time discriminator

[taɪm dɪˈskrɪməˌnetɚ][taim disˈkrimineitə]


  • The stability condition for the system is obtained when the time constant in the pulse operated phase discriminator can not be neglected and with an additional simple RC network .

    当脉冲式 时间常数不能忽略并具有附加简单RC网络时,得到了系统稳定的条件。

  • The high-energy physics experiments need to determine a signal generation time this work is mainly done by the timing discriminator .

    高能物理实验中需要确定一个信号的产生 时间,这个工作主要由定时 甄别 来完成。

  • At the same time Recuring to the programed phase discriminator and frequency divider the value of work frequency was scaled with digit accurately .

    同时,借助于可编程 和分频器电路将信号频率点数字化、精确化。

  • Digital frequency detector can be very precise and achieve a most high resolution however at the cost of more time . Analog frequency discriminator has much faster response but lower resolution and stability .

    目前,采用数字方法研制的鉴频能达到较高的分辨力和稳定性,但频响 往往较低,而用模拟方法 制作 虽频响较高,但稳定性和分辨力指标下降了。

  • Like C + + only one member of the union is active at a time and that member can be determined from the discriminator .

    像C++一样,一 只能有一个联合成员是活动的,并且可以从其 识别 名称来确定该成员。