time keeper

[taɪm ˈkipɚ][taim ˈki:pə]

[经] 记时员,计工员

  • I always figured the first time I had a baby was with somebody I love and that baby would be a * keeper .

    我一直在想,如果我第一 怀孕,一定是为一个我爱的人,而且我得 照顾那个孩子。

  • The longer the time is the worse the force keeper water .

    时间越长, 水力越差;

  • For the first time we get to see what may be actual records kept by a scribe whose job was to be official record keeper of a Maya community Saturno said .

    他说:我们第一 见到可能是抄写人员留下的真实记录,其工作就是玛雅社会的官方记录

  • But by the time police got to the scene the animal was back at the Circus Voyage site along with its keeper .

    不过当警察赶到现场的 时候,犀牛已经回到了马戏团巡游驻扎地,和它的 监护人在一起。

  • 82 in the Tort Law of the PRC stipulates where an abandoned or fleeing animal causes any harm to another person during the time period of its abandonment or fleeing the original keeper or manager of the animal shall assume the tort liability .

    因此,《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第八十二条规定:遗弃、逃逸的动物在遗弃、逃逸 期间造成他人损害的,由原动物 饲养 或者管理人承担侵权责任。

  • OMEGA one of its luxury brands has been the official time keeper of Olympics for23 times .

    其旗下的欧米茄( OMEGA)23次成为奥运官方指定 计时器

  • First-half 2-1the game is open acknowledged Jose mourinho . when we scored the third goal and at the same time they lose their keeper the game was over .

    “上半场,2:1比较公平”,穆帅承认,“当我们点球打进第三个进球时, 同时他们的 门将由于犯规被罚下,比赛就结束了。”

  • This time he tucked the ball low into the bottom right-hand corner as Boro keeper Jason Steele moved in the opposite direction .

    这次他低射打进了右下角,米堡 门将杰森。斯蒂尔扑错了方向。

  • This time they caught the animal 's keeper and circus director walking the rhino to the local park .

    这回他们逮到了犀牛的 监护人,还有马戏团团长带着犀牛在当地公园散步。