time and a half

[taɪm ənd e hæf][taim ænd ə hɑ:f]


  • She 's had a really tough time the last year and a half

    以来,她度过了一段非常艰难的 时期

  • Later this time reduced to about three years and a half .

    后来,这个 时间缩短为三年 左右

  • Through collection and analysis of obstacle time for the past two and a half years this thesis provided effective suggestions for promoting high quality respond work and better services for the user .

    结论:归纳了全文的结论,通过对二年 半来障碍 的统计分析 为更好的做好业务响应工作,为用户提高优质的服务提供有效地建议。

  • In addition the BKM demands less CPU time than the MFS and requires a half memory of the MFS .

    边界节点法所需的计算 时间比基本解方法略小, 同时只需要后者 一半的内存空间。

  • One that is employed in converting raw products into finished products . time and a half

    加工者被雇佣来将 成品加工成成品的人 相当于原工资 加班

  • It was the first time in a year and a half that I 'd seen the night face to face .

    这是我一年 以来谁来一起午餐第一 目睹夜晚。

  • I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half .

    我喜欢在假日时工作,因为 这时的工资

  • Before they were famous they played full time for two and a half years in Hamburg often for eight to 12 hours a day .

    成名前,他们在汉堡做了两年 全职演唱,经常一天要唱8到12小时。

  • I know we 're going through a tough time right now . We 've been going through a tough time for the last two and a half years .

    我知道,现在我们正在经历一个困难时期,过去两年 时间里我们一直都在经历困难,我也知道许多人对未来感到担心。

  • Tom got time and a half when he worked beyond his usual quitting time .

    汤姆 加班,拿到他平时的工资 的加班费。

  • Turns out that people who started using light rail to commute had a significant average weight loss over that time - equivalent to about six and a half pounds for a five-foot-five person .

    结果表明,使用轻轨上下班的人随着 时间 推移,他们的平均体重有着明显的减轻相当于一个身高 5英尺5英寸的人减掉约6.5磅的体重。

  • The effluent quality would be a fall in little time after backwash but its recovery time only needs about one and a half hour which suggests fly ash biological filter can bear strong backwash and has a good microorganism attaching capability .

    粉煤灰生物滤料在反冲洗后短时间内出水水质有所下降,但恢复 只要约 1.5h即可恢复到原有正常处理水平,说明其具有较好的耐冲洗能力,微生物在其上的附着性能强。

  • I used Jersey and NetBeans for the first time and was up and running within a half an hour and that included downloads installations and code surfing .

    我第一 用Jersey和NetBeans ,不到 个小时就测试并运行起来了,包括下载、安装及代码浏览等。

  • To paint the picture of what life was like at that time : for six and a half months from December 2013 through June 2014 I was basically living in the tiny garage of my CTO in northern Virginia .

    我给你描绘一下我在那段 时日的生活 状态:从2013年12月到2014年6月的六个 半月里,我基本上都是住在我们公司CTO那间位于在北弗吉尼亚的小车库里。

  • Once the clients signed the contract and took the phone they have to pay fees on time in one year and a half it is not allowed to default if defaulted they would be fined .

    一旦客户签了合同、拿了手机,一年 内必须 按时交纳费用,不能违约,否则罚款。

  • Take your time packing for we still have one and a half hour .

    慢慢整理行李,我们 还有 小时。

  • And by the time I 'm a million and a half I no longer remember what was happening in oh back back .

    等我活到150万 ,我不记得, 很久以前做过什么。

  • The price of iron ore has declined to $ 63 a tonne for the first time in five and a half years hit hard by concerns about weak Chinese demand for the steelmaking ingredient .

    受投资者对中国铁矿石需求疲软的担忧情绪的强烈打击,这种炼钢原料的价格五年 半来 首次跌至每吨63美元。

  • In the time of Darwin which dated back one and a half centuries ago there was almost no fossil found in the strata older than Cambrian .

    半多世纪之前的达尔文 时代,比寒武纪更古老的地层中几乎没有发现化石。

  • But this is the first time in a year and a half where the banks actually pushed back with confidence in their balance sheet to where some of the initial thoughts were changed .

    但这是一年 以来,银行 首次让对其资产负债表的信心实际上回到了最初的一些想法发生改变的时候。

  • When I reached ( Hushan ) I could finally let my shoulders down and relax for the first time in a year and a half Loken says .

    当到达终点(湖山),我终于 如释重负,也是我一年 以来第一 感到如此的轻松。

  • When I work overtime I 'm paid time and a half .

    我加班可以得到 的工资。

  • The baseline priorities are set in first few minutes of the meeting and the total meeting time has dropped significantly from an hour and a half down to30 minutes .

    最基本的优先顺序是在会议的最先几分钟内设定的,但这会使得整个会议的 时间显著减少,可能从一 小时减少到半个小时。

  • Applications for columbarium niches almost doubled to 23 between 2010 and 2014 with the average waiting time increasing from two and a half years to four and a half .

    2010年至2014年间,骨灰龛位的申请数量几乎增加了一倍至23235个,每个申请的平均等待 时间由两年 增加至四年半。

  • A study of 3 girls found that girls with higher intakes of meat and protein were more likely to have started their periods by the time they were 12 and a half .

    一项对3000个女孩的研究发现女孩摄入太多的肉类和蛋白质很可能会在12岁或12岁 就开始青春期。

  • This was somewhat surprising since I am the youngest team member ( I'm27 ) and have been here for the shortest period of time ( two and a half years ) .

    这或多或少有些出人意料,因为我是团队中最年轻的一员(我今年只有27岁),参加团队的 时间也最短(只有两年 )。

  • They paid me time and a half .

    他们付给了我 的薪水。

  • Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half .

    理查德固定工资为每小时一美元,加班费为每 小时 美元。

  • The tests indicate that there are the optimum observational duration of two-three hours in the afternoon and the center time is at two hours and a half before sunset .

    试验表明 下午存在持续2&3小时的最佳观测光段,其中心 时刻在日落前两个 小时。

  • The median filter with the size of 5 × 5 can filter some bigger burr and reduce the operating time by one and a half time .

    5×5的中值滤波快速算法可以用于去掉图像中的一些较大的毛刺或突起,并将其运算 时间 减少 1.5倍。