time borrowing

[taɪm ˈbɑroɪŋ][taim ˈbɔrəʊɪŋ]

[经] 借用时间

  • For the time being the distress-driven demand for dollars and risk-free assets is pushing down the cost of all this borrowing .

    现在,由担忧推动的对美元及无风险资产的需求,正在压低这种 借款成本。

  • Property investors are right to worry that all the excess supply will take substantial time to be absorbed . Higher borrowing costs and fears of a credit freeze hover over the sector .

    房地产投资者有理由担心,太多的房屋供给需要相当长的 时间才能消化,而 贷款成本上升和对信贷紧缩的担忧也依然笼罩着房地产市场。

  • In an unusually stern rebuke to its largest shareholder the IMF said the US was the only advanced economy to be increasing its underlying budget deficit in 2011 at a time when its economy was growing fast enough to reduce borrowing .

    imf对其最大股东进行了非同寻常的严厉指责,称美国是2011年增加基础预算赤字的唯一发达经济体,而 此时美国经济增长速度之快,本来足以使其减少 借款

  • The European Central Bank earlier this month raised interest rates for the first time in nearly three years which could deter some homebuyers who might scoff at the thought of higher borrowing costs .

    欧洲央行本月早些时候提高了利率,这还是近三年来的 首次。更高的 借贷成本可能会让一些购房者望而却步。

  • The same time civil servants lacking the ability and the public lacking of awareness these are restricting borrowing and administrative guidance to the effective regulation of the price . We should further improve the legislation civil service reform to create better conditions for administrative guidance .

    同时,公务人员缺少相关的能力素质,公众对此也缺乏认识,这些都制约着我们 借用行政指导来实现价格的有效调控。

  • Chinese onshore bond issuance is falling for the first time in four years as the authorities try to dampen borrowing in the world 's second largest economy without triggering a crash .

    由于中国官方试图在不引发经济崩溃的情况下抑制 借贷活动,中国国内市场债券发行规模四年来 首次降低。中国目前是世界第二大经济体。

  • This time ample foreign exchange reserves offset capital flight and the shift away from dollar borrowing insured companies against depreciation .

    这一 ,充足的外汇储备抵消了资本外逃,减少 借入美元 债务 行为保障了企业不会受到贬值影响。

  • At the same time capital markets helps commercial banks to conduct operation on borrowing and assets business and expand off-balance-sheet business as well as to upgrade assets quality and optimize assets structure .

    同时,资本市场的发展有利于商业银行 负债业务、资产业务和表外业务的拓展、资产质量的改善和资产结构优化。

  • But at the same time as fretting that surplus countries cannot step up to the plate with a surge in consumption and imports delegates are also concerned as are financial markets about the ability of deficit countries to continue substituting private sector debt with government borrowing .

    但就在各方为盈余国家不能迅速增加消费和进口而发愁的 同时,他们同金融市场一样,也在担心赤字国家能否继续以政府 借贷替换私营部门的债务。

  • For a long time University Libraries commonly regard stopping borrowing right as one mean of punishing College students .

    摘要长期 以来,高校图书馆普遍地把停止 借阅权当成处罚大学生的手段之一。

  • Third many countries across the world are going to suffer the consequences of the lack of access to finance at a time where the decline in their export earnings would have warranted more borrowing to smooth things out .

    第三,全球许多国家将会 到融资渠道缺乏的苦果,而这些国家出口利润的下降本来会为通过增加 借款解决问题提供正当理由。

  • The same time book as the broadcasting film and TV is a culture phenomenon emerged in the recent years therefore borrowing hot point comes into library .

    影视 同期书是近年来产生的一种文化现象,由此也产生了图书馆的影视同期书 借阅热点。

  • At the same time both corporate treasurers and local investors in Asia continue to ply the carry trade borrowing in low yielding currencies such as the dollar to invest in higher-yielding local currencies .

    与此同时,亚洲的投资者和企业财务官们仍在不停地从事套息交易,即 借入美元等低收益货币,然后投资于本地的高收益货币。

  • The civil servant system has been widely adopted but flaws and limitations are caused by the short time borrowing .

    我国公务员制度已得到普遍实施,但制度的嫁接 尚需时日,也存在着 不少缺陷和制约因素。

  • For a long time library service work lacks of service idea for readers just keeping on borrowing and returning books .

    长期 以来,图书馆的服务工作只停留在简单的 还图书层面上,缺乏有深度的读者服务工作理念。

  • But as time went on the allure of this extra income and the social benefits it allowed compelled Liu to slowly increase her borrowing .

    但随着 时间的推移,这份额外收入的诱惑以及其允诺的社会福利迫使刘慢慢增加着她的 借贷

  • We know that just the threat of default of America not paying all the bills that we owe on time increased our borrowing costs which adds to our deficit .

    我们知道,仅仅面临违约的危险一事美国无法 按时支付所欠的全部债务就增加了我们的 借贷成本,为我们的赤字雪上加霜。

  • The state-owned commercial banks especially the final user shall repay the foreign debts in time so as to ensure the timely repayment of foreign debts form the positive cycle of borrowing use and repayment of foreign debts and safeguard the reputation .

    国有商业银行,特别是项目最终用款人要切实履行偿债义务,确保外债的 按期偿付,形成外债 、用、还的良性循环,共同维护对外信誉。

  • While Microsoft generates the cashflow to support its existing stock repurchases it has signalled for some time that it has been looking to use borrowing to reduce its overall cost of capital and increase its financial efficiency .

    虽然微软为现有股票回购计划创造了足够的现金流,但一段 时间 以来,该公司一直示意,希望通过 发债来降低整体资金成本,并提高财务效率。

  • At the same time the Federal Reserve battled to contain a ferocious storm in the overnight borrowing market as financial institutions scrambled for cash pushing up the actual Fed funds rate at one point to about 6 per cent – triple its target rate .

    与此同时,美联储(FederalReserve)奋力抑制隔夜 拆借市场中的剧烈波动,金融机构竞相拆入资金,推动实际联邦基金利率上升1个百分点至6%左右&为其目标利率水平的三倍。

  • However at the time the State Council had not taken a decision on borrowing .

    对于该项目,政府议会 当时并未决定 贷款对象。

  • At the same time the paper proposes the measures of using people as base and strengthening management control by borrowing the concepts and methods of the cost management of full stage full factors full risks and full team advocated by ( foreigners ) .
