time of crime

[法] 犯罪时间

  • The understanding of criminal action understanding of the crime target and understanding of the time of crime constitute the recognition factor .

    认识因素又包括对犯罪行为的认识、对犯罪对象的认识、对 犯罪 次数的认识。

  • Time of crime is a key link for studying crime control .

    犯罪 时间是研究犯罪控制的重要一环。

  • At this time the proposal of intent crime have not adequate theoretical basis .

    此时,目的 概念的提出尚不具备充足的理论基础。

  • It is very important in identifying the criminal 's hand print to examine the freshness of hand print the different revealing effective period by way of different methods of revealing and the time of crime .

    在实践中利用现场手印新鲜程度以及不同显现方法的不同显现时效,再结合 罪犯 作案 时间来分析,对推断是否罪犯所留手印起着不可忽视的作用。

  • Discretionary sentencing circumstance means contains the motive of the crime crime in General results of the time and place of the crime crime criminal criminals after the crime has always been performance attitude and criminal record of the accused .

    酌定量刑情节一般包含犯罪的动机、犯罪的手段、 犯罪 时间、地点、犯罪结果、犯罪对象、犯罪分子的一贯表现、犯罪后的态度、被告人前科等。

  • Unfortunately for the Supreme Court these decisions were issued during a time of rapidly growing violent crime and civil unrest in the United States .

    不幸的是,最高法院作出这些裁决时,正值美国经历一个暴力 犯罪和社会骚乱快速增长的 时期

  • For a long time the legislative value of the crime of illegal possession of drugs as Miscellaneous Provisions has been unanimously approved by the theorists .

    长期 以来,非法持有毒品 在堵漏、兜底或查漏补缺方面的立法价值得到了学界的一致认可。

  • At the same time meet the other of crime and the heavier punishment when convicted and punished according to other crimes .

    同时符合其他 犯罪 构成,且处罚更重时,均按其他犯罪定罪处罚。

  • At the same time coincides the subject of crime important document and the crime subjective important document and thus constitutes the traditional crime four important documents to say transforms into two important documents to say by evolves consummates our country the crime constitution theory .

    同时,将 犯罪主体要件与犯罪主观要件相合并,从而将传统的犯罪构成四要件说改造成为二要件说,以进化完善我国的犯罪构成理论。

  • We 'd better divide time into time of crime and beyond time of crime in order to carry out investigation smoothly .

    从利于开展侦查活动的角度出发,把时间划分为 作案 时间与“非作案时间”。

  • On the basis of characteristics have a further analysis on the causes of theft cases from the location of crime scene the criminal suspects and the time of the crime .

    在特征的基础上进一步从盗窃行为发生地域、犯罪嫌疑人、 案发 时间分析榆中县盗窃类案件成因。

  • Application of the Link of Beyond Time of Crime to Fleeing and Committing Offense Investigation

    非作案 时间环节在侦查流窜 犯罪 案件中的应用

  • He claimed that he had been abroad to the time of the crime but he hadn 't a leg to stand on .

    他声称 案发 他人在国外,可是又拿不出证据来。

  • One who incites aids or abets a lawbreaker in the Commission of a crime but is not present at the time of the crime .

    同谋,从犯怂恿,帮助罪犯进行犯罪活动,但 犯罪 不在现场。

  • Characteristics of the gang crime of vehicle theft and robbery - are : Time of crime is all weather ;

    团伙盗抢机动车犯罪的特点包括: 作案 时间呈全天侯状态;

  • The number of university students is in the continuous growth at the same time the number of university students crime is also in constant increase .

    随着我国高考招生 不断提高,大学生的数量在不断增长,同样大学生 犯罪数量也呈上升趋势。

  • At trial he raises an alibi defense that he was in another city at the time of the crime .

    庭审时,他提出了不在犯罪现场的抗辩事由,称 犯罪发生 他在另一个城市。

  • Since time cannot return it is very important to grasp and control time of crime whether for the criminal or for the person responsible for crime control .

    由于时间的不可复归性,因此对 时间的把握,无论是对 犯罪实施者一方还是对犯罪控制者一方都有着极为重要的意义。

  • A defense lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime .

    一位辩护律师说, 尤弗是在醉酒状态下 犯罪的。

  • He was unable to persuade the police that he had been elsewhere at the time of crime .

    他不能使警察相信 案发 他在别处。

  • He testified in court that he was abroad at the time of the crime .

    他在法庭上证实, 罪案发生 他正在国外。

  • An Exploration on Time Constructive Conditions of Discontinuance of a Crime

    犯罪中止 时间性构成条件探微

  • Computer and network technology continues to evolve at the same time the use of computer crime and the means of computers and the Internet also continue to increase and improve its hazards and influence is growing .

    计算机和网络技术不断发展的 同时,利用或以计算机和互联网为目标的计算机 犯罪 行为和手段也在不断的增多和提高,其危害和影响越来越大。

  • At that time some names of crime have already devoted to female crime .

    当时,已经出现了专门用于女性的 刑名

  • First it helps to investigators strive for more time to ascertain facts of a crime .

    首先,它可以帮助办案人员争取更多的 时间查清 犯罪事实。

  • Part II studies the time when the subjective purpose of the crime of contractual fraud occurs . It mainly expounds the concept and the significance for study of the time when the illegal possession intent occurs .

    主要阐述了非法占有目的产生时间的概念、研究意义,并对合同诈骗 非法占有目的的产生 时间 定罪的关系进行了深入的分析和探讨;

  • Gives them plenty of time to get to the scene of the crime .

    时间多到这足够让他们到达 犯罪现场了。

  • Social environment factors : First the opportunity cost of crime is low-yielding large established for crime deterrent punishment is not enough in this case the time when the proceeds of crime will be sufficient to gain significant benefits induced by the individual risk of using criminal means .

    社会环境因素为:一、犯罪机会成本低收益大即针对犯罪行为制定的惩罚威慑力不够,在这种情况下当 犯罪收益足够 就会诱导个体为了获取巨大收益冒险使用犯罪手段。

  • It has great significance of policy implementation by accurate at impossible crime and non criminal impossibility at the same time improving criminal legislation of impossible crime .

    目前我国正在实行刑罚轻缓化刑事政策,准确把握不能犯未遂和不可罚的不能犯,完善不能 未遂的刑事立法,对于政策贯彻实施有重大的意义。