
[电] X波段

  • Simulation Study for Linear Frequency Modulated Pulse Compression Signal of X-band Radar

    X 波段雷达线性调频脉冲压缩信号仿真研究

  • Research on the Pretreatment of X-band Nautical Radar Sea-surface Image

    基于 X 波段导航雷达海面回波图像预处理的研究

  • The Design and Measurement of X-band Dual-Mode Waveguide Diplexers

    X 波段双模波导双工器的设计与测试

  • Analysis of X-band Radar ′ s Capability in Missile Defense System

    导弹防御系统的 X 波段雷达能力分析

  • Lightning Detection of a Strong Storm with an X-band Multi-Parameter Meteorological Radar

    X 波段多参数气象雷达对强风暴云雷电个例的探测研究

  • Gap Impedance Simulation of X-Band Three-Gap Coupled Cavity Output Circuit

    X 波段三间隙耦合腔型输出回路间隙阻抗的模拟计算

  • The product of X-band couple circular polarization feed is researched in order to exploit the oversea market .

    介绍 X 波段 收发 共用双圆极化馈源是为了拓展海外市场新研制开发的产品。

  • The Design of System Compensation in X-band MCM T / R Module

    X 波段MCMT/R组件的系统补偿设计

  • In order to meet the warships needs of real-time wave height measurement a method using X-band navigation radar to measure wave height is presented .

    针对舰船对浪高实时测量的需要,提出了基于 X 波段导航雷达浪高实时测量的方案。

  • Damage phenomena of dielectric window material under X-band high power microwave

    X 波段高功率微波对介质窗材料的破坏现象

  • Design of An X-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter

    X 波段基片集成波导带通滤波器的设计

  • Design and Test of Small-scale X-band Microstrip Antenna

    小型 X 波段贴片天线设计、匹配及测试

  • 3D PIC simulation of X-band high power coupled cavity traveling wave tube

    X 波段大功率耦合腔行波管3维粒子模拟

  • The multiplexer synthetic network for X-band waveguide

    一种 X 波段波导多工合成网络的设计

  • Modal Analysis of Antenna Structure of X-band Doppler Weather Radar

    X 波段多普勒天气雷达天线结构的模态分析

  • The pulse power supply for X-band Traveling-Wave Tube ( TWT ) experiment was developed .

    基于 X 波段行波管实验研究的需要,研制了行波管脉冲电源系统。

  • Novel X-band dual-mode bandpass filter based on the substrate integrated waveguide

    一种新型 X 波段基片集成波导双模带通滤波器

  • The Application Research of X-band Radar on Sea Surface Dynamic Environment Monitoring

    X 波段雷达在海面动力环境监测中的应用研究

  • Attenuation Correction of Reflectivity for X-Band Dual Polarization Radar

    X 波段双线极化雷达反射率的衰减订正

  • Design and Manufacture Techniques of X-band High Power T / R Module

    X 波段高功率T/R组件的设计与制作

  • Simulation of weather clutter as measured by X-band phased array radar ; DREO technical report

    对采用 x 波段相控阵雷达测得的天气杂波进行的模拟/DREO技术报告

  • This paper describes research on X-band doppler sensor system used to measure the speed of claw passenger trucks .

    详细介绍了用于检测矿井车辆 x 波段多普勒传感器系统的研制。

  • An optimized design of X-band slow-wave bandpass filter

    基于慢波效应的 X 波段带通滤波器的优化设计

  • Design of PPM focusing system for X-band coupled cavity TWT

    X 波段耦合腔行波管PPM系统设计

  • Research on X-band Cascade Omnidirectional Coaxial CTS Antenna

    X 波段级联全向同轴CTS天线研究

  • Experimental Study of X-Band Radar Scattering Characteristics of Aircraft Wake Vortices

    飞机尾流 X 波段雷达散射特性的实验研究

  • An Improved Method on the Wave Height of Ocean Surface Based on X-Band Radars

    基于 X 波段雷达海面波高估计的改进方法

  • Design on X-band Wideband and High-gain Microstrip Antenna

    X 波段宽频带高增益微带天线阵设计

  • The X-band coaxial cavity multi beam klystron ( MBK ) with its beam-wave interaction system and new type of pole controlled electron gun is studied .

    开展了具有同轴谐振腔互作用电路和双模工作杆控电子枪的 X 波段同轴腔双模多注速调管的研究工作。