time stamps

[经] 工时戳记

  • Application programs commonly use at least one form of time measurement ( for example transaction time stamps ) .

    应用程序通常都会使用至少一种形式来度量时间(例如,事务 时间 )。

  • The difference between the time stamps should be the number of seconds from the first line .

    时间 的差应该是从第一行开始的秒数。

  • The other is to store the operational keys and if necessary time stamps as attribute data on the dimension .

    另一种就是存储操作键,并且在必要时,存储 时间 作为维度上的属性数据。

  • Traders should be obligated to maintain reliable time stamps providing information about who trades and when for without this it would be almost impossible to build an insider trading case in many of the different markets in the world of finance .

    交易员应当保留可靠的 时间 记录,提供谁在何时进行了交易的信息,因为如果没有这些信息,就几乎无法就金融世界中许多不同市场的内幕交易立案。

  • Future studies in this area could shed light on how the brain produces these time stamps and how this function can control behavior and learning .

    在下一步的研究中, - 格雷布耶尔将集中研究脑部是怎样制造这些 含有时间 记忆 标签”的神经元 细胞的,并研究这些 时间 记忆 细胞是如何控制人们的行为和学习活动的。

  • Clock-type case for time recorders or time stamps


  • Time stamps which can be toggled on and off easily during a chat

    时间 ,可以在聊天过程中轻易地切换开关

  • A concurrent control algorithm based on time stamps and operation transposition is given to improve the response rate of users with lower speed in cooperative design system with centralized structure .

    采用加 时间 和操作变换的方法,提出了一种适用于具有集中结构的协同设计系统的并行控制算法,改善了低速用户的响应率。

  • You no longer need to save a chat to print it and when you print a chat everything included in the chat transcript is included such as time stamps and system messages .

    打印时不再需要保存聊天,当打印聊天时,聊天记录中包括的所有内容都会打印出来,比如 时间 和系统消息。

  • The sign tool is a command-line tool that digitally signs files verifies signatures in files or time stamps files .

    签名工具是一个命令行工具,用于对文件进行数字签名,验证文件或 时间 文件中的签名。

  • Time stamps date stamps the last page modified the date and time a page was last modified & all of these might be unimportant components of your Web page that you can easily remove .

    时间 、日期戳、最后修改的页面、页面最后修改日期和时间&所有这一切都可能是Web页面中可以删除的不重要的组件。

  • However in developing this article I created some extra examples and then deleted them so the directory time stamps reflect that fact .

    然而,在撰写本文时,我创建了一些额外的的例子并删除了它们,因此目录 时间 反映了这一更改。

  • This paper presents a new algorithm which adopts open loop and close loop congestion control . It cooperates the permits and time stamps schemes together with the FCFS scheduling policy .

    本文提出了一种同时采用开环和闭环控制,结合许可证控制和 时间 调度策略,以FCFS方式服务的拥塞回避新算法。

  • Time stamps for outgoing PTP packets are stored in a register just before the PTP packet leaves the traffic interface .

    在PTP包离开流通接口之前,即将分发出去的PTP包的 时间 被保存在某个寄存器中。

  • If the dimensions use operationally derived keys with time stamps for history there is no additional work when a fact is created .

    如果维度将带有 时间 的操作派生的键用于历史数据,那么在创建事实时,就没有附加工作。

  • The parameters before and since allow you to apply time stamps and limit the data retrieved to only those updates that occurred before or after a specific date .

    before和since参数可让您运用 时间 进行限制,只检索某一特定日期之前和之后的数据。

  • Debug_capture_timeout = 10 time stamps each semaphore timeout message .

    Debugcapture timeout=10给每个信号量超时消息加 时间

  • Parameter values representing dates times or time stamps are specified using the

    表示日期、时间或 时间 的参数值使用

  • For decades neuroscientists have theorized that the brain time stamps events as they happen allowing us to keep track of where we are in time and when past events occurred .

    数十年来,神经学科的科学家在理论上推测人类的大脑中有一部分细胞可以为在大脑中为我们日常发生的事件打上“ 时间 标签”,这样我们可以及时回想起过去发生事情的时间。

  • Logs can be used to gather specific time stamps on error messages to compare to network traces or other Lotus Sametime log information .

    与网络跟踪和其他LotusSametime日志信息相比,这些日志可用来收集错误信息的具体 时间

  • It 's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value ( CSV ) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs .

    设置Perfmon记录带 时间 的记录逗号分隔值(comma-separatedvalue(CSV))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。

  • Here you can see the various messages and their time stamps .

    在这里可以看到各种消息及其 时间

  • However they couldn 't find any evidence that such time stamps really existed until now .

    但是,在科学界一直没有找到可以让人 信服的证据证明这部分 帮助我们 记忆 事件发生 时间 细胞的存在。

  • The key of the design is how to synchronize the time stamps of two downstream channels . The upstream synchronization can be achieved from either of the two downstream channels .

    时间 同步重点在于使得两个下行通道的 时间 是同步的,上行同步可以从两个下行通道中的任意一个获得,所有的上行可以与任何一个下行通道相关联。

  • The-r causes recursion ; the-p preserves the time stamps of the files .

    r表示递归;-p表示保持该文件的 时间