time phase

[taɪm fez][taim feiz]


  • Each group and each time phase ( 6 ) involved 6 rabbits respectively .

    每组每 (6h、12h、24h、48h、72h)各6只兔。

  • The problem of marriage and procreation was obviously influent during the year ( around 80 % at the three time phase ) and there was insignificant improvement within 3 months .

    婚姻和生育问题受影响者占很高的比率(3个 时点均达80%左右),且3个月内无明显改善。

  • Objective To explore whether bone marrow stem cells from adult rat can be differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells by hepatocyte growth factor ( HGF ) and the time phase characteristics in the differentiation progress .

    目的:探讨大鼠骨髓干细胞在肝细胞生长因子(HGF)诱导下分化为肝样细胞的可能性及 分化特性。

  • The results show that the new indices can more effectively evaluate gait symmetry in all these conditions and can represent the gait characteristics when spanning obstacles and with one rigid knee than the indices for time phase asymmetry .

    结果表明,新指标不仅适用于不同路况和运动模式的步态对称性评定,而且比常规的 相对称性指标更能准确反映跨越障碍和单侧关节僵直步态的不对称特征。

  • Secondly making histogram matching between high resolution PAN band in d2 time phase and the first principle component in d1 time phase ( PCd11 ) then putting up edge filter enhancement with 3 × 3 template tested fruitfully time after time ;

    d2 高分辨率全色波段PAN与PC1d1进行直方图匹配后,采用了经反复试验效果较好的3×3模板进行边缘滤波增强;

  • Extraction of relative time phase signal from rotary machineries and its use in fault diagnosis

    旋转机械相对 的提取及其在诊断中的应用

  • The features of the fault information included in the relative time phase were discussed and the appearance of the information from various faults described .

    讨论了相对 所包含的故障信息及在不同故障种类中的表征。

  • The thrombus residue was determined after Fogarty balloon catheter thrombectomy in each individual time phase .

    观察不 同时 Fogarty球囊导管取栓对静脉壁损伤情况;测定球囊导管取栓后静脉壁血栓残留量。

  • Conclusion The three factors all play roles in spinal plasticity after partial rhizotomy but they function at different time phase and last different time length .

    结论三种因子均参与部分去传入后脊髓的可塑性反应,但其发挥作用的 早晚及维持时间却不尽

  • Determination result of expressions of Bcl-2 protein and cox-2 protein in gastric mucosa of rats in the two groups after establishing models : Normal control group : There was no expressions of Bcl-2 protein and cox-2 protein in gastric mucosa at every time phase .

    造模后两组大鼠胃黏膜组织cox-2和Bcl-2蛋白表达的检测结果:①正常对照组:在造模后各 点胃黏膜组织细胞均未见cox-2和Bcl-2阳性表达。

  • Direct Measurement of Power Angles in Wide-area Power System Dynamic Supervisory Development of multi-function real time phase angle monitoring system and its application in Northwest China Power Grid

    电力系统广域动态监测中的功角直接测量技术广域电网 量测量系统在西北电网的开发及应用

  • I think it 's time for phase three .

    现在是该执行第三 时候了。

  • Experiments in brain ischemia revealed that expression of HSP70 had time phase property and was related to the area and extent of injury .

    脑缺血的实验研究发现,热休克蛋白70表达具有 性,并与受损部位和程度有关;

  • Based on the delay time phase reconstruction of the chaotic dynamical system and the nonlinear characterization of the neural networks the prediction of factual EEG signals were investigated by using the radial basis function neural networks with the adaptive projective learning algorithm .

    基于混沌动力学系统 空间的 延迟 坐标重构及人工神经网络的非线性特性。研究了采用基于自适应投影学习算法的径向基函数网络对实测的EEG信号进行预测。

  • They were assigned into 3 and 33 days groups with 6 chickens in each time phase .

    3龄3组,每 组6只。

  • Research on Psychological Crisis and Time Phase in the Basketball Match

    篮球竞赛中心理危机与 时间 阶段的研究

  • From hour 6 after ischemia / reperfusion amplitude of wave of electroretimogram a and b was higher in the puerarin group than that in the ischemia / reperfusion group at each time phase but lower than in the sham operation group ( P < 0.01 ) .

    自缺血再灌注6h开始,葛根素组各 时段视网膜电图a、b波波幅高于缺血再灌注组而低于假手术组(P<0.01)。

  • Development of multi-function real time phase angle monitoring system and its application in Northwest China Power Grid

    广域电网 量测量系统在西北电网的开发及应用

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : To observe degeneration necrosis of the injured spinal cord tissue neutrophil infiltration and the expression sites and time phase of C9 and CD59 positive reactants of all groups at different time points after injury .

    主要观察指标观察各实验组伤后各时间点脊髓损伤组织的变性坏死、中性粒细胞浸润及C9,CD59阳性反应物的表达部位 及时

  • Roberts gradient processing is carried out for the input image of joint transform correlator and at the same time phase shift technique is applied to the reference image and binaryzation is implemented in power spectrum in the frequency domain .

    我们对联合变换相关器的输入图象进行Roberts梯度处理, 同时对参考图象采取 移技术,并在频域中将功率谱二值化。

  • Then the images at the same time phase in echocardiogram are reorganized according to their corresponsive acquisition angle after the extraction of region of interest .

    从滤波后的图象中提取出感兴趣区域后,将其在空间按原始图象获取角度重新组织,并根据多平面经食管图象获取方法的特点,利用三维直接匹配插值 算法得到规则 数据。

  • Controlled by a computer this system not only can make the left ventricle follow a command defining the same pressure wave as that during a beating cycle under physiological condition but also deliver mechanical stimuli with a proper waveform to the ventricle at a particular time phase .

    该系统通过计算机控制压力钳,不仅能模拟正常生理条件下左心室的压力波形,还能在心室活动周期的特定 、以适当波形对心室施加机械刺激。

  • Each group and each time phase ( 4h . 24h . 48h . 3d . 7d ) involved 5 rats respectively .

    每组每 (4h、24h、48h、3d、7d)各5只SD大鼠。

  • A time or phase of gradual decrease .

    衰退期逐渐衰退的 时间阶段

  • The numerical results indicate that ( 1 ) Time phase differences of periodical flows and backflows occur in diffuser .

    计算结果显示:(1)在微泵进出口扩散管的 流截面上流速有 相位差和回流现象;

  • The interrelated analysis of gait time phase symmetry and subjective

    步态 相对称性与假肢穿着者行走功能直观评价的相关分析

  • Various shifts in the time or phase position of individual pulses causing difficulty in synchronization and / or detection .

    脉冲在 时间 相位上各种各样的漂移,结果导致同步和/或检测的困难。