time average

[taɪm ˈævərɪdʒ][taim ˈævəridʒ]


  • Then the adaptive weighting average method was used to get the space average speed by fusing these time average speed ;

    然后,利用自适应加权平均算法对这些 时间平均速度 进行空间融合处理,得出该路段区间 平均速度

  • The application of time weighted average concentration for the dust monitoring in coalpit ;

    广泛基础加权 平均条款适用于所有以往发行的股票及 当时进行发行的股票。

  • By means of a 1 ∶ 17 scale hydraulic model of the lock culvert valve of the TGP the tests for the valve hoist load were performed and the time average variation course the fluctuating loads and their spectrum characters of the valve hoist were analysed .

    通过比尺为17的物理模型,对阀门启闭力进行了试验观测,并分析了启闭力的 变化过程、启闭力脉动及其频域特性。

  • The observation content included the flow pattern time average pressures flow velocities fog rain and inspection in situ .

    其观测内容包括流态、 压力、空化噪声、流速、雾雨。

  • These images are captured with a CCD camera the first image is recorded when the object as in static state and the second image is a time average image recorded when the body as in angular vibration .

    采用该方法只需用普通的CCD摄像机分别摄取被测物体的静态下在图像及其在谐波振动状态下的一幅 时间 平均成像,即可求得该物体的角振幅。

  • Results In superficial temporal group a needle success rate the average blood collection time average blood pressure time was better than bleeding femoral vein group .

    结果颞浅静组一针穿刺成功率、采血平均 时间、采血后 平均压迫止血时间均优于股静脉组。

  • The continuous time average Markov decision programming with polynomial return rates

    具有多项式报酬率的连续 时间 平均马氏决策规划

  • If the profit share is to remain relatively steady over time average growth in unit labour costs needs to be consistent with inflation target .

    这两个数字如此接近不是偶然,如果利润分配 长期保持稳定,单位劳动力成本的 平均增长将与通胀目标一致。

  • To put this in perspective at the time her average sale for a single dress style was about 500 .

    要知道, 当时她的单款衣服 平均销量为500件。

  • The turbulent flow in open channel is tested with laser-Doppler anemometer in which the longitudinal time average velocity and fluctuating velocity of turbulent flow in open channel under the conditions of the sudden changes of roughnesses at different water depths are measured .

    通过激光测速仪,对壁面糙率突变时的明渠紊流进行试验,测量了糙率突变不同水深情况下明渠紊流的纵向 流速和脉动流速。

  • First statistic estimation method was used to fuse the data from several sensors located at the same site on the link thus the time average speed of this site could be gotten ;

    首先,利用分批估计算法对同断面多传感器信息进行 时间融合处理,得出该断面 时间 平均速度值;

  • With the increase of overlying effective pressure ( p ) the linear correlation between stepout and porosity declines which shows that Wyllie time average equation is sensitive in the low-pressure range .

    随着上覆有效压力(p)的增大,时差与孔隙度的线性相关程度减弱,说明Wyllie 时间 平均方程在较低压力范围内敏感;

  • Spider bow for well drilling machines w_3259 It sets good records on drilling cycle net drilling time and average ROP in the same kind of horizontal wells .

    该井的完成,创同类型水平井钻井周期、纯钻 时间平均机械钻速的国内好成绩。

  • Should you have some real numbers for your disk service time or average request latency you can plug them in to the calculations above to get better performance estimates .

    如果您有磁盘服务 时间平均请求延时的真实数据,可以把它们放进上面的算式,从而计算出更准确的性能估计值。

  • This report describes the elementary principles of holographic interferometry and some applications of its three basic methods in mechanics namely double exposure real-time and time average . The problem of how to simplify the analysis of fringe data has also been treated .

    本文阐述全息干涉计量术的基本原理和三种基本方法&双曝光法、实时法和 时间 平均法在力学中的某些应用,并且讨论了如何简化条纹数据分析。

  • The 29-year-old Don Jon actress would have taken the SATs around 2002 at which time the average score was 1020 making 1 slightly above average .

    这位29岁的《唐璜》女演员大约是在2002年的 时候参加了SAT考试, 当年 平均分是1020分,1080分刚过平均线。

  • The characteristics of time average pressure of skimming flow in stepped spillway are studied through experiments and the law of occurrence and transformation are discussed .

    通过模型试验,对台阶式溢洪道滑行水流的 压强特性进行了研究,探讨了台阶上时均压强的产生和变化规律。

  • The simulation results indicate that CRCL can improve the performance of streaming media application efficiently especially in data transmission convergence time and average path length .

    通过仿真实验对比表明:该模型在中小型流媒体应用中具有很高的数据传输率、较短的收敛 时间,同时 平均路径长度也较小。

  • My annual salary over that time will average about 45000 .

    期间我的年度 平均薪资约为4.5万英镑。

  • You need to be able to define operational levels for your services : response time up time average number of concurrent users and so on .

    您要能够为您的服务确定运行级别:应答时间、启动 时间,当前用户的 平均数量等等。

  • This paper introduces a kind of computing method about short time average zero-over rate .

    介绍一种 短时 平均过零率的计算方法,它具有易于用软件实现和便于调整检测门限。

  • Observing interference figures of the change of a standard state recorded by double exposure ( time average ) and the activity fringe provided by a real time method we can compare the change of the standard state with that of states of different times .

    同时观察双曝光( 时间 平均)记录的标准状态变化的干涉条纹图和实时法提供的活的条纹,就可对标准状态变化与不同时刻的状态变化进行比较。

  • The fuze is provided with some Anti-jamming function by means of instantaneous time average zero-over rate representing Doppler signal 's frequency of continuous wave radio Doppler system fuze .

    短时 平均过零率表征连续波多普勒体制无线电近炸引信多普勒信号频率,使引信具有一定的抗干扰能力。

  • In order to obtain the equivalent sound source center of a propeller rotating noise for noise control the investigation is concerned with the theory based on a cross-spectrum method and the experiment based on time average and space average .

    为了得到用于噪声控制的螺旋桨旋转噪声的等价声源中心,研究涉及到互谱分析法的理论以及 时间 平均和空间平均的实验技术。这是一种工程方法。

  • Based on the study of wavelet de noising and the method of time average it is demonstrated that the most suitable base should be comb wavelet for eliminating high level noise in vibration signals .

    通过对小波变换降噪性能的研究,针对旋转机械振动信号数据采集的特点,提出了一种在旋转机械振动信号处理中,利用 梳状小波进行降噪的方法。

  • The results demonstrate that climate prediction can be made only if the time average is taken .

    结果表明气候预测的对象必须是要素的 时间 平均场。

  • The reform and open policy for30 years the urbanized advancement accelerates to develop the urbanized horizontal speed-up is the same time world average level three times .

    改革开放30年来,城市化的进程加速发展,城市化水平增速是同时 世界 平均水平的三倍。

  • Work timeAverage time it takes to complete any call related work i. e. record management faxing information to the Decision Maker etc.

    工作 时间- 平均用来处理每一通电话所需要的所有时间,如:记录管理、真信息给客户等。

  • The two-stage VAD algorithm is composed of Short Time Average Magnitude Difference Function and Short Time Zero Crossing Rate Function or Short Time Autocorrelation Function .

    该算法第一级采用 短时 平均幅度差函数进行检测;在短时 平均过零率可以有效检测的 时候,第二级采用短时 平均过零率进行检测,整个算法只有加减运算,简单易行;