transfer moulding

[trænsˈfɚ ˈmoldɪŋ][trænsˈfə: ˈməuldiŋ]


  • Study on low viscosity epoxy resin system specialized in resin transfer moulding technology

    树脂 传递 模塑工艺专用低粘度环氧树脂体系研究

  • In this study systematic investigation on influence of processing variables on the tensile strength and resin fiber interface of composite prepared by resin transfer moulding process was carried out .

    本文系统研究了工艺参数对由树脂 传递 模塑 成型的复合材料的拉伸强度和树脂-纤维界面的影响。

  • Through applying a liquid modified aromatic amine as curing agent for epoxy resin a high performance resin matrix system for resin transfer moulding ( RTM ) was derived .

    选用一种液体改性芳香胺为环氧树脂的固化剂,得到了一种适合于树脂 传递 模塑(RTM)的高性能树脂体系。

  • Riviera has introduced a light Resin Transfer Moulding ( RTM ) process for small fiberglass parts that allows the production of greater volume of such parts in a sustainable and repeatable process .

    里维埃拉针对小型的纤维玻璃配件引进了轻型树脂 传递 模塑流程,可在一个可持续和可重复的过程中进行这类零件的批量生产。

  • Compress and extrusion transfer moulding and liquid mould forging forming technology are similar .

    模压与挤压、 传递 模塑与液态模锻成形技术具有很大的相似性。

  • Resin Transfer Moulding ( RTM ) process is one of the fastest developing process for producing composite materials reasonable process parameters guarantee the quality of the products .

    树脂传递模塑成型( Resin Transfer MouldingRTM)工艺是 目前复合材料制造工艺中发展速度最快的工艺之一,合理的工艺参数是保证 RTM制品质量的关键。

  • Study on FEP Transfer Moulding Process

    FEP 传递 模塑 成型工艺的研究

  • Development of high performance epoxy resin system for resin transfer moulding

    适用于 RTM 成型的高性能环氧树脂体系的研制

  • Technology of High Performance Composite Resin Transfer Moulding

    高性能复合材料树脂 传递 技术( RTM)研究

  • Resin Transfer Moulding ( RTM ) is an established process for manufacturing polymer matrix composites with low cost and high benefit .

    树脂 传递 模塑 (RTM)是一种低成本、效益好的复合材料成型工艺。

  • Mould manufacturing technology for resin transfer moulding

    RTM 检查 井盖用复合材料模具的制作技术

  • Study on properties of matrix resins and carbon fiber composites for resin transfer moulding

    一种适合于树脂 传递 模塑 成型 工艺的树脂基体及其碳纤维复合材料性能