time purchase

[taɪm ˈpɚtʃɪs][taim ˈpə:tʃəs]


  • We will support a large increase in the minimum grain purchase prices and make allocations in full and on time for the purchase and storing of grain and associated expenses and interests .

    支持较大幅度提高粮食最低收购价, 及时足额安排 收储费用和利息资金。

  • This is a good time to purchase .

    这正是 进货的好 时机

  • At the time you purchase your Ticket you will be advised of taxes fees and charges not included in the fare most of which will normally be shown separately on the Ticket .

    在您 购买机票 ,我们将告知您未包括在票价中的税款和费用,通常大多数税费会在客票上分别列明。

  • Price of such raw material shall be their lowest ruling price for export from China at the time of purchase .

    这些原材料的价格应是 购买 中国最低出口价。

  • Third by discussing the marketing mix 's influence on first time purchase decision-making process the paper proposes hypothesises and then builds empirical model .

    接下来,论文通过讨论基于4Ps的营销策略对消费者 首次 购买决策过程的影响,提出研究假设并构建实证模型。

  • But when I got my statement a week later it was clear I was in a haze of intaxication at the time of purchase .

    但一星期后当我收到账单时,我知道 购物 当时我是被奢侈品消费可申请退税给冲昏了头脑了。

  • First by reviewing theory of purchase behavior mode the paper proposes that marketing mix influences first time purchase intention via a Black Box .

    首先,通过对消费者购买行为模式的理论回顾,论文揭示了企业的营销策略是通过消费者的 购买 决策黑箱影响到其 首次 购买意愿的,这为实证研究提供了基本的理论框架。

  • Periodically - and especially when a stock is proving to be disappointing - it 's important for fund managers to go back and review the assumptions that were made at the time of purchase .

    基金经理定期尤其是当一只股票被证明令人失望时回过头重新审视 购买 做出的假设是很重要的。

  • Organize to collect & update market information of responsible machines on time purchase to create more value to SUNTECH .

    组织收集&有责任机器的更新市场数据, 准时 购买产生对SUNTECH的较多价值。

  • Even though a new tool might provide better or easier-to-use capability it is unlikely to overcome the time needed to purchase install and learn the new tool .

    即使新工具可能会提供更优或者更易用的功能,也不必花费 时间购买、安装并学习新工具。

  • If not rest assured that at the time of purchase may require the use of wood hygrometer for humidity testing this can be perfectly safe .

    如果没有,请放心,在 购买 可能需要使用木材湿度计湿度测试,这可以是绝对安全的。

  • This amount the market value at the time of the purchase is the basis fro recording the event in the accounting records .

    这个合计( 当时饿市场 购买价)是会计记录上记录这一事件的基础。

  • They are more interested in the future of the stock than in its earning power at the time of purchase .

    他们更感兴趣的是股票的前景,而不是 购买 股票的获利能力。

  • The fractional price paid in cash at time of purchase .

    购买 以现金形式支付的部分价格。

  • At the time of the purchase the retailer will ask to see a passport to establish the customer 's eligibility for the refund scheme .

    购物 ,业者会要求客户提供护照以确立其符合申请退税的资格。

  • It is difficult at the time of purchase to know any specific reason why they should appreciate in price .

    买入 时候很难知道有哪一个具体的原因让股票价格应该上涨。

  • Mechanism Research of Marketing Mix 's Influence on Consumers ' First Time Purchase Intention

    营销策略组合对消费者 首次 购买意愿的影响机理研究

  • For example the next time you purchase shower gel where you buy one and get one free keep one for yourself and set the other one aside for future gift giving .

    如, 下次购买沐浴露的地方,买一个自己用,另外一个存放着,在将来作为礼物送给别人。

  • Now time to make purchase of motor cars .

    现在我要 汽车市场买车。

  • The license code is a 25 character alpha-numeric code provided at the time of purchase .

    许可证代码是 购买 产品 提供的25字符的字母数字代码。

  • Understand that every time you purchase something the cost is more than just monetary .

    要知道, 每次 东西,代价不仅仅是金钱。

  • In order to determine the variance as soon as possible the material price variance is calculated at the time of purchase .

    为了尽快得知成本差异,材料的价格差异在 购买 便可计算。

  • A sales charge paid by the investor at the time of purchase .

    共同基金投资者在 赎回或撤出 支付的费用。

  • Your evaluation copy of % 1 has expired . Now is the time to purchase % 2 .

    您的%1试用版本已经过期。现在 应该 购买%2。

  • At the time of purchase to the floor at least to moderate more .

    所以在 购买地板砖 ,起码要中档以上的。

  • The billing information provided to us at the time of purchase does not match the billing information on record .

    帐单向我们提供的资料,在 时间购买不匹配的帐单资料记录在案。

  • Inspections may be appliance and will be advised at the time of purchase and arranged and paid for the client .

    将会申请视察,在 购买 通知,由客人安排和伏款。

  • DuPont had more than met the fund 's criteria since the time of purchase he says but ' now it is time to move on elsewhere . '

    他说,自从 购买杜邦公司股票 起,它的表现已经超过了该基金的标准,但是现在是时候投资别的股票了。