transform processing


  • In this method based on the fact that the modulus maximums of the noise wavelet transform reduce dramatically with the increase of the scale the coefficients of wavelet transform are processing using the method of space-shield filtering .

    在该方法中,根据噪声信号小波变换的极大值随尺度的加大而显著减少的特点,将一种基于多尺度分析的空间屏蔽滤波法用于对 小波系数进行 处理

  • It is a new mathematical tool used in image processing after the wavelet transform image processing method . It becomes an important method in the field of image processing .

    它是继小波 变换图像 处理方法之后另一新型用于图像处理的数学工具,成为图像处理领域的重要方法。

  • Transform domain processing is a simple and practical method for interference suppressing . Its FPGA implementation is very important for its practical application .


  • The Match Fourier Transform Processing of Reverse Order Data

    数据倒序匹配付里叶 变换 处理

  • Chapter 9 and chapter 10 studies on the system transform by processing dynamic analysis including the macro-economic background and condition and effect and discuss the vertical equilibrium and how to gain the equilibrium .

    第九章、第十章对上海城镇养老保险制度 转轨 进行了动态分析, 分析了制度转轨的宏观经济背景和 改革条件,并就如何寻求横向的制度均衡进行了数值模拟。

  • Application of wavelet transform to processing the arrival time of acoustic emission waves

    小波 变换用于声发射波波达时间的研究

  • Analyzing the Essence of Wavelet Transform for Processing Chemical Signal

    化学信号小波 变换的本质分析

  • The holography interferometry and Abel transform processing method are studied .

    研究了火焰温度场的全息干涉测量方法和Abel 变换 处理方法。

  • Secondly in order to enlarge the detection region of the text font a multi-scale transform processing algorithm is proposed .

    字体 管理的方法其次,在文本的定位中,采用多 尺度 定位算法增大字体的检测范围;

  • Ultrasonic Guided Wave Signal Analysis Based on Wavelet and Wigner-Ville Transform Processing

    基于小波变换及Wigner-Ville 变换 方法的超声导波信号分析

  • Before may adjust an axle to transform the processing thickness .

    可调节前道轨 变换 加工厚度。

  • Online Monitor and Diagnosis of Brake System Fault of Hoist and Study of Method of Wavelet Transform Signal Processing

    提升机制动系统故障在线监测诊断与小波 变换信号 处理方法

  • Comparative study of the real-time and off-line Fourier transform processing had been carried out to select off-line Fourier transform as data processing methods .

    比较研究了傅里叶 变换实时在线 过程和离线 处理 过程,并选择离线傅里叶变换为本研究的操作方法。

  • Correct the original remote sensing image data integrate pre-processing reduce noise by wavelet transform data processing . 3 .

    对遥感影像原始数据进行校正,融合预处理,采用小波 变换对数据进行压缩降噪 处理

  • Continuum Based Fast Fourier Transform Processing of Infrared Spectrum

    基于连续统快速傅里叶 变换的红外光谱 处理 技术

  • Wavelet Transform Processing for AE Signals of Fiber-Rubber Diaphragm Failure

    橡胶夹布膜片损伤声发射信号的 小波 识别

  • Wavelet transform signal processing : determination of the processing parameters in ultrasonic flaw detection

    超声缺陷检测中小波 变换信号 处理的参数确定

  • In the process of data fusion the representation transform and processing of data must be modelled which includes models of signal noise transducer data transform and fusion .

    在数据融合过程中建模包括信号模型、噪声模型、 变换器模型、数据变换模型以及融合模型。

  • Wavelet transform is a remote sensing image processing technology in an important technology how to use wavelet transform image processing of remote sensing image processing technology in a broad application prospects .

    小波变换是遥感 图像处理技术中的一项重要技术,如何利用小波 变换 技术遥感图像进行处理是在图像处理技术中有着广泛的应用前景。

  • In light with Bouguer gravity data various informations on faults were obtained by means of analytical continuation target field extraction arbitrary horizontal direction derivative processing and discrete wavelet transform processing .

    根据黄海及周边地区的布格重力资料,通过解析延拓、目标场提取、任意水平方向导数计算、离散小波 变换处理,得到各种有关断裂的信息。

  • Specific include the Determine of MCA redundant dictionary image decomposition use wavelet transform to processing the sparse of the cartoon part .

    具体包括确定MCA的冗余字典、图像分解、稀疏结构小波 变换并进行阈值 处理

  • This architecture is suitable for the transform processing with real-time 1080P HD video codec design of four mainstream video coding standards . The static reconfiguration is for different standards while the dynamic reconfiguration is for forward and inverse transform .

    该多 变换结构可应用于4种主流标准的实时1080P高清视频编解码 处理,实现不同标准下的静态重构以及正反变换的动态重构。

  • The paper presents to enhance the accuracy of rocket aviation tracking data processing in launching site by applying the Wavelet transform to processing of rocket launching trajectory data measured based on the real launching experiment .

    以提高火箭飞行测量数据处理精度为主要目的,结合弹道 处理的实际,将 小波 理论运用于火箭弹道测量数据的分析。

  • The Functions of Wavelet Transform in Processing of Remote Sensing Digital Images

    小波 变换在遥感数字图像 处理中的作用

  • Slave-computer ( oil tank monitor ) fulfils liquid-level signal acquisition and transmission by connecting to optical fiber liquid-level sensors which is installed in oil tank bottom realizes liquid-level data high speed transform and processing using DSP ;

    该系统采用集散式监控模式,下位机油罐监测器通过光纤与安装在油罐底部的光纤液位传感器连接,完成了油罐液位信号的采集和传输,并利用DSP技术完成液位数据的实时高速 转换 处理

  • The model can reflect the transform processing of water balance in the field scale .

    模型能反映稻田水量平衡 转化 过程

  • This paper addresses itself to the development and application of a τ - p transform processing module ( TAUP ) with the emphasis on the performance in suppressing linear interferences .

    本文介绍τ-p 变换 处理模块TAUP的应用开发结果,主要侧重在其压制线性干扰方面。

  • Camera worked in low-light conditions in order to get clear image and extract image feature dust brush gray transform processing adaptive filter technology was developed .

    针对煤矿低照度条件下使用了自动防尘刷,并采用了灰度 分段 处理,自适应滤波器技术,以保证图像清晰,可有效提取监控对象的特征。

  • KL transform image processing of geochemical exploration data and its application in the study of metallogenic regularity of gold deposit

    化探数据K-L 变换图像 分析及其在金矿成矿规律研究中的应用

  • Continuous Wavelet Transform and Processing Implementation by Log - Domain Circuits

    基于对数域的连续小波 变换 处理电路