time harmonics

[电] 时间谐波

  • In the case of low speed and high regulation frequency the dead time characteristics of the PWM inverter may cause output voltage containing lots of harmonics which introduces great ripples to its torque and even makes the system unstable .

    同时PWM逆变器因死区的存在,在低速以及调制频率很高时, 死区特性将会导致逆变器输出电压含有很大的 谐波 分量,使转矩发生很大的脉动,甚至可能导致系统不稳定。

  • Non-Periodical Time Function Consists of Time Harmonics with Continuous Frequency Spectrum .

    非周期 变由连续频谱之 所构成。

  • The researching intention of this paper is to establish a high precise and real time harmonics measuring system .

    本论文研究的方向是建立一个高精度 实时 谐波测量系统。

  • At the same time the use of carrier phase shift technology can eliminate the network side of the secondary current harmonics and reduce harm harmonics back to the grid .

    采用载波移相技术能够消除网侧二 电流 谐波,降低谐波回馈给电网的危害。

  • The test results show that the detection method has the characteristics of accuracy and real time and can meet the harmonics detection demand of SAPF .

    最后实验结果表明,这种谐波检测方法具有较好的 实时性和准确性,能够满足并联型有源滤波器对 谐波检测的要求。

  • Results of time and frequency-domain noise prediction are both consistent with experimental one at BPF and its low order harmonics which attests that this noise prediction model is accurate in discrete frequency noise prediction of outdoor units .

    时域和频域预测结果在叶片通过频率及其低阶 谐波处吻合较好,且与实验结果相比误差小,说明了离散频率噪声预测模型在室外机应用中的准确性。

  • The function extension is discussed such as the real - time waveform display fault wave recording inter - harmonics analysis and so on with USB 2.0 port and PC.

    最后,对如何利用USB2.0与PC机进行 实时波形显示、设备故障录波、间 谐波分析等功能拓展进行了探讨。

  • The accurate estimation to harmonic and inter-harmonic parameters is the premise of handling them . At the same time harmonics inter-harmonics signal that is one of the key technologies of active filtering and reactive power compensation is extracted quickly and accurately .

    对谐波、间谐波参数的准确估计是谐波和间谐波的治理前提,精确快速的提取出 谐波、间谐波信号也是有源滤波与无功补偿的关键技术之一。

  • For AC electric arc furnace is an unbalanced nonlinear and time variant load that produces unbalance harmonics and interharmonics related with flicker effect .

    由于交流电弧炉是一种不平衡的、非线性 变负载,它产生与电压闪变有关的不平衡、 谐波和分数谐波,所有这些就需要一种非线性、不对称的动态u&i特性的电弧炉模型。

  • Furthermore the generation mechanics of time and space harmonics in the inverter-fed induction motor is analyzed in details . The influences of both types of harmonics on the iron losses of induction motor are described .

    然后,详细而系统的分析了变频异步电机中的 时间 谐波和空间 谐波的产生机理,分别指出了 时间谐波和空间谐波对异步电机铁心损耗的影响。

  • By numerical simulation this paper gives the data windows of time response the absolute error and the effects of harmonics .

    通过数值仿真,分析了本改进方法的 时间响应数据窗、绝对误差 和谐 对本方法的影响。

  • Its objective is to reconstruct distribution system into real time controlled and flexible one which has no flickers no asymmetry and no harmonics .

    其目的是通过系统的方法,将配电系统改造成无电压波动、无不对称以及无 谐波 实时控制的柔性化配 电网,以满足 电力负荷对供电质量和供电可靠性日益提高的需求。

  • In asynchronous motor the uneven air gap and the distribution of the winding in different ways will generate space harmonics in the air-gap magnetic field and switch state of power semiconductor converter components will superimpose time harmonics in the output voltage and current .

    在异步电机中,由于气隙不均匀和绕组的分布方式不同会在气隙磁场中产生空间谐波,而电力半导体换流元件的开关状态会在其输出的电压电流中叠加 时间 谐波

  • As planetary healers we must become aware of the galactic time frequency and learn how to use the natural harmonics of time to our advantage .

