X-ray spectrograph

[ˈɛksˌre ˈspɛktrəˌɡræf][ˈeksrei ˈspektrəuˌɡrɑ:f]


  • Results : The chemical formula composition x-ray diffraction graph FT - IR and Raman spectrograph were obtained .

    结果:获得了 晶须的化学组成、 X 射线粉末衍射图、FT-IR光谱和Raman 光谱

  • The trouble of disable opening X-ray tube in ARL9400 X-ray fluorescence spectrograph caused by destroied field effect transistor was discussed .

    介绍由于 X 射线荧光 检测器探头的前置放大电路场效应管损坏而导致X射线光管不能打开的故障原因及故障排除方法。

  • Dispersion curve and wavelength determination in flat-crystal X-ray spectrograph

    X 射线平晶 色散曲线和波长的确定

  • X-ray spectral lines emitted by high temperature plasma can be taken by means of crystal spectrograph in laser-plasma experiments .

    在激光等离子体实验中,用晶体 可获得高温等离子体所发射的 X光谱。

  • Soft X-Ray Crystal Spectrograph

    X 射线晶体

  • Structural properties of ZnO are studied by X-ray Diffraction and Atomic Force Microscopy ( AFM ) penetration coefficient is measured by grating spectrograph light emitting characteristic is tested by fluorescence spectrophotometer .

    薄膜的结构特性用 X 射线衍射仪进行了分析,表面形貌通过原子力显微镜进行表征,透射 光谱用多功能光栅 光谱仪测量,光致发光谱用荧光分光光度计测试。

  • In addition the composition of bright Sn-Bi plated layer is analyzed using scanning electron microscope and X-ray energy spectrograph . The result shows Bi content is 1 % and Sn content is 99 % .

    此外采用扫描电镜、 X 射线 对锡铋光亮镀层的成分进行分析,结果表明铋含量为1%,锡含量为99%。

  • Research on Key Technologies of a Window-type X-ray Crystal Spectrograph

    窗式 X 射线晶体 关键技术研究

  • X-ray diffraction differential thermal analysis electron microscope and infraed absorption spectrograph were used to characterize kaolin calcined kaolin and the 4A zeolite made from kaolin .

    本文用 x- 射线衍射、差热、电镜及 红外 分析等手段,对高岭土、焙烧高岭土及由其合成的4A沸石进行了表征。

  • Because X-ray spectrograph is a powerful tool to plasma diagnosis to study the information and evolution of the plasma in order to investigate the properties of laser produced plasmas X-ray elliptical curved crystal spectrograph was designed and manufactured .

    X 射线 光谱 是一种强有力的激光等离子体诊断工具。

  • Soft X-ray slit transmission grating spectrograph

    X 射线狭缝透射光栅 研制

  • Rebuilding on Thermostatic Apparatus of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrograph

    X 射线荧光 光谱仪恒温装置改造

  • In the experiment of X-ray laser with four-target series coupling a time-resolved crystal spectrograph was used to record the resonant spectral lines of Ne - like Ge ions and their satellites .

    在四靶串接 X光激光实验中,用时间分辨晶体 记录了类Ne锗共振线及其类Na伴线的时间扫描特性。

  • The composition and application of 101 ambient temperature steel blackening agent were introduced . Performances of blackening film were measured and its composition structure and appearance were analyzed by X-ray SEM and electron spectrograph .

    介绍了101型钢铁常温发黑剂的组成、作用和使用方法,综合测试了发黑膜的性能,借助于 X- 射线、扫描电镜、能 ,分析了发黑膜的组成、结构和形貌。

  • Determining Elements in Limestone and Lime Used of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrograph

    石灰石、石灰中多元素的 X 射线荧光 光谱 测定

  • X-ray crystal spectrograph for the laser-plasma experiments

    用于激光等离子体实验的 X光晶体