write out

[raɪt aʊt][rait aut]


  • Just to help me write out the discussion questions .

    只是请她帮我 写出讨论问题。

  • If you say let 's write out an expression for the energy .

    如果你说,让我们 写出能量的表达式。

  • Write out my gay confession and I 'll sign it .

    我的同性恋自白 书写 下来,我会在上面签字的。

  • I write out a note for Dean .

    迪恩 张纸条。

  • I 'll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement .

    我将通知我的律师把这份协议 出来

  • You can 't write out good works without inspiration .

    没有灵感你就 好的作品来。

  • I feel we need to write out stories and this was a big part of our story here .

    我觉得,我们需要把故事 出来,而这正是我们故事的重要部分。

  • You must write out the name of the registry hive ; you cannot use abbreviations .

    必须 写出注册表配置单元的全称,不能使用缩写。

  • When writing this I do not have any reference books so I write out of my memory .

    写作时,我也没有任何参考书籍,所以我 我的记忆。

  • Read and write out the following words .

    读一读并 根据 音标 写出下列单词。

  • Please write out the amount both in words and figures .

    请用文字和数字两种方式 填写金额。

  • Now sit down and write out all the fears you have about that one thing .

    现在就坐下来 写出对于这件事你所害怕的一切。

  • We had to write out a list of ten jobs we 'd like to do

    我们得 列出10种我们想做的工作。

  • Maybe soon the scriptwriters will have to write her out of the series .

    也许很快剧作家就得结束掉她 该系列 剧中的戏份,不再让她 露面

  • And I think I won 't write out the results .

    我不认为我需要 写出结果。

  • The application form is important . Sit down and write it out properly .

    申请表十分重要,坐下来好好 填写

  • I am not a poet so I can 't write out the lotus'charming and fascinating .

    我不是诗人, 它妩媚与妖娆;

  • Label the diagram carefully and write out in words all of the changes you can identify .

    仔细标注图形,并 文字说明所有你能确定的变动。

  • Could you write out exactly what you need me to do ?

    你能准确地 写出你需要我做的事吗?

  • Note : If it is helpful to you write out these questions for consideration .

    注意:如果这对你有所帮助, 这些问题 下来以供思考。

  • She encourages them to label their drawings and to write out lists and plans for their dramatic play .

    她鼓励他们在标签上 画,并为他们戏剧性的播放列表和计划。

  • As the load increases there 's not enough time to run Metronome and write out the audit log .

    随着负载的增加,不再有足够的时间来运行Metronome和 写出审计日志。

  • You might also want to write out the information to separate files ( see Listing 5 ) .

    您还可能会希望将信息 写入到不同的文件中(请参见清单5)。

  • Brackets to make suitable questions for Daisy and Jack and write out the conversation .

    黛西和杰克在家里举行朋友聚会。 括号中的词 完成黛西和杰克向朋友们提出的问题。

  • Before you open it I want you to write out your own account of your father 's life and death to the best of your knowledge .

    你打开它之前,我想要你 写出你的父亲生活和死亡的你自己的帐户,对你的知识最好。

  • Write out a schedule to organize your practice time and follow it every day .


  • Write out invitations and all that and no time to do it .


  • Please will you write out your name and address in full .

    请完整地 写出你的名字与地址。