


  • The study and application of X-radiation sampling technique of muclear geophysics

    核地球物理学 X 辐射取样技术研究和应用

  • Methods of measurement of X-radiation for cathode-ray tubes

    GB/T14011-1992阴极射线管 x 射线 辐射测试方法

  • It provided a foundation to the study of the best X-radiation dose for the larynx cancer 's therapy in the future .

    为下一步用 光谱 技术的研究喉癌 X 射线 放射最佳剂量的问题奠定了基础。

  • Diffraction scattering or absorption experiments on materials using synchrotron X-radiation can provide new and more detailed structural information than using conventional X-ray sources .

    使用同步 辐射 X 射线进行材料的散射、衍射和吸收实验要比用一般X射线源的实验能提供新的、更 精确、更详细的结构信息。

  • Methods Exponentially growing CNE cells were treated with fractionated X-radiation with total dose of 10 Gy ( 2 Gy per day for 5 days consecutively ) in vitro .

    方法对人鼻咽鳞癌CNE细胞进行体外培养, 细胞进入指数生长期 模拟 临床放疗方法进行 X 射线分割 照射,2Gy/( d.f-1),连续5d,总剂量10Gy。

  • Mechanism of low dose X-radiation influencing B16 melanoma blood-borne Pulmonany metastases

    小剂量 辐射影响B16黑色素瘤血道肺转移作用机制研究

  • The Effect of X-radiation on Circadian Rhythms of cAMP and cGMP in Worker 's Urine

    X 射线 探伤操作工人尿cAMP和cGMP昼夜节律的影响

  • Structural studies of materials using synchrotron X-radiation

    用同步 辐射 X 射线研究材料结构

  • Objective : To measure size of Koch 's triangle in the X-radiation and to evaluate the value in ablation of slow pathway .

    目的:测定 Koch三角的 X线 影像 上的大小及在慢径消融中的价值。

  • CONCLUSION : Qizhu Oral Liquid is effective in protecting the X-radiation injury mice .

    结论芪术口服液对 X 射线所致小鼠 辐射损伤有较好保护 作用

  • The single-strand break in these three different lines of cells after 10 Gy X-radiation is about the same but there is significantly different from the contral .

    结果 提示 10GyX 射线照射对三种不同 类型 细胞DNA的单链断裂与 各自的不照射对照组 比较有显著差别。而三种不同细胞株之间 比较则无明显差别。

  • For a particular pulsed-power generator i.e.with fixed pinch current as well as its rise time the Z-pinch load ( initial radius r 0 and line mass density m 0 ) should be optimized to maximize the X-radiation .

    用数值模拟方法确定喷气Z箍缩的负载特性喷气Z箍缩的负载参数(如质量线密度及半径)必须和脉冲驱动源的电流(幅值和上升时间) 匹配

  • Male mice were hypodermically injected with human liver RNA . then exposed to 1 . 5 Gy X-radiation 7 hours or 24 hours later the bone marrow cells were tested using the method of chromosome aberration .

    以昆明种雄鼠为模型,皮下注射不同剂量的人肝RNA,随后1、 5GyX 射线 全身 照射照射 7h和24h检测骨髓细胞染色体畸变。

  • Some of the electrons are stopped by the target and their kinetic energy is converted directly to X-radiation .

    有些电子被靶挡住后,它们的动能便直接转化为 X 射线