and remain mass of the effective prescription .

    与此同时中医学的历代医家在临床实践中积累了许多宝贵的治疗经验,并留传下一些行之有效的 方剂

  • On the problem of accounting the time periods of civil rights ' extinctive prescription

    民事权利诉讼 时效 期间的起算问题

  • In modern time the system of property registration which regards the registration of immovable as a core can 't replace the value of the acquisition prescription .

    以不动产登记为核心的现代财产登记制度 不能取代取得 时效的适用价值;

  • RESULTS : Real time analyses of the prescription drugs and the directly displayed analysing results by the programs served as references for the clinic .

    结果:程序 实时进行 处方药物的 配伍分析,直接显示分析结果,可供临床参考。

  • At the same time analysis and reason is given to the issue of prescription for judicial interpretation of administrative offense on the basis of the characteristics of criminal law .

    同时,结合我国刑事司法的特点,对行政犯有关司法解释的 时效问题进行了分析、论证。

  • At the same time it is the needs to connect the tracks of the world on civil law legislation by establishing the positive prescription systems .

    同时建立取得 时效制度,更是在民法立法方面 世界接轨的需要。

  • At the same time we put forward suggestions of prescription in theory from the personality talents cultivation .

    同时,在理论层面从人格塑造、人才培养等方面提出参考性建议 处方

  • With the condition of single distributing time and manipulator are fixed the distributing efficiency of the automatic medicine distribution system of prescription particle of traditional Chinese medicine is decided by the accessing route length of manipulator .

    在单次下药 时间和机械手的运动速度固定的情况下,中药 配方颗粒自动发药机系统的发药效率主要是由机械手的取药路径长度来决定。

  • The former adopts two-layer C / S structure because of higher requirements for real time and security . It consists of the registration management subsystem the prescription charge management subsystem and the pharmacy management subsystem .

    由于门诊业务管理部分对系统 实时性和安全性的要求较高,因此,设计实现时采用了两层C/S结构,它包括门诊挂号管理系统、 门诊 划价收费管理系统和门诊药房管理系统。

  • At the same time we selected six traditional Chinese medicine groups according to the different regulation emphasis of various stages and the traditional Chinese medicine theory and prescription .

    根据各阶段的调控重点和传统中药理论及 ,筛选确定了六个中药 组方

  • The important time significance of modern administrative prescription is multiple .

    深入 研究 科学制定我国的行政 时效 制度具有重要的 时代意义。

  • Result : It was found that the duration time and interval of moxibustion are the main factors for the lipid-reducing effect and the moxibustion prescription is a secondary factor .

    结果:发现艾灸疗程、艾灸 时间或艾灸时间间隔是影响降脂效果的主要因素,艾灸 处方为次要因素。

  • Methods Using liquescent time of suppository in vitro as marker full factor design method was used . The ratio of PEG 4000 / PEG 6000 in prescription and warm-up temperature of water bath were selected as observing factors .

    方法采用满因子分析设计法,以栓剂体外溶化 时间为指标,选定 处方中聚乙二醇(PEG)4000/PEG6000的比例和栓剂制备时水浴加热的温度作为考察因素。