writing ink

[ˈraɪtɪŋ ɪŋk][ˈraitiŋ iŋk]


  • Analysis of Writing Age of Ballpoint Pen Ink by Thin-Layer Chromatography

    薄层色谱法分析 圆珠笔色痕形成时间

  • Besides calligraphy is an extremely good assistant way in training of writing brush and ink in traditional chinese painting .

    另外,书法是中国现 笔墨 语汇 程式训练的极好的辅助方式。

  • The Rheological Characterization of the Writing Performance of Carbon Black Gel Ink

    炭黑中性 墨水 书写性能的流变学表征

  • The effect of defoaming agent of the acetylenic-modified polysiloxane emulsion on the surface tension density viscosity pH value and writing performance of the carbon black gel ink was investigated .

    考察了乙炔改性聚硅氧烷乳液消泡剂对中性 墨水表面张力、密度、粘度、pH值和 书写性能的影响。

  • A tray or stand for writing implements and containers for ink .

    盛放 墨水 书写工具的碟子。

  • The money was a great shot in the arm for the company . The Rheological Characterization of the Writing Performance of Carbon Black Gel Ink

    对该公司来说,这笔钱真可谓是雪中送炭。炭黑中性 墨水 书写性能的流变学表征

  • Mr. Pan was quite overwhelmed . He took the writing brush and dipped it in the ink .

    潘先生觉得这当儿很有点意味,按了 便在 盆里蘸 墨汁

  • The essay is a brief introduction of national printing equipment output and revenue of writing paper ink PS plate composition roller photosensitive film electrolytic aluminium and blanket in 2001 .

    本文介绍了2001年全国印刷 书写用纸、 油墨、PS版、印刷胶辊、印刷感光胶片、电化铝和印刷橡皮布7种印刷器材的产量和销售收入等基本情况。

  • A pen is an implement for writing with ink .

    钢笔是一种用 墨水 书写的工具。

  • Dating of ballpoint inks Determination of the Writing Age of Blue Ballpoint Ink by Gas Chromatography

    圆珠笔油墨字迹 书写时间鉴别的研究气相色谱法确定蓝色圆珠笔 油墨字迹的形成时间

  • According to this paper the writing brush and ink which make scholars acquire the theory Calligraphy and Drawing Having the Same Roots in their artistic taste .

    同时论述了书画之间相互的影响和发展,以及 笔墨的根本最终使两者在文人画中走向审美上的殊途同归。

  • Starting with expected applications the nature of digital watermarking and some of the typical analogies were revealed such as writing on a dirty paper with ink or playing a game by two people .

    概括了隐性数字水印的潜在应用,揭示了媒体水印化的本质,并介绍了经典的与水印相近的类比,如在脏纸上 写字和双人游戏。

  • And when it comes to writing cheques or doctors'prescriptions an ink 's ability to resist attack is important .

    墨水用来 书写支票或者医疗处方的时候,防涂改功能就变得非常重要。

  • A writing implement with a point from which ink flows .

    墨水可以流出的尖端的 书写工具。

  • The touring exhibition shows you the four treasures of the study i.e. the writing brush the ink the inkstone and the paper .

    巡回展览展出的是 文房四宝:笔、 、砚、纸。

  • A small vessel holding writing ink into which a pen can be dipped .

    钢笔能进入的盛放 墨水的小的器皿。

  • In writing media age ink paper and bamboo stone is the main tool for dissemination of Chinese characters .

    书写媒介时代, 笔墨 、竹简石刻是传播汉字的主要工具。

  • Chapter discusses how the practice in writing the language of traditional pen and ink to the current transformation .

    第五章论述在 创作实践中如何实现传统 笔墨语言向当下的转化。

  • Printing ink writing or drawing ink and other inks whether or not concentrated or solid .

    印刷油墨、 书写或绘图 墨水及其他墨类,不论是否固体或浓缩。

  • Correspondence : Learning vocabulary for letter writing : writing paper ink envelopes .

    学习与写信有关的词汇,如 信纸墨水和信封等。

  • The special material media & writing brush ink paper .

    以及特殊的物质媒介& 毛笔、纸。

  • This paper mainly expounded some his calligraphy theories of taking the stele as important as model calligraphy east-west exchanges technique of writing and ink style .

    本文主要阐述了沈曾植的碑帖兼重、南北汇通、 笔法法等书学思想。

  • Physical properties and writing performance of the homemade gel ink were tested in the paper and both physical properties and writing performance of the homemade gel ink achieve the performance index of the gel ink .

    最优配方配制 中性墨水的物理性能和 书写性能测试证明自制中性 墨水的书写性能和物理性能都以达到中性墨水的性能指标。

  • He stopped writing because he had run out of his ink .

    他不 了,因为他的 没有 墨水了。

  • A pen is an instrument used in writing with ink .

    钢笔是使用 墨水 书写工具。

  • Tony : Yes I have one and a bottle of chinese writing ink .

    托尼:是的,我有一支和一瓶中国 书法 墨水

  • Digital ink is an original technology of human computer interaction which saves dynamic information during writing as the form of ink .

    数字墨水是一项创新性的人机界面技术,其将 手写过程中的动态信息以 墨水的形式保存。

  • I prefer writing with little ink drawing the gentle strokes to avoid leaving traces of yesterday on the next page .

    我用少量的 墨水和轻柔的 笔触来避免昨日的痕迹留在下一页。

  • Whether be strict in one 's demands neat fine painting or writing ink and wash down the freehand drawing all without exception Ya and Jane as the artistic realm in the pursuit of .

    不论是一丝不苟、工整精细的工笔画,还是急驰 挥洒水墨淋漓的写意画,无不把“雅”与“简”作为艺术境界在追求。