


  • Nor does he give us a rule for determining the'balance'of prima facie rightness over wrongness .

    他也没有给我们一个规则来调节 显见正当和显见不当之间的平衡。

  • The Qing government 's policy of adhering to treaties and the wrongness of it have left a profound lesson for later generations .

    清政府的 守约方针及其 失误,给后人留下深刻的教训和启示。

  • Many philosophers have been intuitionists believing that the ultimate test for the morality of an action is moral vision - an immediate intuition of the tightness or wrongness of the act .

    许多哲学家是直观主义者,相信行为道德的最终检测是道德洞察&一种对该行为 正误的直感。

  • Fear may be a consideration in determining the wrongness of acts in some views .

    有一些观点认为,在决定行为 是否 具有 错误性中,恐惧也要被考虑 其中

  • There is also much wrongness in food supervising system . No matter the supervising standard the supervising principal the means of supervision and the direction to propagandas to consumers need to be improved .

    我国的食品监管制度也存在 诸多 弊端,无论在监管依据、监管主体还是监管手段,乃至对消费者的宣传引导方面,均亟待改善。

  • And that just shows you don 't understand what wrongness is .

    这展示了你不明白 错误是什么。

  • Those issues concern fairness justice rightness or wrongness ; as a result it can only be resolved according to ethical standards .

    这些问题涉及到公平,公正,对或 ,因为它只能按道德标准来解决。

  • When we use legitimacy in the normative sense we are making assertions about some aspect of the rightness or wrongness of some action or institution .

    在规范意义上使用“正当性”的时候,我们从是非的角度 评价某个行为或者制度,并给出一定 论断

  • The rightness or wrongness of the measures taken is of course open to argument .

    采取的措施是对是 自然是有争议的。

  • However the seals were still broken and the world remained flooded with demons and god knows what other kinds of horrific genetic wrongness .

    但是, 人间与魔界的封印仍未修复, 凡间还充斥着各种妖魔鬼怪和 邪恶 事情

  • At present it is imperative to discuss not only the rightness or wrongness of specific health policies but moreover the problems in the mechanisms of health policy formulation .

    当前,不仅要讨论具体卫生政策的 正误,更需要讨论卫生政策形成机制中存在的问题。

  • At present there were many cases of medical tangle that deteriorated condition of injury or death which caused by wrongness medical treatment factors intervention after the trauma treatment .

    患者外伤 后因 不良医疗因素的介入导致伤情恶化或死亡所引发的医疗纠纷案例在目前较多

  • A fisherman can explain the wrongness of the weather .

    渔夫能说明天气的 正常

  • It symbolize the belief that there be an element of real wrongness In this world

    它象徵著这个世界上有真正的 公正的因素这样一个信念