timber resources


  • However as a short supply in forest and timber resources China must rely heavily on imports to meet the demand .

    但由于我国森林资源和 木材 资源紧缺,因此必须要大量依靠进口来满足纸浆需求。

  • Forest resources are indispensable for human development . Forests do not only provide timber resources for economic development but also provide important ecosystem services such as soil and water conservation environmental improvement and tourism .

    森林资源不仅为经济发展提供了 木材 资源,而且拥有保持水土、改善环境、旅游休憩等重要的生态服务功能,是人类发展不可或缺的资源。

  • A further discussion on the timber resources upgrade of enterprises and technological development of the trade is made on the basis of China 's paper industry .

    结合中国造纸工业的实际,进一步阐述了 木材 资源、企业优化升级和行业技术进步问题。

  • Fully effectively use timber resources to produce the maximum economic and social benefits of forestry science research workers is the world care together and continuously research topic .

    充分有效地利用 木材 资源,使之产生最大的经济与社会效益,是各国林业科研工作者共同关心和不断研究的课题。

  • The precious timber trees resources are our country important strategic resources .

    珍贵 用材树种 资源是我国重要的战略资源。

  • Under this background some international organizations suspect China 's self-supplying ability of timber resources and think that China 's future import will bring heavier burden to world resources arbitrarily .

    在这种背景下,一些国际组织对中国未来 木材 资源的自给能力产生了怀疑,认为中国 木材的进口将会给世界 森林资源带来更大的负担。

  • We can look forward to continued technological advances that will stretch the availability of existing timber resources .

    我们期望进一步提高技术水平,有效利用现有 木材 资源

  • Studying on laminated veneer lumber online non-destructive testing system can improve the product quality ; prevent the waste of timber save timber resources indirectly .

    研究单板层积材在线无损检测可提高其质量控制水平,防止了木材 资源的人为浪费,从而间接地节约了 木材 资源

  • Timber resources is essential basis resources of national economy development .

    木材 资源是国民经济发展不可或缺的基础性资源。

  • The industrial development and utilization of bamboo timber resources in China

    竹材 资源的工业性开发利用

  • With increasing attention of the global consumption of timber resources reducing consumption of timber resources energy consumption and improving the quality of their timber products have caused widespread concern by government around the world .

    随着全球对 木材 资源消耗问题的日益重视,降低木材资源消耗、减少能源消耗和提高木制品质量已引起世界各国政府的广泛关注。

  • Local Timber Resources in China Decline Recently

    近期我国本土 木材 资源 屡屡 受挫

  • But the linear production mode in mass production and mass consumption produced the waste of resources and deteriorated the environment such as timber resources exhausted environment polluted landfill took up the large land and so on .

    但这种大量生产&大量消费的线性生产方式带来大量的资源废弃和引起生态环境的恶化,比如 木材 资源的耗竭、环境污染、土地填埋占用等。

  • Reasonable use of Particleboard can save a lot of timber resources our country lack of wood to development Particleboard production is an important path for improve wood utilization and increased wood supply .

    合理的利用刨花板可以节约大量的 原木 资源,我国是一个缺林少木的国家,发展刨花板生产是实现木材综合利用,提高木材利用率和增加木材供应的一个重要途径。

  • Asset Assessment of Commercial Timber Forest Resources in Qiandongnan Prefecture

    贵州省黔东南州 用材资源资产评估

  • The Solomon Islands Samoa and Tonga are among countries with high rates of forest degradation due to heavy exploitation of timber resources .

    由于过度开采 木材 资源,所罗门群岛、萨摩亚和汤加的森林退化率很高。

  • In such case it must be the best way to take full advantage of limited timber resources by the recycling of wood furniture .

    木质家具的回收利用能充分的利用 木材 资源

  • In the case-study part it was confirmed that market scale and timber resources played a very important role in the wood-processing industry agglomeration .

    案例分析部分,从现实角度印证了市场与 木材 资源在木材加工产业集聚中发挥重要作用。

  • The demand of timber increases increasingly with the rapid development of economy . the development of artificial fast-growing forest is an important and effective way to ease Chinese shortage of timber resources .

    随着经济的迅速发展,木材需求量日益增加,发展人工速生丰产林是缓解 木材 资源不足的重要途径。

  • The glued laminated bamboo furniture drawn resource of bamboo has changed the reliance of the furniture industry on timber resources fundamentally .

    竹集成材家具取材于竹材资源,很大程度上改变了家具业对 木材 资源的依赖。

  • Finally this paper has proposed the Strategy of establishing timber resources for Zhejiang timber industry using international and measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the security system .

    最后,提出了建立浙江木业利用国际 木材 资源保障体系的对策及确保 资源保障体系顺利实施的措施。

  • Secondly the demands and supply of timber in Zhejiang timber industry has been specifically and thoroughly analysed then the necessity of using international timber resources for Zhejiang timber industry has been pointed out .

    其次,通过对浙江木业的木材供给、需求进行深入具体的分析,指出了浙江木业利用国际 木材 资源的必要性。

  • It has also analyses internal and external advantage and disadvantage of using international timber resources for Zhejiang timber industry in order to get a clear understanding of opportunities and challenges faced by timber industry .

    同时,对浙江木业利用国际 木材 资源所面临的内外部有利及不利条件进行分析,以认清浙江木业利用国际木材资源面临的机遇和挑战。

  • An analysis of the social demands of China 's timber industry and the state of timber resources .

    分析了我国木材工业的社会需求及其 林木 资源状况。

  • Acquisition Channel of China 's Timber Resources in Future

    未来中国 木材 资源获取途径探究