write off as

[raɪt ɔf æz][rait ɔf æz]


  • Most who write off bullfighting as a cruel and unjustifiable sport generally know very little about what actually takes place in a corrida an afternoon series of fights in which six bulls are killed .

    多数 轻易 斗牛描绘成 一种惨无人道的运动的人,通常对在一个下午连续几场的斗牛中,有 六头牛被杀死这种实际的情况知之甚少。

  • His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed

    批评他的人不 回事, 认为他太 谨慎,不能成事。

  • It 's easy to write off President Obama 's announcement of his support for gay marriage as a political ploy during an election year . But don 't believe the cynics representatives from the news magazine told Politico in a statement about the article .

    该杂志的代表在有关这篇文章的声明中告诉政客新闻网:在总统大选之年, 奥巴马总统表态支持同性恋 写成 政治策略很容易,但不要相信这些愤世嫉俗的人们的言论。

  • It 's easy to write him off as just an eccentric old bore .

    干脆 看成是个古怪的讨厌家伙 他, 完了吗。

  • They 've stopped the project and will write this off as part of the growing pains of a new organization .

    他们已经 叫停并将 取消该项目,将其 视作新机构发展过程中必须经历的一种痛楚。

  • He lost this match but don 't write him off as a future champion .

    他输了这场比赛,但不要 以为他以后 不了冠军。

  • Therefore if you want to write a somewhat longer program you are better off using a text editor to prepare the input for the interpreter and running it with that file as input instead .

    所以,如果你想 一个能保存长一点的程序,你 最好使用一个文本编辑器保存这些代码,把保存好的文件 作为Python解释器的输入。

  • It is tempting to write this off as just another cyclical peak .

    人们 认为,这不过是又一个周期性顶点。

  • These people are difficult to write off as malingering employees .

    很难 这些人简单地 看作 装病怠工的员工。

  • This is why many observers write off other companies as also-rans .

    这也是为什么许多观察人士 其他手机公司一概 归入失败者的行列。

  • It is no secret that during the financial crisis companies did not write off as much goodwill as they probably should have .

    有一点并不是什么秘密,那就是在金融危机期间,企业 核销的商誉( goodwill)很可能低于它们应该核销的金额。

  • The group has said that it might have to write off as much as $ 19bn of bad debts .

    该集团表示,它可能不得不减 190亿美元的不良债务。

  • If it 's a small amount we write it off as a bad debt .

    如果金额小,就 作为坏账 注销

  • Now there was an effort to write him off as soon as possible .

    现在已经有人想 尽快 一脚 出去

  • ( After Monday of course . ) Many people write off their Fridays as a non-productive close to their week .

    (当然要 万恶的星期一之后。)许多人都认为周五 一周结束前最没效率的一天。

  • You 'll just have to write it off as a useful experience .


  • I have an idea for a novel that I don 't want to write myself but perhaps a reader might like to take it off my hands as a jolly summer venture .

    我有一个想法,可以用来 篇小说,但我不愿自己去 动笔。不过,也许会有某位读者想 拿去试试,就算 夏季里一次愉快的探险经历。

  • I 'll write that off as a youthful indiscretion .


  • I don 't care if the critics write me off as concerned with only being popular . what 's wrong with that ?

    我不介意评论家们 我只是为了出名。这有什么 不妥

  • The world should not write off the eurozone the European Central Bank president said yesterday as a surge in German exports highlighted Europe 's economic resilience .

    欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)行长昨天表示,世界不应该 一笔勾销欧元区。 昨日数据显示德国出口猛增,突显欧洲的经济韧性。

  • In the mean while it shall write off the relevant deposited-in reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill .

    同时,按照账单 标明的返还 上期扣存分保保证金转 相关存入分保保证金。

  • Those who wanted to write him off as a right-wing Republican were disabused by the variety of radical causes he championed .

    有人曾想 弗里德曼 贬低 右翼共和党人,但弗里德曼对各种激进事业的拥护,使他们打消了念头。

  • It 's too soon to write off the whole consultation process as a failure

    现在就 认定整个磋商过程不成功而 想要 放弃还为时过早。