    身为行星的治疗者,我们必须意识星际 时间频率,学习如何使用自然 和谐的时间,成为我们的优势。

  • The pulse torques brought by high frequency time harmonics in induction motor is analyzed in this paper . The new method of calculating harmonic ripple torque is given on the base of void displacement principle .

    文章在分析高次 时间 谐波 产生的谐波脉动转矩基础上,介绍了用虚位移原理计算感应电动机谐波脉动转矩的方法。

  • For the first time not only any order harmonics for up-to-3-dimensional geometry are achieved but also the preliminary verification of the capability for flux mapping have been carried out .

    不但 首次实现了直至3维、任意阶的高阶 谐波计算,而且初步验证了用高阶 谐波进行通量拟合的能力。

  • At the same time the advantages of harmonics measurement based on virtual instrument and other function of harmonics measurement that can use VI developed are pointed out .

    同时指出了利用虚拟仪器进行 谐波测量的优点以及可进一步开发的谐波测量的其它功能。

  • Itshould be noted that not only the time harmonics but also the space harmonics have been taken into consideration in this mathematical model .

    值得说明的是这些公式及其推导中既包含了 时间 谐波又包含了空间谐波。

  • As the electrified railways rapid development and the same time new electric railways will produce many adverse impact on the main sequence negative and harmonics pollution to quality of the power system .

    电气化铁路在快速发展的 同时,新建电气化铁路的投入运营对电力系统电能质量会产生诸多不利影响,主要是负序 和谐 的污染。

  • A PWM speed-control system of variable frequency controlled by a chip microprocessor 8031 is introduced in this paper . This paper presents the calculating formula of the thyristor 's turn-on time and the measure of deducing harmonics .

    介绍了一种用单片机8031控制的PWM型晶闸管变频调速系统,导出了晶闸管导通 时间的计算公式,提出了减小 谐波的措施,给出了主要的控制程序框图。

  • Space harmonics and time harmonics will affect the result of the derivation of fault tolerant control algorithm . So this article gives a detailed analysis of these two harmonics .

    空间谐波和 时间 谐波都会影响到容错控制算法的推导结果,因此本文对这两种谐波作了详细的分析。

  • The time harmonics can be considered as voltages of higher frequencies applied to the windings .

    时间 谐波可以看作是施加在绕组上的较高频率的电压。

  • Fourier analysis of the maximum correlation time shows that it also conta-ins two appreciable harmonics with periods 29.8 ± 0.6 and 13.7 ± 0.2 days respectively and with amplitudes of about 0.06 hour for both harmonics .

    对最大相关 时间作了傅氏分析,结果表明它含有周期为 29.8±0.6天和13.7±0.2天,振幅约为0.06小时的周期变化。

  • With this method the disturbance signal can be simultaneously analyzed in both time-domain and frequency-domain and the time frequency and amplitude information of non-stationary harmonics and voltage flicker signals can be accurately detected .

    该方法可以从时域和频域两方面同时对信号进行分析,能够准确检测出突变、非平稳 谐波和电压闪变信号的 时间、频率和幅值信息。

  • The rotor eddy losses in no-load condition are calculated . The rotating magnetic field caused by space harmonics and time harmonics is analyzed .

    分析了电机负载运行 绕组的空间谐波和 电流的空间 谐波形成的旋转磁场,计算了电机的负载转子涡流损耗。

  • The real time and accurate detecting of harmonics is significant to the supervision and prevention of contamination .

    实时准确地进行 电力 谐波检测对于 谐波污染的监督管理、抑制治理具有重要的意义。

  • Mainly transforms in the profile data analysis process using the Fourier transformation the profile from the time domain to the frequency range separates the fundamental wave the triple frequency five sub harmonics .

    在波形数据分析过程中主要运用傅里叶变换将波形从 时域变换到频域,分离出基波、三次谐波、五次 谐波

  • Since the time frequency window of LCT is localized well and adjustable the method can quantify the frequency amplitude and phase of time varying harmonics more accurately than DFT and STFT .

    该方法的本质是利用了局部余弦变换时频窗良好的局部性和可调性,来分离各 谐波,同时跟踪它们随 时间的变化。