


  • Disney will close its NYC theater productions and Times Square will become X-rated again .

    迪斯尼公司将关闭其纽约市剧院演出,和时代广场将成为 X 了。

  • But the second class and x-rated organization video frequency picture deliver to then adopt the video frequency picture compression technique becoming the video frequency picture conversion the numerical signal deliver the system to carry on the picture transmission through a fiber-optic numeral .

    而二级、 机构视频图像传输则采用视频图像压缩技术,将视频图像转换成数字信号通过光纤数字传输系统进行图像传送。

  • Article Eighteen : Anyone shall not enjoy X-rated videotape alone .

    第十八条:任何人不得独自看 黄色 录影带

  • Using objective evaluation to building up introspect a x-rated management system of the classroom teaching and advancing the teacher 's introspect ability and strengthen the validity of the high education management .

    运用客观评价,建立课堂教学反思 管理制度,促进教师反思能力的提高和反思意识的加强高教育管理有效性。

  • Edison Chen : Hong Kong actor whose x-rated photos with various local starlets were leaked to the world and aroused huge interest in mainland China .

    陈冠希:香港演员,他与当地多名女明星的 照片曝光,在中国内地引起轰动。

  • Welcome then 2009 's adult X-rated older sister .

    不过 还是欢迎她, 这位 X 级别的成年老

  • After an internal investigation by his current employer turned up x-rated material on his computer he was fired ; he sued for wrongful termination and the litigation cost the company time and money ( though the suit was ultimately dismissed ) .

    内部调查发现他的电脑中有 限制 内容后,公司将其解雇;此人 甘心,对公司提起非法解雇的诉讼,(虽然最终被驳回,)官司还是耗费了公司时间和金钱。

  • Besides originally the x-rated net infant items got enhanced some points and the teenager athletics clubs and etc were set up radiate had the enlargement but it still did not become the stereoscopic network .

    在青少年 业余体育 训练 层次有所 延伸,除了原有 网外还加强了一些重点项目的幼儿 业余 训练,开设青少年体育俱乐部等,辐射面有所加大,但仍然没有形成立体网络。

  • He 's like an X-rated Peter pan .

    他就像是个有 透视 的彼得潘。

  • On Twitter the cover inspired X-rated jokes along with concerns that the child might be teased when he 's older .

    有人在推特上也拿这 封面开 限制 玩笑,也有人担心 封面上的儿童长大后会因此被嘲笑。

  • Anything that 's R-rated or X-rated against religion or anything racist would never get on my face or head he said .

    他说,限制 的反宗教的和种族主义内容别想上我的脸和我的头。

  • X-rated language aside there was a lot more banter you won 't be hearing at the Academy Awards .

    除了 X- 的语言,你不会听到更多关于奖项的戏谑。

  • You unraveled the secrets of namespaces and you think you 're on top of the X-rated acronym soup .

    您解开了名称空间的秘密,并认为掌握了 常人 难以 理解 技术

  • High School Students the Speech Expresses the X-Rated Training in Technical Ability Mode Beginning Explores

    中学生言语表达技能 训练模式初探