transfer admittance

[trænsˈfɚ ædˈmɪtn:s][trænsˈfə: ædˈmɪtns]


  • For parallel connection by ports of linear time-invariant and initial slack multi-terminal networks the effect on network transfer function is analyzed by using indefinite admittance matrix .

    应用不定 导纳矩阵,对线性、非时变、初始松驰的任意端接网络按端口并联,分析了网络 转移函数所受的影响。

  • The calculation of the Transfer Function of the Integrated Analogue Four-Quadrant CMOS Multiplier by using the Indefinite Admittance Matrix of Two Phase Switched Capacitor Circuit

    利用未定 导纳矩阵计算二相位开关电容模拟四象限乘法器的 传输函数&乘法特性

  • The giant system installation capacity of the above four power grids makes the inter-area transfer admittance much smaller which puts the inter-area oscillation frequency lower and leads to the appearance of ultra low frequency oscillation .

    同时阐明系统容量对区间联系导纳的 影响,在我国四大电网联网时由于系统容量较大,使得区间联系 导纳较小,进而导致区间振荡频率较低,出现了超低频现象。