writing move

[ˈraɪtɪŋ muv][ˈraitiŋ mu:v]

[计] 写动作

  • I 'm on the preference of that because so I was trying to do analytical philosophy as you know my writing is very often not like that and I move across various fields .

    我赞成这种方式,就因为这个,我在试图,做分析哲学的研究,像你们知道的,我的 作品不是 那样的,我是跨学科的。

  • Seeing everything in writing will help get you organized mentally for the move and will help you not stress as much about the whole process .

    将一切事情用 书面 形式 记录 下来可以帮助你在 搬迁过程中精神上保持组织性,也可让你在整个过程中不会觉得压力过大。

  • Corresponding to the river axes and city centers the groups of writers as the main body of literature activities and writing were on the move all the time .

    与流域轴线和城市轴心互动相对应的是,作为文学活动与 创作主体的文人群体始终处于 流动之中。

  • At the time of writing South Korean officials were engaged in a crisis meeting in an underground bunker discussing their next move .

    在记者 撰写 本文时,韩国官员正在“地下室”召开紧急会议,商讨下一步 举动

  • A chronicler in Cawston Nottinghamshire described the act of dribbling the ball at one of these games writing that players would move forward or propel the ball with their feet .

    英国诺丁汉郡 考斯顿的一位编年史家是这样描述一次比赛带球的:控球球员用脚 向前 移动或推动球。

  • In access to information and teaching practice I feel more deeply the teaching of writing in the language of the position and the far-reaching impact on students I hope through my teaching of writing can move forward to make modest .

    在查阅资料和教学实践中,我更加深刻的感受到,写作教学在语文中的地位和对学生影响的深远,希望能通过我的探讨能为 作文教学的 向前迈进尽绵薄之力。

  • To the eighth century the seat of writing contract date began to move backward . There have been two situations : in the second item and the latter part of the contract . At the same time the content adds to the land boundaries .

    到八世纪, 立契日期位置开始后 ,出现了位于契约第二项和契约后部的情况,并增加了土地四至的规定,契约也内容更为详尽。