


  • For various reasons although anti & monopoly laws of all countries forbid the horizontal agreement such laws also will give the wrongdoer a way out allowing its legal existence under certain circumstances which constitutes the exemption system of horizontal agreements .

    出于各种考虑,各国反垄断法在 概括禁止横向垄断协议的同时, 往往又会 网开一面,允许其在特定情况下合法存在,这就是横向垄断协议豁免制度。

  • He lays heavy burdens upon the conscience of the wrongdoer and pierces the soul with arrows of conviction .

    却要把沉重的担子压在 罪人的良心上,用 觉悟 利箭刺透他们的心灵。

  • The no-fault liability irrespective of the negligence of the wrongdoer and the victim actually refers to the No-fault Compensation which has nothing to do with the tort law .

    不考虑 加害 的过错,也不考虑受害人的过错的无 过错责任实际指的是与侵权法之外的无过失补偿制度。

  • Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws . Forgery and alternation of bills brings about not only corresponding legal aftereffect to the bearer payer and wrongdoer but also great risks to the relevant subjects .

    票据伪造和票据 变造,会给票据的持票人、付款人以及伪造、变造票据的 行为 带来相应的法律后果,使该票据关系的相关主体承担极大的风险。

  • Even if a person has wronged a high-value individual the wrongdoer is still treated with respect .

    即使有人不公正地对待高价值的人,高价值的 也仍然尊重他。

  • Second most environmental crime are unintentional and their negligence is determined on the basis of objective criteria that whether a wrongdoer goes to take prevention measures ;

    其次,大多数环境犯罪是过失犯罪,其过失将依据这样一个标准来确定,即 行为 是否采取了有效防治措施以 力图 避免 损害 结果的发生, 如果 没有,应 认定 过失成立;

  • The judge was lenient with the wrongdoer .

    法官对这个 犯人宽大

  • A rule of evidence whereby the negligence of an alleged wrongdoer can be inferred from the fact that the accident happened .

    根据事实可以推断出被告 过失的证实规则。

  • The judge was lenient with the wrongdoer . He is a man with big heart .

    法官对这个 犯人宽大。他是一个宽宏大量的人。

  • The blind and the seeing are not equal nor are those who believe and do good works and the wrongdoer yet you seldom reflect .

    无眼 与有眼 是不相等的; 信道而且行善者与 作恶 也是不相等的,但你们很少觉悟。

  • According to the law any private citizen in control of evidence of illegality could bring a suit on behalf of US government against the wrongdoer for remedy and get a portion of the recovered money as rewards .

    根据该法,任何人掌握违反该法的证据就可以代表美国政府提起诉讼, 请求 赔偿政府的 损失,而 告发 起诉的个人,可以从政府收回的资金中获得一定比例的奖励。

  • Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities ?

    让一个 坏事 洗手真的那么难吗?

  • Regarding the acts to the prejudice of the civil litigation that are specified in the preceding paragraph the people 's court shall subject the wrongdoer to the punishment according to the provisions of the civil procedure law .

    人民法院对前款规定的 妨害民事诉讼的行为,依照民事诉讼法的规定予以制裁。

  • It took her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer was .

    她用了很长时间才琢磨出谁是 坏事的人。

  • Generally the court does not seek to punish the wrongdoer but rather to make the wronged party whole through a money award called damages .

    大体 上来 ,法院不能够 主动 提起 追究 违法 责任的诉讼,只能判有过错的一方就其损害给付损害赔偿金。

  • Some special conceptions in the accountant fields would influence the cognizance of the gravity of fault of the wrongdoer .

    会计学科的几个特殊概念将影响到注册会计师 过错 类型的认定。

  • Secondly the huizhou society for wrongdoer punishing and penalty agile applying in huizhou with penalty play a specific reflected .

    其次,徽州社会对于 犯错惩与罚的灵活运用,在徽州具体以罚戏一台体现出来。

  • The fundamental purpose of tort law is to compensate the injured party not necessarily to punish the wrongdoer as in criminal law .

    侵权法最基本的目的是对受害者的 救济与补偿,而不必象刑法那样对 非法 行为 进行惩罚。

  • The forms of subjective guild of the wrongdoer of financial crimes must be direct intention rather than negligence or indirect intention .

    金融 诈骗行为 的主观罪过形式只能是直接故意,不能是过失,也不能是间接故意。

  • Article 44 In regard to the desertion of one family member by another the victim shall have the right to make a request and the neighborhood or villager committee as well as the units in which the parties concerned work shall dissuade the wrongdoer and offer mediation .

    第四十四条对遗弃家庭成员,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以 劝阻、调解。

  • A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery .

    作恶 常提心吊胆,怕被 别人发觉。

  • Torts may be classified according to the gravity of the fault of the wrongdoer .

    侵权行为多半根据 坏事 过错的严重性来分类。

  • A wrongdoer haunted by fear of discovery

    经常提心吊胆怕被 发现的 作恶

  • If there is an argument between men and they go to law with one another let the judges give their decision for the upright and against the wrongdoer .

    人若有争讼,来听审判, 审判官就要 定义有理 恶人 有罪