X-ray crystallography

[ˈɛksˌre ˌkrɪstəˈlɑɡrəfi][ˈeksrei kristəˈlɔɡrəfi]


  • X-ray crystallography analyses show that two complexes are dinuclear complexes with bis - μ - alkoxy bridged structures .

    X- 晶体 衍射指出两个配合物都是由双醇氧桥联的双核金属配合物。

  • It took many years of trial and error before Rich proved through X-ray crystallography that the Crick and Watson double helix structure was correct .

    里奇经过了很多年很多年的试错才终于通过 X 射线 晶体学 手段,证实了克里克和沃森 研究发现的双螺旋结构是正确的。

  • The structures of all new complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography . The CV and UV properties of them have been measured and analyzed .

    利用 X 射线 衍射确定了它们的单晶结构,并对它们的电化学,紫外吸收光谱进行了测定和分析。

  • The scientists turned to a technique known as x-ray crystallography the gold standard of molecular structure determination for large complexes .

    科学家们开始使用 X- 射线 晶体 衍射技术,这复杂 结构检分子结构鉴定的金标准。

  • Meanwhile crystal structure of PAC-320 was characterized by X-ray crystallography and stability studies of PAC-320 were carried out by UV spectrum CV and TG .

    同时PAC-320的晶体结构通过 X- 射线 晶体 衍射进行了表征,并且通过紫外,电化学,热重测试对其稳定性进行了研究。

  • The ytterbium complex was analyzed by X-ray crystallography .

    镱配合物经 X 单晶 衍射分析。

  • All the complex was characterized by NMR and one molecular structure was confirmed X-ray crystallography .

    并通过核磁共振以及 X- 射线 晶体 衍射对两种 方法 合成的配合物进行了表征,并确定了其中一个晶体的 具体结构。

  • These four novel sulfur-rich complexes were characterized by IR and X-ray crystallography which indicate that the solvent can influence the crystal structure of complexes in the reaction between LR and metal salts .

    对这四个配合物分别予以红外及 X 射线 单晶 衍射的检测。结果表明在LR与过渡金属盐的反应中溶剂会影响其产物的晶体结构。

  • To map the structure the pair used a method called X-ray crystallography .

    为了测定这个结构,他们使用了一种称为 X 射线 晶体学的方法。

  • X-ray crystallography was the first method for structural determination of macromolecular complexes .

    最早用于研究生物大分子 分辨结构的是 X 射线 晶体学

  • Tao 's lab specializes in X-ray crystallography a powerful technique that can pinpoint the exact location of every atom in a biomacromolecule or a large biomacromolecular assembly .

    的实验室的专业方向是 X线 晶体 成像,这是一种功能强大的技术,可以准确定位生物大分子或者生物大分子集合中每个原子的位置。

  • Understanding of the supramolecular structure of its inclusion complexes is the basis of its research and application . X-ray crystallography is the most precise technique to explore the detail intermolecular interaction .

    了解环糊精包结物的超分子结构是其理论研究和实际应用的基础,在各种 结构 表征 方法中, X- 射线 单晶 衍射是最有效的手段,它可以提供分子间相互作用最详细的 结构信息。

  • Structural genomics and X-ray crystallography automation

    结构基因组学与 X- 射线 晶体 衍射的研究进展

  • In order to obtain precise three-dimensional structural information and absolute configuration the single-crystal structures of three compounds were determined by X-ray crystallography . 2 .

    另外有三个化合物通过单晶 衍射得到了三维立体结构和绝对构型。

  • A review is first given of the background of Laue ′ s discover which gave rise to two branches of science X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography .

    文章从劳厄发现 晶体 X 射线 衍射的前因后果谈起.劳厄的这个发现产生了两个新学科,即X射线谱学和 X 射线 晶体学

  • All of them have been structurally characterized by elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray crystallography .

    应用 X- 射线单晶衍射等手段对这些配合物的结构进行了表征。

  • This observation is consistent with the molecular model established on the basis of X-ray crystallography data .

    这个结论与在 X- 射线 晶体学数据的基础上建立的分子模型相一致。

  • The tertiary structure of a protein is experimentally determined ( solved ) predominantly by a method called X-ray Diffraction or X-ray Crystallography .

    蛋白质的三级结构是以实验方式确定(求解)的,主要采用名为X-rayDiffraction或 X-ray Crystallography的方法。

  • There is a long way to go to solve phase problem in electron crystallography because of its short history compared to that of X-ray crystallography .

    电子晶体学的发展历史比 X- 射线 晶体学的历史要短 很多,因此相位问题还远远没有解决。

  • The functions of RNA moleculars in biology are mostly determined by its three-dimensional structure which can be observed by experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy . However experimental investigations often suffer from the challenge in technique cost and other difficulties .

    RNA的生物学功能很大程度上决定于其三维空间结构。空间结构一般通过 X 射线 晶体 衍射和核磁共振等实验方法获得,但是实验方法技术难度高、耗资大且并非总是可行。

  • In this paper the necessary discussion and extension are made on the standardized definite integral definition of joint probability of neighborhood theory in direct methods of X-ray crystallography .

    X光 晶体学直接法中的毗邻理论联合概率标准化定积分的定义做了必要的讨论和扩充。

  • The structures of isinglass and its preparation were ( identified by ) IR spectrum and X-ray crystallography .

    对微化处理前后的云母进行IR光谱和 X- 射线 晶体 衍射 测定

  • Especially the absolute configuration of four compounds was further determined by X-ray crystallography . 2 .

    其中4个化合物经 X- 射线 单晶 衍射,进一步确定了 它们的绝对构型。

  • The suitable single crystal of Cu ( PMEP-SAL ) w_2274 4.H2O was successfully obtained by means of solvent diffusion . The crystal structure was determined by X-ray crystallography .

    为了进一步确定配合物的结构,运用溶剂扩散法培养了Cu(PMEP-SAL)w_23124.H2O晶体,通过单晶 X 射线 衍射确定了其绝对结构。

  • In modern biological structure research the most widely used methods are X-ray crystallography 2D-nuclear magnetic resonance and cryo-electron microscopy .

    在现代生物学研究中,最常用的方法包括 X 射线 晶体学、二维核磁共振(2D-NMR)和低温冷冻电镜。

  • The complete tertiary structure ( a unique three-dimensional shape ) has been determined by crystallization of pure protein for a few globular proteins and by elaborate use of X-ray crystallography .

    通过几种球形蛋白纯蛋白质的结晶和精确的使用 x射线 结晶学确定了完整的三级结构(一个独特的三维形状)。

  • The title compound was synthesized and characterized by IR and X-ray crystallography .

    报道了标题化合物的合成,其结构经X- 射线 衍射分析得到了表征。

  • As late as the 1980s he says X-ray crystallography was a difficult field . Now a young person can do it quickly .

    他说,迟至1980年代, X 射线 晶体学都还是一个很难的领域,现在一个年轻人就可以很快做好。

  • X-ray crystallography can provide complete protein crystal structure information but it requires high-quality single crystal samples which is difficult to get .

    X- 射线 晶体 衍射 虽然能够提供完整的蛋白质晶体结构信息,但它要求高质量的单晶样品,且存在实验过程复杂、 时较长 缺点

  • In x-ray crystallography crystals of protein are bombarded with intense x-ray beams .

    X 射线 结晶中用强脉冲X射线束轰击蛋白晶体。