time clerk

[taɪm klɚk][taim klɑ:k]


  • This thesis with the experience of running school for long time introduces in a systematic way the formation and the content which has the value for reference and guiding in a certain sense to construct and develop the clerk specialty in universities .

    本文结合 长期的办学实践,系统地介绍了 文秘专业人才培养模式的构成和内容,对高等学校 文秘专业的建设和发展具有一定的指导意义和借鉴价值。

  • At that time I am very thirsty to be the official clerk on one day .

    从那 时候起,我就非常渴望有一天我能成为办公室的 职员

  • Every time a grocery clerk asks paper or plastic ? the great debate between old and new natural and synthetic biodegradable and not silently unfolds in a shopper 's breast in the instant it takes to decide on the answer .

    每当杂货店 售货 问“要纸还是要塑料?”时,新旧观念、天然的还是合成的、能否进行生物分解等等问题就悄悄地在购物者考虑答案的瞬间,在他的心中展开争论了。

  • Having been a manager for a long time he found it hard to become an ordinary clerk again .

    当了那么长 时间的经理之后,他发现很难再成为一名普通 职员

  • The main character in Gemini ( Tvilling ) from second time feature director Hans Fabian Wullenweber is a gas station clerk who lives with his handicapped and domineering mother .

    导演汉斯·费比恩·伍伦韦伯第二 执导的这部名为“双子座”的电影里,主角是一个加油站的 职员,和他专横跋扈而又有残疾的母亲住在一起。

  • A : Every time I go to the grocery the clerk asks me if I save stamps . I always say no but sometimes I get them anyway .

    A: 每次我去杂货店, 店员都问我是否收集赠券,我总是说“不”,不过有的时候我还是积下些赠券。