time letter of credit

[taɪm ˈlɛtɚ ʌv ˈkrɛdɪt][taim ˈletə ɔv ˈkredit]


  • Since this is the first time we have done business the most acceptable method of payment will be irrevocable Letter of Credit .

    鉴于此次是贵我双方之间第一 合作,最易被接受的付款方式是 开具不可撤消 信用

  • Capital funds will be tied up for a long time . The buyers shall open a Letter of Credit at sight through bank in favour of the sellers prior to .

    资金将被 长期占用。□买方通过银行在年月日前开出以卖方为受益人的期 信用

  • Time of shipment within10days after receipt of your letter of credit from Shanghai to Singapore .

    在收到您从上海到新加坡 信用 之内装运。

  • Are the expressions of sight draft time draft usance and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment ?

    即期汇票、 定期汇票、远期汇票和 信用状这些专用语,足以表现各种不同的付款方式吗?

  • The goods we purchased last time was paid by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit .

    我方向贵方订购的上 货物采用保兑的、不可撤销 信用 付款。

  • We have large order this time we hope you can agree to D / P terms for we have to pay a deposit in opening a letter of credit that is time-consuming and costly .

    考虑到我们订单数量很大,希望你们能接受付款交单的付款方式,因为开 信用 既耗 时间又费钱。

  • We must express our thanks for your having effected shipment within the time prescribed in the letter of credit .

    对贵公司能在 信用 规定 时间内装船,我们深表感谢。