transformation rule

[ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən rul][ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən ru:l]


  • This paper is aiming at studying main leadership roles and the role transformation rule of virtual team .

    本文针对虚拟团队的主要领导角色及其多种领导角色的 转换 机制进行研究。

  • Want to reduce and control the concentration of ammonia nitrogen of urban river the first to know the transfer and transformation rule of ammonia nitrogen .

    了解氨氮在河流中的迁移 转化 特征,对降低并控制城市河流中氨氮的浓度具有重要的意义。

  • Through KASS analysis calculation acquire the transformation rule of front wheel location parameter and steering error of McPherson suspension and steering system .

    通过KASS程序分析计算,得出麦弗逊悬架和转向系统的前轮定位参数及转向误差的 变换 规律

  • Giving four statistics of the agent processes which work on the network elements and defining the transformation rule designing arithmetic of data-collecting and data - transmiting ;

    根据网元工作的实际情况,给出了性能管理模块网元代理进程在整个生存期的4种状态以及其状态 转换图,设计 网元代理进程处理数据采集和发送的算法;

  • Transformation Rule of Connecting Group Grade of Three-Phase Transformer

    三相变压器联接组别标号的 变化 规律

  • It indicates that as the changes of gastric mucous from normal to excess and then to deficiency syndrome the cell apoptosis increases which confirms to the transformation rule of excess and deficiency syndrome . 4 .

    说明从正常胃粘膜、实证到虚证的发展过程,细胞凋亡逐步增多,符合中医 虚实证候 发展 一般 规律

  • The moving and transformation rule of moisture in Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum ( SPAC ) is the fundamental problem of modern agriculture research . And water-saving agriculture system is combined of that and water-saving irrigation which is the basic way to achieve regulation of high-efficiency agriculture water use .

    土壤植物大气连续体(Soil-Plant-AtmosphereContinuum,简称SPAC)中水分运移、 转化 规律是现代节水农业研究的基本问题,它与节水灌溉技术结合起来构成节水农业系统,是实现农业高效用水调控的基本途径。

  • By the fitting of linear relativity between chromatographic peak area and bitter taste the distribution pattern and transformation rule of bitter peptides were found and a preliminary chromatographic testing system for the obscure sensory index-bitterness was advanced .

    通过色谱峰面积和苦味感的线性相关性拟合,从中找出苦味物质在色谱上的分布和 变化 规律,并由此提出苦味这一模糊指标的色谱评判体系。

  • Transformation rule and effect of vibration reducing are discussed in the frequency locking region .

    初步讨论了稳态周期锁频响应区域和附近的消振效果及其 变化 规律

  • Chemistry takes natural sciences it stresses on the research material composition the structure and the performance relations as well as material transformation rule and regulative method .

    化学作为一门自然科学,它侧重于研究物质的组成、结构和性能的关系,以及物质 转化 规律和调控的手段。

  • Unified the information standard on the foundation of Ministry of Education in view of each semantic conflict type we used the concept of metadata described mapping from the unified information standard to semantics definition of various data sources and defined mapping transformation rule .

    在教育部统一信息标准的基础上,针对各种语义冲突类型,引入元数据的概念,描述统一的信息标准到各数据源语义定义的映射,并制定映射 转换 规则

  • A Discussion on Efficiency of Transformation Base Rule of Simplex Method


  • The above mentioned factors analyzed in accordance with the production practice and the stress strain transformation rule during the manufacture of UOE welded pipe thereby the basis is given to establish the yield strength value of plate adjust and optimize the pipe manufacture process parameter .

    根据UOE制管过程中应力-应变的 变化 规律和生产实际分析了上述因素,从而为制定钢板的屈服强度值及调整优化制管工艺参数提供了依据。

  • Based on the transformation rule the transformation of B requirements model to PIM could be realized .

    基于该 转换 规则,可实现B需求模型向PIM的模型转换。

  • Research on pollution transformation rule of MBR effluent in silt medium

    MBR工艺出水在粉土介质中的污染物 转化 规律研究

  • The migration and transformation process model about nitrogen and petroleum pollutants in soil-groundwater system were established and migration and transformation rule of the two pollutants in vadose zones were ascertained .

    建立了三氮与石油类污染物在土壤&地下水系统中的迁移转化过程模型,揭示了典型污染物在包气带的迁移 转化 规律

  • The main feature of the method is that it suits the synthesis system with no theorem prover . The concept the complete set of transformation rule ' is put forward .

    本方法主要特点是适用于不带证明器的综合系统,为此提出了完备 变换 规则组概念及相应的一套综合过程。

  • Structure transformation rule of ECAP-deformed low carbon steel

    珠光体钢的ECAP 变形ECAP变形低碳钢的组织变化 规律

  • It is very important for commercial bank to grasp the factors that influence the credit card consumption and their transformation rule .

    研究信用卡消费信贷需求,把握影响需求的因素及其 变化 规律更有利于商业银行拓展其信用卡消费信贷业务。

  • The transformation rule of diameter of droplets between cooling rate and undercooling can be analyzed in drop tube .

    对落管中冷却速率和过冷度随液滴直径的 变化 规律进行了分析。

  • The template method is chiefly used the various program code generating Mapping rule is the transformation rule which between model and code .

    模板方法主要用于各种程序代码生成;映射规则是模型和代码间的 转换 规则

  • Experimental Research on Pollutant Migration and Transformation Rule in Sewage Land Processing

    污水的土地处理中污染物迁移 转化 规律的试验研究

  • To accurately analyze the self-purification contents of water body at first we need to set up the interrelation model of the pollutants and water body and then we can analyze the migration transformation rule of the pollutants in the water body .

    要实现对水体自净容量的准确分析,首先要建立污染物与水体之间的相互关系模型,在此模型基础上分析污染物在水体中的迁移 转化 规律

  • The main analysis content includes transformation rule of camber angle kingpin inclination angle caster angle toe in wheel grounding distance and steering error .

    主要分析内容有:车轮外倾角、车轮内倾角、主销后倾角、前束、轮距及转向误差的 变化 规律

  • Transformation rule of special steels was investigated by means of electronic microscope and full automatic phase transformation tester ( Formaster Digital ) .

    应用电子显微镜、FormasterDigital全自动相变仪研究了特殊钢 相变 规律

  • Namely transformation rule about dynamical stress and response under different depth of low embankment expressway on the action of traffic load was gained by studying foundation response under all kinds of situation such as different height different load and different rigidity of base of pavement .

    即对不同路堤高度、不同荷载、不同路面基层刚度等工况下的地基响应进行了数值计算,得出了低路堤高速公路在交通荷载作用下,不同深度范围内动应力和动响应的 变化 规律

  • This paper presents a model for OWL-S process model based on labelled Petri net and gives the transformation rule from process model to LPN . It utilise LPN analysis methods to analyze reachability of the obtained model and check whether there are deadlocks .

    提出了OWL-S过程模型的标签Petri网建模方法,给出了过程模型到LPN的 转换 规则,利用LPN分析方法对模型进行了可达性分析、死锁检测,能有效地检验过程模型描述的正确性。

  • Experimental Study on Migration and Transformation Rule of Salt Pollution for Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water

    再生水入渗过程中盐污染迁移 转化 规律模拟试验研究

  • The research of section transformation rule for groove ball ring in cold ring rolling

    沟球环件冷辗扩过程中截面 变化 规律

  • But much as with the flexibility of HaXml within any particular transformation rule you can embed arbitrary extra code .

    但是灵活性与HaXml相近,在任何具体的 转换 规则中都可以嵌套任意的额外代码。