writing case

[ˈraɪtɪŋ kes][ˈraitiŋ keis]


  • Foster four abilities : that is ability of communication ability of writing case documentation ability of applying the concept of holistic nursing and ability of nursing management .

    培养四个能力,即培养交往沟通能力,培养 个案 书写能力,培养运用整体护理观念能力,培养护理管理能力。

  • How to increase the quality of writing case history in interns

    如何提高实习医生的 病案 书写质量

  • Design of the Injection Model of Pencil Vase in Plastic Writing Case

    塑料 笔架组件中的笔筒注射模设计

  • Others are material outcomes such as getting a new writing case ameliorating the dormitory condition or avoiding a deducted salary .

    另外一些结果是物质性的,如得到一个新 文具 、改善住宿条件;或避免被扣发工资等。

  • I don 't get too hung up about it but I 'd say if you 're just starting out think of unit tests as just writing a test case per class .

    我这里只是粗略地一说,不过,如果你想开始试试的话,可以把单元测试看成是为每个类 编写个测试 案例

  • Based on modern linguistics and stylistic theory the paper is to investigate the application of stylistic analysis in the advanced English writing teaching by case analysis .

    文章根据现代语言学和文体学理论,采用 实例分析的方法探讨文体分析在高级英文 写作教学中的实际运用。

  • Several issues in academic writing and case analysis in sports sciences

    体育学科学术论文 写作中的几个问题及 案例分析

  • The approving organ while issuing the certificate of approval to the applying unit shall notify in writing the case to the General Administration for Industry and Commerce .

    批准机关在发给申请单位批准证书的同时,应 书面通知 工商行政管理总局。

  • Usually Chip design and verification are carrying out in parallel : dividing the test points setting up verification environment selecting verification method and writing case for testing are required in the verification step .

    通常对芯片的设计和验证工作同时进行:验证阶段需要分解测试点,搭建验证环境,选择验证方法, 编写测试 用例

  • Many teachers agree that the Down the Hill against Wind and Snow and Back to Nanchang alone at Night is a very good example of Chinese Writing case teaching for teenage .

    很多老师都认为《披风历雪下井冈只身夜返南昌城》是一篇非常具有教学 分析价值的好 文章

  • Influence of Collectivism upon English Writing : A Case Study of Personal Pronoun

    集体主义对英文 写作的影响&关于人称代词的 个案研究

  • The notion that you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol .

    以为通过在白板上 编写一个个测试 用例就可以产生清晰架构的想法简直就是胡闹。

  • The Effect of Collocation Instruction in Classroom on Non-English Major Students ' L2 Writing : A Case Study

    课堂词汇搭配教学对非英语专业学生 写作 能力影响的 个案研究

  • In writing systems without case or accent the strength attribute controls similarly important features .

    编写不考虑 大小 或重音的系统时,强度属性控制相似的重要特性。

  • Ways spot-check 800 anaesthesia records of all our hospital 's records in 2004 according to 《 Writing Criterion Case History Of Guangdong Province 》 Result 585 records have different degree disfigurement in 800 anaesthesia records it is 73.13 % of check records .

    结果800份麻醉记录中585份存在不同程度的缺陷,占所检查记录的 73.13%。现场协调;

  • This week there is a lot of reading writing and case preparation but nothing to hand in .

    本周有许多的阅读、 作业个案 报告,但是今天没有作业要交。

  • Its purpose is to explore the complex nature of dictionary use and illustrate how dictionaries are used to complete tasks which require receptive skills ( reading in this case ) and tasks which require productive skills ( writing in this case ) .

    本研究的目的在于探究词典使用的复杂特征并阐明在完成需要接受性技能任务(本文中指阅读任务)和产生性技能任务(本文中 写作任务)过程中词典是如何被使用的。

  • In the teaching process we need to explore new modes of case teaching and consider writing case teaching materials etc.

    在教学过程中,要探索案例教学的新模式,还可以考虑 编写 案例教材等。

  • As well as writing a case study of each company the student groups had to complete a project for the company .

    除了针对每家公司 撰写 案例研究以外,各小组还要为公司完成一个项目。

  • Application Effect of Common Exercises in College English Reading Writing : A Case Study of New Horizon College English Reading Writing

    大学英语读 课程常见练习的使用效果研究& 《新视野大学英语读写教程》为

  • Of course writing the test case will pay off if you run the test more than six times .

    当然,如果您运行这个测试的次数超过六次,则 编写这个测试 案例是有收益的。

  • Second writing case reflection was an effective way to foster awareness and ability of reflection for the novice teachers . By doing so they learned through practice so that they would successfully gain autonomous professional development .

    通过 撰写 案例反思有效地培养了新教师对行动的反思意识和能力,因此他们学会了在实践中学习的能力,有效地促进教师的自主性专业成长。

  • Moreover writing a test case that can precisely isolate the eighteenth conditional in the method turns out to be extremely challenging !

    而且,要想 编写一个测试 用例,恰好能隔离出方法中的第18个条件,那将是极大的挑战!

  • This is the first time that the notion of authorization has popped up in this context and it 's an example of how writing a use case can find flaws in the problem statement .

    这在上下文中是第一次出现认可(authorization)这一概念,并且它是 编写 用例如何能找出问题陈述中的缺陷的一个实例。

  • Analysis on discourse functions in College English writing ; a case study of network-based language teaching in EFL writing ;

    浅析语篇意识在大学英语 写作中的作用网络英语写作教学之 案例分析(英文)

  • There have been a lot of concepts related to the educational case in point such as case teaching case writing case study and case discussion . How to integrate them better to serve the schoolmaster 's and teacher 's development better ?

    案例教学、案例 写作案例研究、案例讨论等与案例相关的概念已很多,如何将它们更好地整合,更好地为校长、教师的发展服务?

  • He filled his writing case with all kinds of stationery even including a pencil sharpener .

    他的 笔袋里装着各种文具,连铅笔刀都带来了。

  • The question-oriented teaching of administrative case around understanding defining and solving questions is facing many problems in practice such as the change of role the compile of case the analysis and discussion in the class the writing of case report .

    以认识问题、界定问题、解决问题为轴心的行政案例教学在实践中面临角色转换、案例选编、案例课堂讨论与分析、 案例 分析报告 撰写等问题。

  • May I put these papers on the writing desk in case the soup might be spilt on them ?

    我可以把这些文件放在 书桌上吗? 以免汤撒到桌子上把他们弄脏了。