written confirmation

[ˈrɪtn ˌkɑnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈrɪtn ˌkɔnfəˈmeɪʃən]


  • I have only heard that I got the job by word of mouth . I am still waiting for written confirmation .

    我仅仅是听说我得到了这个职位。我还在等待 书面 确认

  • Applicants who receive the prequalification notice are required a written confirm in24 hours after been notified and purchase the bidding documents in3 days after confirmation .

    申请人收到通知后,应于24小时内 书面复函 确认,并于复函之日起3日内按规定到指定地点购买招标文件。

  • Your registration will not be valid until you have received a written confirmation of admission .

    您只有收到我们的 书面录取 证明时,您的报名才生效。

  • For the purpose of check and verification lawyers may take such measures as interview written review on-site inspection inquiry and confirmation calculation and recheck .

    律师进行核查和验证,可以采用面谈、 书面审查、实地调查、查询和 函证、计算、复核等方法。

  • What the company needed Clarke said was official written confirmation that the licenses were still valid .

    克拉克表示,公司需要的是一 官方提供的 书面 确认 文件,确认许可证仍旧有效。

  • We 're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans .

    我们在等美国人的 书面 确认

  • In written answers to senators at his confirmation hearing in January he stated that China was manipulating its currency .

    1月份,在为 确认他的 任命而举行听证期间,他在提交给参议员的 书面答复中称,中国正在“操纵汇率”。

  • She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms Syllm 's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry .

    汉堡大学发给她的 书面 确认承认,如果不是适用的法律因希尔姆女士的血统禁止她参加博士答辩,她本应获得博士学位。

  • The narrative structure of ? Moll flanders ? Written by English novelist Daniel Defoe in the18th century is interwoven with the novelist ? S ideological confirmation that the female protagonist Moll flanders ? S pursuit of money all her life is in essence the confirmation of capitalist individual value .

    分析18世纪英国小说家丹尼尔笛福的小说《 摩尔弗兰德斯》的叙事结构,阐述 摩尔弗兰德斯这一女性人物终生追求金钱实质上是对资本主义个体价值的肯定。

  • This Agreement shall take effect upon the first funding of Client 's account provided that DFTT has sent Client written confirmation for his acceptance .

    本协议自DFTT公司以 书面 形式 确认客户的第一次入金到交易帐户起生效。

  • Distributor may terminate this Agreement by giving OV written notice and the termination will become effective upon receipt of OV confirmation reply .

    直销商可致函机汇要求终止本协议 ,及收到机汇香港公司 回覆后, 告生效。

  • If you make a hotel booking by phone follow it up with written confirmation .

    如果通过电话预订酒店房间,需随后进行 书面 确认

  • Proposed next steps : Similar as above a written confirmation from the tax bureau on the land use right exemption would be desirable .

    建议下步措施:同上条一样,税务局出具的免征土地使用税的 书面 证明必不可少。

  • In written answers to questions from senators at his confirmation hearing Tim Geithner the treasury secretary said : President Obama backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists believes that China is manipulating its currency .

    美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)在 任命听证会上 书面答复参议员问题时表示:奥巴马总统认为,中国正在操纵其本币汇率,这是以各界经济学家的结论为依据的。

  • Then a simple message about the build is written to the output stream which the remote SPOT reads ; it then returns a short confirmation message .

    然后,一条关于构建的简单的消息被 写到输出流,远程SPOT读取该消息,然后返回一条简短的 确认消息。

  • Failing to provide clients written confirmation within a prescribed period ;

    (二)不在规定时间内向客户提供交易的 书面 确认 文件

  • The Company claimed that they could obtain a written confirmation from the tax bureau if it is required .

    该公司称,如果需要的话,他们可以从税务局 开具 书面 确认

  • 1 verbal quotations are given for guidance only they are not binding upon the company and are subject to written confirmation in the order on receipt of the input material .

    口头报价只作为参考,对公司没有约束力,应以收到输入材料后所签发的 书面定单 确认为准。