time clock

[taɪm klɑk][taim klɔk]


  • The emphasis is given on analysis to relationship of error sources to location accuracy on platform ephemeris echo time delays target elevation Doppler center frequency and time clock etc.

    着重分析了平台星历、回波时延、目标高度、多普勒中心频率和 时钟等误差源与定位精度的关系。

  • The game will run on a central time clock .

    比赛将会使用一个总 定时器

  • Real Time Clock System Design Based on SPI

    基于SPI的 实时 时钟系统设计

  • In the controlling part we introduced the real time clock switch inputs and switch outputs communication interface human-machine interface decoder data storing power monitoring circuit design .

    在配电变压器监测终端控制部分介绍了以80C196KC单片机为控制核心的电路设计,包括 实时 时钟、通信接口、开关量输入和输出、人机界面、数据存储、译码控制、电源监控电路的实现。

  • Based on real time clock of GPS system and by means of absolute time-marker real time data acquisition between different sites was performed in the form of wireless .

    以GPS系统 实时 时钟为基础,通过对绝对时标加以处理,以无线方式实现了不同站点之间的实时数据采集。

  • What happened to the big ticking time clock ?

    你怎么一 时间观念都没有?

  • Real - Time Clock Circuit Design

    实时 时钟电路设计

  • Real Time Clock chip is one of the most commonly be used consumer electronics in our daily life .

    实时 时钟芯片是日常生活中应用最为广泛的消费类电子产品之一。

  • The paper expounds the basic method and techniques of designing realtime communication software of master computer with PLC by Borland C + + including initialization transmitting and receiving of message communication test and error processing time clock and timeout processing etc. .

    论述了使用Borlandc++设计上位微机与PLC实时通信软件的基本方法和技术,包括初始化、发送接收信息、通信测试及出错处理、 定时 时钟及超时处理等内容。

  • We have done some research on an IP core design of real time clock RTC based upon the intelligent monitor system SOC .

    本文在智能监控SOC系统芯片平台下,对该SOC中的一个子IP模块 实时 时钟的IP核设计进行了深入研究。

  • Adolescence should be a time of exploration and discovery not punching in and out on a time clock .

    处在青春期的年轻人应该多点时间去探索和发现问题,而不是忙于赶 时间 上班 打卡

  • Time clock - to control off / on cycles of the heater as programmed by the owner or electric utility requirements .


  • The real time clock works stablely and accurately by a long time experiments .

    经过长期的试验. 实时 时钟运行稳定准确,取得了良好的效果。

  • A Drawing Method of Real Time Clock Based on GPS System

    一种基于GPS系统的 实时 时钟提取方法

  • A card used with a time clock to record an employee 's starting and quitting times each day .

    考勤 一起使用以记录职员每天上下班时间的卡。

  • It is not that American males are unable to cry because of some biological time clock within them which causes them to run down in that capacity as they grow older but that they are trained not to cry .

    美国男人不会哭,不是因为他们随着年龄的增长体内的某个生物 使其哭的能力消耗殆尽,而是因为他们被训练得不哭。

  • I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on-stage .

    应当在出场之前有台 打卡机。

  • If the user gives the correct password the command is executed the ticket is then re-set and the time clock starts all over again .

    如果用户提供了正确的密码,就执行命令,票据复位, 计时重新开始。

  • TimeClockWindow our time clock software provides LIVE payroll reports generated in just moments that are accurate to the second .

    它可以在短短几 之内生成准确的即时工资报表。

  • By using real time clock chip ( DS1302 ) to produce clock signal .

    采用 实时 时钟芯片(DS1302)产生时钟信号;

  • In addition the synchronization between the two computers in FADEC system which includes synchronization of Real Time Clock ( RTC ) and synchronization of task layer is designed .

    完成了FADEC系统双机同步(包括 时钟级同步和任务级同步)设计。

  • Real Time Clock plays a very important role in variety of application system .

    在各种应用系统中, 实时 时钟占有相当重要的地位。

  • Punching a time clock makes no sense for professionals .

    对于职场人来说,掐 计时是毫无意义的。

  • This paper aimed at the problem of real time processing for the simulation of inertial navigation system A method which carries out the real time processing in the Windows 9x system is proposed-Using the VxD to acquire real time clock interrupts .

    文中针对某型惯导仿真系统数据实时处理中对严格定时等问题,提出了一种在Windows9x平台下实现 实时处理的方案一利用VxD获取系统 时钟中断。

  • Attentive problems were analyzed briefly in order to realize the synchronization of real time clock design between the two computers in FADEC system . grade .

    为了解决如何在FADEC系统中实现双机 时钟级同步设计,简要的分析了应注意的问题;

  • The principle and application of the serial time clock chip DS1302 are described .

    介绍了串行 时钟芯片DS1302的原理及应用,并附有PL/M96语言简要说明其编程过程。

  • The system supplies users with a better environment for real time control of multi-task processing and consists of several subsystems such as task management and control I / O supervisor real time clock supervisor fault diagnosis etc.

    该系统向用户提供了一个良好的实时控制多任务处理环境,主要由任务管理与控制、I/O管理、 实时 管理、故障诊断等几个子系统组成。

  • If you run a business and your time clock software is getting out of date or perhaps you want to buy software for the first time then you have plenty of options to choose from .

    如果您运行的企业和您的 时钟软件变得过时了,或者你想购买的软件是第一次,那麽你有足够的选择的选择。

  • Introduces a method of the design and realization of a real time clock drawing installation .

    介绍一种 实时 时钟提取装置的设计及实现方法。